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  1. I hope having sidecars added to the forum title is welcome - the styling choices and motivations of trikers and sidecarists may be different, but lots of the technical challenges will be similar. There aren't a lot of kits available to fit sidecars to ventures, so unless you make your own subchassis, you have to hunt around a bit for places to mount to, not least because the seat and panniers attach to a bolt-on sub frame which is quite narrow tubing. I didn't think it suitable for attaching fittings to. (Unlike bikes which have twin shocks, where the tubing around the top has to be more substantial.) Either way, I took some pictures for someone who asked how I sorted my sidecar fittings and would be interested in knowing how other people achieved the same aims. Bear in mind that I'm in the UK, so the sidecar is fitted on the left. Also I fitted it several years ago, so excuse the grotty paintwork. This is a view of the fittings between my 1983 VR and Squire QM1 sidecar: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontview.jpg I was a little worried about the stiffness of having all the mounts so far forward, so used three fittings at the back, but it was also because I could double triangulate across from the sidecars two chassis rails. Here you can see the bottom two fittings: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/triangulatedrearlowermount.jpg And here they are again from above http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/rearmountsfromabove.jpg I used a box clamp on the sidecar frame to have some forwards/backwards rigidity. I felt that I needed a good strong fitting on the left of the bike that would prevent there being any movement / flex when cornering, so I replaced the footrest hanger with a steel plate I could weld two eyebolts to. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/footrestplate.jpg There was a couple of inches of tube that I could squeeze a clamp onto, so that sorted the rear top mount on the bike. At the front I had the conventional two fittings. I couldn't manage a clamp on the lower front bike fitting, so I used a female eyebolt onto an engine mounting bolt. I used an extra plate to spread the load, but in retrospect I'm not sure it makes much difference. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontbottombike.jpg At the top there is even less space so I had to make up a frame clamp - an eyebolt welded to a piece of plate, with holes drilled to accept U-shaped exhaust clamps. They never fail to amaze me just how durable these clamps are - much stronger than we have any right to expect. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/fronttopbike.jpg The mounts to the sidecar are not unusual on the front, but the bottom is the box clamp and gives some rigidity, the other is only there to stop the bike flexing towards the sidecar. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/venture/frontmountssidecar.jpg There's another fitting at the back, which to be honest I mainly put on because I liked the way it swept around the pannier, so I've not shown it. Not necessarily the best way of doing it, but it has worked for me for several years and twenty thousand miles, mostly pulling either a camping trailer or a trailer tent, usually with luggage. Hope it's of some interest.
  2. Does anyone know of a source for the air fittings on an '06 fork?
  3. i had enough. decided to remove class. controller kept showing e4, no matter how many time i checked and resolder joints. no matter how many times i cleaned connections and checked wiring. no matter how many times i yelled at it. it just is junk. so off to the hardware stores i went! first, removed class compressor at 2 air line bolts. unhooked wiring, and junked it. then cut off old fittings. tapered air hose about 1/2 inch to get compression fittings on easier. cut off taper for clean look. used locktite 545 (hydraulic) to assemble fittings. did for both sides. i wasnt sure which was for which, so i put air in sloooowly. front of bike jumped into air and nearly scared me to death! set at 15psi. next rear( i only know its rear because of previous near-death experience). set at 52psi. im 220lbs. price of parts: $17.00 time took: 2 hrs(newbie, take it easy people) being able to cancel fitting for straight-jacket: priceless.
  4. I am trying to figure out the wire size for the rear lights.... I think they are 16 gauge..... Just want to make sure I get the correct fittings for tying in the Hoppy isolator Thanks, Robert C.
  5. Hi I recently bought a new trunk and it came without lock or fittings. I was checking Pinwall on Ebay but cannot figure out what pieces i need to buy in order to finish my trunk. I was wondering if anyone had some pic's of the inside of their trunk that they could share? It would help me visualise what I need to buy. The previous owner had a complete set of Givi luggage installed and I would like to replace those. I hope someone can help me regards Eddie in sunnybutbroke Ireland
  6. Ponch sent me a chrome oil fittings to replace the ugly brass fittings. Thanks Ponch, looks good to me.
  7. sleepy2

    rad fit

    Are rads from 83-85 interchangeable to a 87 1300? Hose fittings / drain petcock etc.
  8. Well I thought I had sold someone a sidecar chassis - quite happy to make space in the garage, although I do hate seeing my sidecar fittings go - although I realised that I would be left with even more sidecar chassis-es (? plural?) than I thought I had. Ah well - he rings me up and says that someone has made him a better offer and would I come and look at it with him ! As I'm not ever going to make much money in business I obviously said yes and went over with the outfit and the trailer (which was for sale on Ebay but didn't.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEUSX:IT&item=180306957313 ) It was a 1960s (?) Watsonian Ascot with most of the fittings, just not the ones for the bike. I'm going to give him a week or two to see how he gets on and then help with the bits he can't do. He seemed to think it would take about an hour ..... The guy selling it had had it for years and was involved with the London Sidecar Club, but dropped out about the time I joined ten or twelve years ago. Anyway, I know how people love slightly odd pictures, so here they are. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/sidecar/DSCF0080.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/sidecar/DSCF0081.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh10/greg_in_london/sidecar/DSCF0083.jpg
  9. hey fellow first gen riders......I amsure you have covered this a few dozen times but i am fairly new to venture bikes. my back shock holds pressure but my front leaks down. i have checked for leaks and have not found any yet. I have looked on the old post and could not find what i was looking for. Are there other things besides air leaks in the line or fittings. thanks in advance for any suggestions on this matter. On the lighter side I got to do a little riding this week and carried the better half along. She is fairly new to the experence and i think i have her a new nick name "squirmy" She will kill me when she finds out i told you guys lol. thanks for the help guys. steve:7_6_3[1]:
  10. I've seen a few places that sell kits, but I'd like to get some stainless lines that aren't necessarily standard. Anyone know of a place that sells open stock of stainless lines of various sizes with banjo fittings (reasonably priced ideally) so I can make up my own set(s) or replace pieces as budget allows?
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