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  1. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/autozone-fires-worker-who-stopped-robbery.html This man should have been given a raise instead he was fired
  2. Bike was in the shade at work all day under a carport. when i fired it up and pressed the info button this is what it read.
  3. It got up to 38 degrees today. Been below freezing for quite a while. Streets are for the most part dry. Then the itch hit me. Even worse, the forecast for the next week is for temps into the 50's. Came home and dropped the battery in the bike. (The DEKA I pulled out in mid December and no charge since then) and let the pump prime up. Hit the button and it cranked for about 30 seconds and fired up. Ah..... such a sweet sound!! Let her warm up a bit and wandered off around the neighborhood. My face hurts from grinning. Maybe ride to work tomorrow........ The itch is gone.
  4. Charlie ....Your FIRED. You got the boot and have been replaced as my Dancing Partner. Not that I don'tlove ya , but my new partner is better looking and smells better! Watch and see why. BEER30 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9xq-TVyHI]YouTube - Dancing Merengue Dog[/ame]
  5. 2008 RSTD Question I let bike sit for 5-6 weeks and when I got home and fired it up after turning the gas back on (I think it was off ) it fired up first time and it seem to run only on 2 cyc. and no power. Could it be cause I left it on the side stand and gas drained into the cyclinder? Now after a mile or 2 runing it and blowing it out it seems to be fine and no missing or bogging down or anything. What do you all think. Joe star4772 :confused24:
  6. Its an 86 that has been sitting for a little over 2 years, I drained the gas, changed the oil, installed new battery, filled with fresh gas and she fired right up. What other maintenance should I do before I take her out?
  7. Going to have to jump the bike to get home tonight. Batt. was dead earlier today, put a short charge on it and it fired up. Rode it to work, (32 miles on hwy) figuring it should be ok. Four hours later, it won't start. Jumped it from a car battery (car not running) and it fired right up. Have not tested yet, but I am pretty sure it is the battery and not the charging system. It is the original battery - 3 yrs and 1 month. What is the part number for the battery and what CCA do I need. I am at work and don't really have time to investigate all this. Thanks
  8. rod

    New Ride

    I picked up a 92 connie last week for $800. It had been sitting for 5 years. Bought a battery cleaned the carbs and gas tank and she fired right up. The body is in great shape. I know pics... I will get to it soon. Ride safe Rod
  9. Thanks for all the input, actually everyone was right on and it helped resolve the "bad new" battery problem, never had one before. Another "new" Interstate battery and it fired right up, thanks again.
  10. :starz:I had the most bizzard thing happen on the weekend. I came home after teaching a motorcycle crse and decided I would change my oil/filter before my trip to Toronto this week. No problem, done it before all was good......until.....I ran engine to circulate the new oil for about a minute....topped it off and fired it up again just to double check.......it ran for about a minute - rpm dropped - it chugged then died. Every attempt to restart that bike failed.:puzzled: I began my troubleshooting.......I figured with all the attempts to start the thing (maybe I flooded it - although I couldn't smell fuel) I would start by pulling one of the plugs to see if it was wet.......nope = dry. There's plenty of gas in the tank......lets go to the fuel filter/pump area.....fuel doesn't appear to be moving.....so.... There are two leads that go into the pump (checked the manual which says there should be x number of volts and alas there are none). Started pulling connectors cleaning them up, tore the entire fairing off to get at the relay etc, etc etc. I had also removed the fuel filter and blew it out, blew fuel through the pump to the carbs. I had done everything that the manual mentioned except diagnostics for the "ignitor unit" which I didn't know what it was or where it is located. Once I had blown fuel into the bowls it fired right up. Since this little episode I've ridden about 150-200 km's with no further problem. I spoke with a mechanic who said that obviously I fixed the problem but my big concern is that I don't have the foggiest idea what I did. He also mentioned that electrics either work or they don't and the problem was probably one of the connectors that I pulled apart and cleaned. Folks.....I put it to the floor.....should I be concerned taking her on a road Wed????
  11. Guest

    Ready to ROLL!

    End of June last year I got a torn retina. Off the bike for 2 months. This spring - guess what - same thing in the other eye. This is not fun. Missing some nice riding days again. Well. The eye dr isn't saying "no," although he does not like bikes (shows you how much he knows). Installed the battery today. Changed the oil and filter. Fired up the beast. How she purred. I could just tell she missed being out of the garage. Tomorrow she gets her bath and then.... Man. I am so ready to hit the road! I think tomorrow is the day.
  12. Getting ready for a early morning trip; my oil warning light came on and the bike wouldnt start, a few minutes later she fired and then did it again- any thoughts?
  13. Guest

    brain picker

    last couple of weeks been having a bit of a snag with my 86, comming home from work i had lost a couple of cylenders as if it was wet, thinking that it could be coils or cti box, well i had got put new plugs in, thinking that a couple of them would be wet or carboned,and i hadn't put new pugs in her for years so i'd done it, the old ones looked good and on the left side the plugs looked good, but you could see a light coating of mixture on them from not fireing recently, put the newones in and fired it up ran good, shut it down for a few minutes to put covers on, then fired it up again and had the same miss on a cylender, #1, now i can fire it up and sounds rough, but fires on all 4 put a few miles on it and then it idels rough, just about sounds like it is just a tad late, can this happen, cause the original trip home from work where i had lost 2 of them, one would kick in periodicaly and fire for a bit then die out, then cut back in, this is why i am thinking coils or cti box, doing this there is a possability that i could have blown some carbon loose on my exhoust ststem, which would cause it to sound different, but i just haven't convinced myself that that is what i am hearing, because on the end of the tail pipe, it just sounds like it is firing on a partial open exhaust, fuel mileage isn't much different than normal, and the power is simular also,
  14. Well, I now have my own embarrassing moment I swore would not happen to me. My wife woke me up at 5 AM, which is about 40 minutes late, and asked me if I was going to work. I immediately jumped out of bed and cursed the alarm clock (which I forgot to set) and went about my business of getting ready to go, in a hurry. I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and headed out to the garage and boarded my brand new 08 RSV. Of course, being the reliable scoot that they are, it fired right up and I was on my way. All went well for the first seven miles, till I got to the last stop light before getting on I-24. I still had another 23 miles to ride. While waiting for the light to turn green, my trusty RSV just quit running. I stared at the instrument panel in amazement and wonder and thought what the @!#%$ is wrong with this thing. It has always ran perfect! Of course it only has 2000 miles on it, but it has been a very dependable 2000 miles. When I hit the start button, all the lights would come on like they should but the starter would not even turn over. I pushed the bike over to the side of the road and the only thing I could think of is a bad fuse. I proceded to take the battery cover off and about that time a fellow on a Star rode up and offered to help. I told him my problem as I continued to remove the seat. Just as I lifted the seat off, he told me to try to start it now. I turned the key on, hit the start button and it fired off before it made a complete rotation. Amazing I thought. It must have been a coupling loose under the seat and when I removed the seat it jarred it enough to make contact. No, that wasn't it the Star rider informed me. All he did was turn the kill switch OFF!!!!! Well I be !@#$#!@@$#@. And I'm already late for work too. EMBARRASSING!!!!!! I made it to work with no other problems other than being later. Glenn
  15. So last week I washed the bike a work. Fired it up and rode block down the street to fill up the tank. As I pulled up to the pump the idle got rough, dropped to about 600 and eventually died. i ended up pushing it to one of my employers other building. After 4 hours of trying to get it to run I gave up and left it for the night. Occasionally I would get it to fire, but it would never idle right nor would it idle over 300RPM. Next day, after work it fired up and idled. I could even twist the throttle and rev the engine. Shut it down, change the plugs. After changing the plugs, it idled smooth. The throttle was crisp. I went ahead and rode it the 70 miles home. It ran great! I did notice at idle it smelled rich though. Fast forward to today. I wander out to the shop to take the scoot for a ride. Hit the starter. It cranks for a few seconds then fires. idle was REALLY low. Let it idle for a couple of minutes and it dies. Now it won't start again. Anybody got any suggestions where to start? Thanks, Ed
  16. Jan 8th today and the sun is out and is 60 degrees and the snow is gone (for now). I pulled the bike out and fired it up and I am on my way out the door to put some miles on. You gotta love global warming:scorched: Paul
  17. Not That one but " Parked Motorcycle Syndrome " or "Post Motorcycling Syndrome" didn't ride for week and already feel a craving..damn Today went to local Battery Shop and bought new Battery for Venture. installed and start bike, fired up right away. Let her warm up and enjoying V4 pouring. Rev a throttle couple times. Fill much better, and my PMS is gone
  18. There is a huge archive of the stebel air horn but i did not see anyone having a problem i have encountered with feedback through my radio> when the radio is on (or the cb) and the button is pressed there is a loud feed back through the speakers. So much so im afraid of blowing the speakers not to mention my ears if i have HS slected. I installed it according to the instructions that came with larrys bracket. The only difference is i put in a seperate acc relay first which will also control my future heated grips and driving lights so everything goes off with the key. This first relay is fired by the acc pigtail located under the seat. Perhaps I should have fired it from a tail light wire or something? I have heard no one else with this problem? You guys always have suggestions. thanks Jack in los osos ca:confused24:
  19. OK, finally got out and started messin' with the 87 over the weekend. With all the other stuff I had to do before FtCollions I hadn't had a chance to work on it, and it's been sitting for more than 2 months without firing it up. Choked the 'H' out of it, turned the key on, pushed the start button, and it fired almost imediately, and the R's went right up to 3grand. Cool!! Now here's the kicker. Every time I blipped the throttle the motor wanted to die. OK, so I thought the loose air cleaner box which I hadn't mounted since the last time I played with it was causing the problem. Shut it off and mounted the box. Even connected the *&^%% breather hose. Fired it up again. Blip the throttle. Same thing?? It would idle like a champ at high rpm's, but twist the grip and deadsville. I finally played with the throttle and by blipping it in short bursts I could get the engine to rev up to about 5 grand, but that was it. Also when I took the choke completely off the engine died..... Anyone have any ideas?? All feedback welcome at this point..... Fuel filter clogged maybe?? Whatcha think... BTW it's had two cans of Sea Foam thru it....
  20. On my 1999 RSV I replaced my 4 year old Yuasa, which died while on vacation, with a new Yuasa. Bike ran fine for a few days then it sat for about a week before I took it out today. Fired right up. We rode about 15 miles then went to eat. When we returned the bike was dead. Luckily I was parked downhill and was able to roll/bump start it. It fired up on the first bump. Rode it home and it was dead when I tried to start it again in the garage. Any suggestions on checking out the charging system? I sure dont want to give the dealer 2-3 hours labor just checking out a charging system. Headlights didnt dim when I was firing up the bike, but they did dim a bit when I couldnt start it. I have the factory manual, just looks a bit confusing. Any special tools/gauges that I need? Procedures? Etc? Thanks.....
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