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  2. I am finally insulating and drywalling my garage, all hung and all I have is a little mud and taping to do. The wife wants to finish the garage floor, I stopped by a friends yesterday and he said don't do it. I do work on things in my garage and use a jack. . . He tells me the painted and epoxy floor surfaces won't hold up to jacks and turning tires. The question is has anyone put some finish on their garage floors, what type and how does it hold up to moving jacks, shop tools on rollers or wheels . . .
  3. Just got my trailer hitch from Larry (carbon One), I must say it's a nice piece of work. It's time to finish up on the trailer so i can use it to go to NY.
  4. Black Owl and I (Bubber) will be traveling to LaPorte next weekend 7/28 to finish up the Pig Roaster we started last Fall. Not all that much to do but it needs to get done and ready for the guest of honor, Mr Porkasourious. :rotf: Gary when you read this this is the only warning you get that we are invading your workshop. LOL I have got to get with Black Owl to finalize the lift off time and slash down and just the other stuff in between other than that we are all set. If any one is interested in lending a hand or just stopping in to see to old farts working and offering your 2 cents worth about the design... have at it! Other than that see you all in the Fall at the Pork in the Pines. Bubber
  5. What you all think not done yet still need to finish off. Joe
  6. Figured that would get the attention. Anybody on here a serious or semi serious jogger. I may be in the minority given the quantity of meet and eats that get mentioned on here. I am trying to keep the taX man from collecting those inheritance taxes as long as possible, or making sure thereon be anything left for them to collect. I have became more serious exercising after having somebody I thought was significantly older than me and much heavier finish ahead of me in a 5k only to find out we were in same age bracket, Ouch. Plan on dusting him next month. Besides being in shape has to help for the long rides. Bob Marshall, il
  7. In replacing my damaged right side Crash Bar, it left several components dangling loose. I couldn't figure out how to re-attach them. I met woodysjrny and he volunteered to finish putting it together. Many Thanks to you Woody! I sincerely appreciated that. He is an excellant mechanic, a fine friend and an asset to this Venture Riders Group! Owen.
  8. Who has this trike kit? how do you like it? any problems with handling? steering?drive train? fit and finish? I am looking at a 99 RSV with this kit. Any info would be very helpful.
  9. So what's the plans for the long weekend. Canadians go first of course,,,, then we do it together and then the Americans can finish it off in a grande style. So what are you doing?
  10. f.y.i. to any of you that live in nc. i'm gonna be leaving thursday morning(june 2nd) at about 6:00am and should be hiting interstate 77 at about 7:15-7:30 so if anybody would like to meet up just let me know,looks like momma will be missing this one.talked to one member that was gonna go to charleston and than finish fri morning but i will need to do the whole trip thursday straight shot.would love some company.
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! Just three hours away from 2011 here. I'm having a quiet one with the pillion (evening, that is) then up early for two days away in the Subie+trailer at my folks old place to finish a clean up. Going to be 100degF+ over the weekend. Thank you all for your camaraderie and friendship in 2010. Look forward to more of the same in 2011. Stay safe.
  12. I was working on when I somehow lost concentration and darn near lost my thumb. I finally finished construction today, decided not to finish it - it a lot easier to stain, seal and finish before putting the pieces together. It's all poplar wood, even the side and back panels. I re-saw 3/4" boards up to 8" wide to make the panels. I definitely NOT a fan of fiber board -
  13. Any one else having the clear finish coming off of the forks? 06 TD. right fork - finish is gone. Noticed it was hazy and flaky last time we washed it and, it just started coming off. Clear coat on the left one is hazy and I am sure will do the same thing soon. Had the dealer call Yamaha and Atlanta said it looked like something had rubbed the finish off (It was me when I washed it noticed it flaking). going to see if anyone else has had this before we call corporate and start with them. or just wait for the left one to flake more and before I wash it - take it in so they can wash the flakes off of it.
  14. I recently bought a couple lower fairing legs as I was told the finish was shiny. Actually the paint finish is dull with a more "satin" like finish compared to the high gloss on the other pieces of my bike. Color is good, just not shiny at all. Has anyone had any luck bringing back the shine with wax or spray gloss clear coat? I really don't want to take them to a body shop. Thanks
  15. If I asked this before on here, I guess I'm losing more than my hearing. I know I wanted to ask before. I did at least search my prior posts and found no entry for this so, here we go: I have a black Pace-Legacy lo-boy style enclosed motorcycle trailer. It's only about 3 years old but sitting outside down here in the sun & heat, the finish has developed that slightly cloudy, faded sort of look. That loss of a clean, deep black finish. It's not at all severe, but it is noticable. I've tried any number of different things to try to bring the depth of color back and failed. I'm almost positive that it's baked enamel and I'm frankly at a loss as to what to use. So, if any of you have any experience with this issue, I sure would like to hear your solution. I coming up blank. I've hesitated on removing the Harley-Davidson decal on the back door until I can come with a satisfactory fix for the finish, because I know there's going to be a difference in shade when the decal comes off and I want to be able to minimize it. Anyway, any help will be welcome. If I can't do anything with the finish (or maybe even if I can), I might just sell the darn thing. I haven't used it but a couple of times and the original reason I got it went away when my son got rid of his bike. That'll be a topic for another thread if I go that way with it.
  16. finally i got this pos of a bike running now all i got to do is put some oil,antifreeze,andand a rebuild kit for the clutch resivore,and finish painting it and get on down the road with it hopefully
  17. Buddy I got the new deflectors today and they look great. Ill post pics on the Firefighter edition RSV if I ever ge the decal guy to finish!!! LOL Just a question but can you make these in a Diamond plate Aluminum?
  18. Spankym and myself took a ride today to help Bongobobby remove and replace his front forks on his 1st gen. Emagine that...two second genners working on his bike....It was really fun to use a BFH and cold chissel on his bike...I'm really not sure if he'll ever get that thing back together ever again after we got done with it.....I have never seen so many bike parts scattered around like that..really can't say where they all came from or if we even gave them all back to Bobby..How were we to know that we wern't supposed to cut all those wires once the plastic was all off..he really wasn't all that specific about how we were to disconnect all those electrical lines.........He just said that we dont need them...by the way did you know that you have to save all the nuts ,bolts ,cotter pins ,washers etc..etc..when you take a front end off a first genner? We didn't..Don't worry Bob ..most of them can be found in the grass in the front yard..all except the ones I still have in my pocket....Oh well, I still don't know why Bobby was so upset today and why he said he had somewhere to go and we will have to finish this project another day...I was really getting into that repair stuff...We'll I'm sure he'll call us back when he has time to finish...Hey Bobby..."I ALWAYS WANTED TO FIX AN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION" You got one of those?
  19. Worked great, can manuver in and finish jacking up. Finished the ceiling today.
  20. ok, guys tell the truth..... how many of you didn't shop for your wives or girlfriends yet.. i'm on my way out the door now to finish my christmas shopping for taters...i just hate to shop..unless its for chrome.......
  21. Now, about this valve cover gasket being a snap to change out on my '85, the only thing that snapped was my brain. I was very pleased to see how easy it was to lift the cover, but not so happy in finding out that it would not slide out over the cam chain. About 1/4" more clearance and I would have crossed the finish line. Not to mention that I almost damaged the old gasket in the process. Am I cursed, or what?
  22. Hey all, I got a set of Kuryakyn ISO grips that I want to put on my '03 RSMV. I'm sure I'm not the first to have done this mod, so any tips for removing the old grips and placing the new ones on? I'm do-it-yourself challenged (I even have problems changing light bulbs!) so any help would be welcomed. Do the weights unscrew? If so, what's the best way to get them off? I can't seem to find a wrench that would fit and I'd be worried about damaging the finish!
  23. I would like some advice from someone who has cut down his windshield and was happy with the result. I would like to know; * What kind of saw did you use? I assume a hand held electric jig saw. * What type of blade is best? * How did you mark the line? Tape? * Did you have to do finish work on the new edge and what did you use? My wind screen is a lot higher now that I have new Progressive fork springs, so I need to take about 4 inches off. Thanks
  24. Hi everyone, Sorry to have been hiding for a while. Had to finish a 1.5 year divorce from a 20yr. marriage. It kinda kept me down a bit since December. Couldn't go anyplace, show any money, or do anything that might upset the procedure. Well, Thursday was it. Before the judge for 15 minutes and done. Went Friday and signed the rest of the papers. Hell, I even hid Mocha - afraid that she might have been grabbed. Had to have Maggie purchase all the Christmas stuff this year and the whole 9 yards. I got custody of my daughter and the ex-wife is moving back to Ohio (Sorry Freebird). This week I will move my title over, get insurance back on and get back to living. Finished a bunch of maintenance this weekend and only need the CORRECT grommets to finish the valve covers. Hell, I finished 86er's rear headset jack even!! Thanks to everyone for being around. I never felt alone reading the posts. Almost felt like I was along for the rides. I know compared to many others, my problem wasn't big, but it sure depressed and stressed me quite a bit. JB
  25. We just picked up this video and watched it this weekend. For those who have it, who spotted the white Tour Deluxe? It was only shown for a few seconds, but it was in there. Do you know what my favorite part was? Come on, guess. The part where the guy says, "Scraping your floorboards should be music to your ears". My wife just roared. I had to pause the video to let her finish laughing. She normally will poke me in the ribs if I do it with her on the back. She doesn't like that realization of how far we're leaning over. But after hearing that line and then watching and hearing how much they do it in their demonstrations, she said she will become more accepting of it. I am the pegscraper! :D
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