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  1. Ok so being that my New2Me 91 VR has only 6700 miles, I decided to drain the gas tank. Being that I had a heck of time doing that with my 89VR at the fuel filter, I decided it would be easier to do it at the Fuel Off/On switch on my 91VR. So I removed the hose clamp and then broke some of the seal from the rubber to the brass fitting, the hose would not come off. So I pried and pried at the hose until it finally came out. Well what came out was the brass fitting from the fuel Off/No switch. With some more digging the brass fitting finally broke loose from the hose. Well on the brass fitting there were some hose particles. Which means that I will need to clip off the end of the hose where the pieces of hose came off. I took some steel wool and got the rubber off the brass fitting. I drained the tank by using a 2 ft long fuel line and put it over the one end of the brass fitting and then gently placed the other end back into the fuel Off/On switch. Then drained the gas into the can. So now I need to get the brass fitting back into the Fuel Off/On switch. Now all the while draining the tank I only pushed and held the brass fitting into the Fuel switch and not a single drop of fuel leaked from the brass fitting. The brass fitting only went in a little bit and has more room to go into the fuel switch. My though is that I should be able to use some permatex gasket sealer (used on fuel sending units) and then press it all the way back into the fuel Off/On switch. So my question is, does my fix seem workable, or is there a better fix?
  2. As one who many years ago had the speedometer squeal about scare me to death and then not do it again until I was 400 miles from home, I think I have a good fix. First of all, the only way to do it right is get grease INTO the bearing area where the cable goes into the housing. In the past, I would take the speedometer out of the dash and try to get grease way down in the inside and hope enough grease got around the bearing, and it usually did, but not always and it was a bit of a PITA. I went to Lowe's and got an 1/4 inch pipe cap, which screws several threads on to the back of the speedometer. I drilled and tapped a hole to accept a grease fitting. I screw the cap on finger tight, as this is a pipe thread fitting, and pump in grease. You will need to get most of the grease out of the cable hole so the cable will go in. What you are trying to do is get grease around the center piece where the cable goes. The cable hole is a blind hole(not a thru hole) so the pressurized grease goes between the center piece and housing. I did it on an old speedometer I had and it made it smoother. By doing it this way, you do not have to take the dash out, just take the cable housing off and screw on the fitting. I bought a tray of grease fittings from Harbor Freight a while back and it has different angle fittings if the straight one does not work best. I will attach some pics. RandyA
  3. What is the fitting you can see if you look down between the handlebars and the fake tank shroud on the right side? Looks like an air fitting? Anybody know?
  4. I'm stuck at work with an overheating 97 Tour Classic. The top drain plug p/n 1AA-12561-00-00 has broken off in the radiator and leaks coolant. The poor thing overheats after only a couple of miles and I don't have the tools to remove it with me so I'll be taking a few breaks on the ride home. I would like to replace it with something other than the stock plastic one. Does anyone know the size and thread of what's there so I can can find brass fitting to put in its place?
  5. Who has a Vmax rear end ready with speedo fitting for a 2nd gen available?
  6. Has anyone tried the split mirrors? The ebay link below shows an example of what I am talking about. So far I have only found them to fit a Harley. It seems like it would add a lot of extra viewing area. Has anyone mounted a Harley fitting mirror on their RSV? What is necessary to make the conversion? These mirrors do not appear to have any Harley branding on them so it wouldn't cause any goofy questions or comments. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350270020543&_trksid=p2759.l1259 Merry Christmas to all
  7. Looking at Bub Sleepers and Baron Bag-Slashes for a 2006 RSTD right now. Not looking for anything too loud, just a good quality, good fitting slip-on. Any sort of consensus on this around here?
  8. I may regret asking.....but here it goes. What do you all reccomend that I squirt into this zerk fitting on an 83VR.
  9. I thought I had a slave cylinder leaking on my clutch, so I put on a new one that Steve (SGN) gave me that came with the bike he bought. I put it on and after I got the bike back together, under it was one of the copper washers for the bango fitting that had fallen off as I assembled the fitting. And, since it was still leaking, I pulled the bango and put the washer on. Well, it is still leaking down. After cleaning everything real good with brake cleaner and air. I have found that the leak is coming from where the hose goes into the bango fitting at the slave. I have never seen this come up before, but does anyone have one of the 6-8 inch hoses that goes from the slave to the metal tube under the engine? RandyA
  10. ...Folks around here are into are into side-arms and Gun Leather, but I ran into these folks at the gun show this weekend. Being somewhat of a afficiendo myself, I was very impressed with their products. I purchased one of their holsters and it is the highest riding, closest fitting holsters I have ever used. If you like Gun Leather, ya might want to give their sight a look http://www.mernickleholsters.com/ Kinda fun just to Browse DJ
  11. How does one tell if the swing arm is damaged? I also cant get grease to go into one fitting. Took it off cleaned it out but still grease wont go into fitting.
  12. Hi all, could someone explain how to fit the throttle cables properly to the XVZ1200 Venture royal? I bought my bike in bits and have just had a new set of cables to fit but cant, once you try fitting them to the throttle cable assembly there's no room to play?
  13. Tail bag, that is:) I would like something that fits well on the RSV rack. Don't care much for the Yama-bag - sort of cheap looking. Any suggestions for something well fitting good looking and that won't require a home equity loan?
  14. i found this photo of a wild looking v max engine. can anyone explain whether this is a standard engine, or has it been tricked out. looks kinda dangerous,if you wear loose fitting jeans!
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