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  1. Got a lot going on and thinking of Dropping both the 08 Venture Royale and the Roadstar Midnight. Or at least the Venture for a FJR 1300 2013 ES. It just seems it would fit me better the way I ride and where I ride. I have hung out with the Concours Owners Group on some rides and I just like the Ability of that bike but not the few drawbacks it has. Considered a Triumph but ditched that Idea (1200 no go) So far as I look the FJR 1300 is near as perfect as I can get for single, two up and towing. So before I let my beloved beast 2008 go that I have spent so much time outfitting and buying everything Carbon one has for it (LOL) I thought I might ask if anyone has owned both a Venture and a FJR 1300 Keep in mind I am going for the ES model for sure. So any suspension woes you had, don't mention it, that is fixed on the ES. EVEN if you KNOW someone who had the FJR 1300 chime in. I may be letting the Venture go, package deal, trailer and all. I have a crap load of spare parts! Even spare Bags and Wheels and Diff and Fenders, Hard to decide what goes between the Venture and the roadstar, but Think I like one water cooled and one air cooled so thinking of keeping the Midnight RoadStar. If the dealer was open today and had one, I might have bought one today. I know one drawback is going to be the seating position. Legs tuck under and pegs instead of boards. Ugh,
  2. The hips have arthritis, as do the neck and shoulders... too many years driving long haul trucks [45+yrs] The Venture was getting too heavy, so before any mishap I have changed bikes! A friend here wanted mine, and I wanted his...so we swapped I now ride an FJR Still consider myself a Venture rider, don't come in here much -- but I lurk LOL and get all the goings-on from Annie Stay safe everyone
  3. Hi everyone, I read somewhere on here about a guy using FJR rotors up front on his MKII. I have an 86' and all the rotors are shot. Specifically, which year FJR rotors fir? Has anyone bought the rear from perfectbrakes.com? In the process of delinking, overhauling the whole brake system. Trying to sift through all these different years of compatability. Thanks!
  4. Anyone here ride a FJR1300A? I am about to write a check for a new one; trading in my Harley. Also promised the boss I'd sell my 86 that I love so dearly. Just can't have two bikes anymore but the one I will own, will be the FJR. Any comments about the FJR will be greatly appreciated. Unless someone changes my mind, I'll have the FJR in my garage by Saturday.
  5. I too decided to leave the Venture behind after nearly 1 year. I tried with all my heart and sole to love this bike so I wouldn't be buying something else but it didn't work. The bike was great on the interstate, but due to the weight and top heavy feel it was not happy on the city streets. It was the most comfortable cruiser I have ridden. I did have a Royal Star Tour Deluxe in 1998 and a Road Star Silverado in 2001 and a Road King Classic in 2007. Out of these cruisers the RSV is the most comfortable. In 2007 I bought an FJR and was in heaven for 2 years. I told my wife I wouldn't ride anymore. Sold it and didn't ride for 1 year then begged to buy another FJR in 2009. I couldn't find anything except a Concours 14 ABS. I bought it but was never happy with it like I was with the FJR. Front brake rotors had to be replaced under warranty and then after 2,000 miles they started grabbing once more. I then traded it on the 2011 RSV. Thought I would be happy, but I couldn't take it. I like the nimbleness of the FJR and it being so much lighter and easier to handle. I find myself so excited about riding again. I think if I had never riden the FJR I would have been ok. It simply spoiled me! Thanks for all the help and answering the few questions that I had. I did enjoy being on this forum and having questions answered without me even asking. Elcorbs
  6. Hey guys, I rode this Rally last weekend on my '86 VR. It was up against modern bikes ... BMW, FJR, ST1300 etc. Ignore the politics on this site and just enjoy the story ... It was fun http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/09/27/1020374/-Red-Dirt-on-My-Tires-aka-I-Went-to-McAlester-and-Burst-a-Balloon!
  7. Well , I finally got rid of the FJR 1300 It was evident that I would loose my licence or even slide down the asphalt. Im going back to my old roots in the fast lane where you can't get ticketed at any speed HYDROSTREAM HST 21 Footer with 235 hp
  8. Just want to confirm before I start investing money in this project. I want to get Vmax gearing in my RSV and the Vmax final drives are too damned costly. Found a few FJR setups that are far more reasonable. Nice thing is they also don't have the shock stud to worry about. Can anyone confirm the FJR final drive will work? Thanks for any and all info!! Frank
  9. "Yamaha Motor Corp. is recalling certain FJR 1300s due to defects in the vehicles’ electrical systems. The potential number of vehicles affected is 9,850. FJR 1300s manufactured from February 2006 through March 2009 could have potential issues with ground joint connectors. The company says that the ground joint connector of the wire harness can overheat, become deformed, and possibly lead to malfunctioning ignition systems and other electrical components. Yamaha dealers are being asked to install an additional wire sub-lead or install a new main wire harness free of charge. For more information, call Yamaha at 800-962-7926." Rut row. Not good.
  10. Yamaha are looking at taking on the Kawasaki 1400GTR in a big way by launching an updated FJR – the FJR1400 – towards the end of this year. Apart from its 1400cc inline-four, the new FJR is expected to get bits like the latest-generation anti-lock brakes, traction control and a semi-automatic gearbox that offers clutchless gear shifts.
  11. Who Will it be Gary N or Swifty???
  12. I decided to run with Shell V-Power High Test ($1.43L)($6.50 a Gallon)gas I found that the FJR ran much smoother than my other Brand The Overall average for Gas Mileage was 54.94 mpg with speeds min of 118kph/73,23 mph to a top end of 173kph /107.43 mph and this is a guy who weighs 255 lbs and lots of gear ( IM IMPRESSED) The FJR holds 25 litres or 5,5 gallons of full travelling at 120 kph or 74.54 mph before hitting reserve I used 19.7 litres or 4.33 gallons of Fuel I managed to get 374.2kms or 232.4 miles
  13. As I am in Australia, product information is sometimes difficult if not impossible to get. I find that I can not rely on the glossy brocures and the dealers that I have contacted generally do not have the user information that I require. IT seems that their main interest is only to sell you something, and subsequently let you find out for yourself. So here is the guts of this post I am thinking about an upgrade from my old faithfull 1996 Royal Star, and have wondered if anyone has had the opportunity to test ride the latest, or any other version, of the FJR 1300. I would be most interested to hear their impressions about:322: this machine. And Also possibly what changes and or upgrades has Yamaha done over the last few models. In other words would any one recommend any particular model or year. Do you know of any glaring, obvious or not, faults or things to watch out for with this run of motorcycle. Any comment or feedback will be very appreciated. Thanks in anticapation of your comments. Winston66
  14. Is there an advantage in using a rear gear assembly from and FJR vs a Vmax? What about the speedo sensor?
  15. Own a FJR?
  16. My 2006 FJR 1300 which is fuel injected does not have a Fuel Filter
  17. Snow 75% Gone , No ice fishing , no snowmobiling, etc Wanted to take the FJR for a ride But it was raining to hard
  18. They are spraying liquid salt on the roads now
  19. I've owned a lot of scoots that top end was reached But the FJR its how fast it get there and its no comparision to a Crotch rocket,and I dont even want to try one either Today I reached the max what the throttle can give "Oh what A Feeling What A Rush" How can you look at the speedo at that speed ,ll I noticed that the dash Lines was belonging Solid ths was done one a old abondoned highway Yes The Deer and Moose were on my mind when I was travelling at that .. whats scary is the adrealin Rush I enjoyed it I really like travelling fast on a motorcycle, Boat and Snowmachine Yet I wont travel over a 100mph on a car ...." GO Figure???
  20. The Temperature going to be in double digits for the next few days Going to take advantage of these days on my FJR :dancefool:zoom zoom
  21. I have had the opportunity this past week to try out my friends 2009 Honda St 1300 . while he tryed out my FJR 1300 I'll make this real short We both came to a conclusion that The FJR is a true.......Sport Touring Scoot.... 90%- Sport,,,, 10% Touring While The Honda St 1300 Is a Touring Sport....90% Touring.....10% Sport,
  22. According to a report on Moto Revue, Yamaha are looking at taking on the Kawasaki 1400GTR in a big way by launching an updated FJR – the FJR1400 – towards the end of this year. Apart from its 1400cc inline-four, the new FJR is expected to get bits like the latest-generation anti-lock brakes, traction control and a semi-automatic gearbox that offers clutchless gear shifts.
  23. I've waited a long time, but I brought it home today... New FJR AE...... Sweet
  24. :bang head: And whats the Next Best Thing other than a 1st Gen..... It's A 2006 Yamaha FJR 1300 Need I say More,, I went to the darker side of Dark Yes No More 2nd GEN
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