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  1. added some bling to the saddlebag hinges to match the engine fins. hope to get some more made up for other members soon.
  2. Getting ready to change coolant and I'm using the "method one" write up by V7Goose......what I can't find anywhere is the torque specifications for the "fake cylinder fins" bolts. They are called "cyclinder side covers" in the manual. Does anyone have that info??? Thanks: Bruce
  3. been working on a little project..... whadaya think? removed the silver diamond cut fins and replaced them with a set of rasberry painted to match the bike fins, then diamond cut them.... damn bryan!! it's all your fault!!
  4. does anyone have or know how/where to use led pods under the fuel tnk to light up the motor fins there dosent seem to be enough room there but i really want to highlight the cut fins and add that little extra bling:Venture:
  5. Don, the wife, daughter, and myself, want to thank you and your wonderfull wife, along with all of the other fine folks, that made our visit to your home on m/d this year a wonderfull time and great trip. we will certainly return again next year to meet more fine folks and make more new friends and eat some more of the best ice cream we have ever had. you can also plan on another set of diamond cut fins to give away, as our way of saying thanks!! this years fins winner Kim Woodworth of OAK Hill Va. was shipped out this afternoon. anybody wanna guess who's bike these black fins came from?? thanx again Don, you guys rock:bighug: Mike/Cherie/Teresa
  6. who's doing another set of fins? Look at the photo that I found. This is the master hard at work on another set of fins...he does really great work.
  7. two years ago at freebirds maintance day there was a black rsv with diamond cut motor fins, anyone know who that would have been or where one might get that done at thank you steve
  8. I have read all the posts about the plugs behind the fins. I pulled the fins to check the plugs and found none of them to be leaking. The drip just started as the cold weather set in, It drips just behind the kickstand pivot. The puddle is the size of a silver dollar after 24 hours. This on an '01 RSV 40K on the odo. So if it's not the cylinder plugs what else might it be? I see no seepage around the head gaskets or anywhere on top of the motor. Inspection with a mirror and flashlight of the underside of the motor shows it dripping off the shift rod, but I can't tell where it's coming from. The reserve tank is at the proper level. No overheating problems. My last few rides have been in temps of 25 to 40 degrees. I need to get this fixed before Thursday, as a pgr member we provide the parking guides for the veterans day service at Great Lakes National Cemetery.
  9. Can you take off the 'Dog Bone' motor mounts without having to prop up the engine??? Basically I need to know if they're functional or cosmetic like the fins... Maybe one side at a time will be OK??
  10. can anyone explain why you can't chrome the fins on a 2nd gen.......they tell me that the chroming won't get all the way in and will have a yellow tint on the inside.......i was told that's why you don't see any aftermarket chrome fins...
  11. So I bought 4 new cylinder head fin covers. The pretty black ones with the silver tips along the fins, like all the Midnight RSV's have for my '99 RSV. I have had them about two weeks, when I got them, I took off the old ones, made sure the new ones fit, and when I went to fasten them on, lo and behold, the holes in them were too big - HUMPH I said, looks like I forgot to order some additional parts. I need 12 of these wedge round things that go into these holes and somehow wedge themselves in there so when you bolt the fins on they stay attached to the cylinders. So those things arrived the other day. So the help I need is: How do I get this part - SKU: 4NK-15316-00-00 DAMPER, ENGINE MOUNT, into this part - SKU: 4XY-1111H-20-00 COVER, CYLINDER HEAD SIDE 4? See attached - I need to get #45 into #44. TIA!
  12. Well, I figured out why my Radiator Started to leak today. (slowly for the past month). I finely got it removed with the help on the phone from Scotty! (great guy)! I did take a bunch of pictures for a write-up that should be done by the end of the week. Any-how. The leak was caused by this Idiot.(myself) After removing the radiator I found this [ATTACH]2692[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2693[/ATTACH] in-between (wedged) in the fan shroud and cooling fins , this happed to fall last winter when I was installing my TACH *oops* so in return, over-time it wore a spot right into the back-side of the cooling fins with the radiator slanted down-word makes it like it's leaking from the front. these are some pics of what it did on the back side. If you make the 2nd pic larger you can see the two small pin holes right in-between the colling fins on the main chamber. [ATTACH]2701[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2702[/ATTACH] So to make a long story short.. LOOK FOR THAT Stuff that falls! *lol* I do remember it falling and thought it rolled someplace on the garage floor! Lesson Learned for this dummy! Jeff
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