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  1. Nina & I were out for an enjoyable afternoon ride yesterday and decided to head up the mountain to where one of the local ski hills is. Very nice ride, warm and sunny and not a lot of traffic. It's 2-lane up, 1 coming down. The left lane going up is designed for passing slower vehicles and there's signs along the way that say "Keep right except to pass". So, up ahead of us is a "slower" moving car in the right lane. In the left lane is a van (plumber's van) going about the same speed as the car but appx 2 car lengths back.... I got up behind the van and follow for a bit, waiting to see if he's actually going faster and passing or if not, is he going to move over so I can pass .... NOPE... neither! I get into his side-view mirrors and flick my high beams. Still he doesn't move over so I blast the horn ... still doesn't move over. Now, I don't like passing people on the right coz sometimes they suddenly decide to move over and not realize you're there... but I did anyway and as I got passed him and moved over to the left lane to pass the car, I raised my left arm and made a finger motion over my head pointing to the right (used the index finger) and off we went up the road. Got to the parking lot and got off the bike and next thing I know, this guy in the van pulls up and says "did you finger me?" in what I felt was an aggressive and threatening tone. So I said NO and explained the motion I made and why I made it. He repeated "you fingered me" and I repeated NO, it was a motion to move over. Well anyway, to make the long story short, I thought for a few minutes there I would have a scrap to deal with; however, he backed off, backed up and left but it was obvious as he was backing up, turning around and driving off he was cussing me out. From my perspective, the guy was itching for a fight over nothing IMO. Not sure how I would have handled it had he gotten out of his van, me being 65 and him appx 35 but me at 165lbs, wiry and quick to get my dander up .... Nina later reminded me that I shouldn't go getting into such things as I'm not 35 anymore (which I guess I still think I am LOL) Anyhoo... nothing more came of it and I'm not really sure why I'm posting this other than to just VENT a bit LOL
  2. Just posted on the events calander. We are planning a Finger Lakes Ride. Nothing fancy just show up and ride, with a few stops for site seeing, food and shopping. More info to follow.
  3. July 14th. Its called the Pathway ride. You can find info on Motorcycle Monster. If your looking for something to do this weekend, Come on out to the Finger Lakes.
  4. A long time ago there was this little Italian boy in the fields with his dad. Looking at his dad's hands, the boy says "Papa, you do many things with your hands, tell me about your fingers." "Well, Tony," Papa said, "You see this first finger? You use this a one to pointata what evea you wanta." "You see youa thumb? You usea thisa for turna pages in a book, and your ringa finger, you will use whena you get a married, and your little finga, you use to picka you nose." "And the middle finga, well, I'lla tella you about thata one when you getta married." Well, Tony was satisfied with that and time past. It was now Tony's wedding day. It was a beautiful wedding, just before the bride and groom left, Tony went to have a talk with Papa. Tony said "Papa, many a year use this finger to point at what I want, and I turna many a pages with my thumb... I've picked my nose with this little one, now I have a beautiful ring on my finger from the love of my life, but Papa, oh Papa, what is it I do with this middle finger?" Papa drew close to Tony and said, "Tony tonight you will make mad hot love to your woman many times and you may become tired. When that happens and your woman turns to you again wanting to makea the love againa, that's when you takea your middle finga, and you poka on her head and say, "Go back to sleep you silly woman!"
  5. Hey, I was limo driving here in the Finger lakes area yesterday and saw a fine looking 86-93 Blue first Gen go flying by heading South. This was In Hector just north of Watkins Glen. Was that anyone from here? I thought it might be rstacy test ridin that new 19k mile 1st Gen he just bought. Was it him or someone else from here it was around 2-3pm.
  6. Hi All Well monday went to Bongobobs had a great time. Nice ride home this mornning is were the story starts. I have been building a deck at home and it has been going well. Today I had one hand rail left to put on so Christy and I made all the cuts and put the hand rail into place. It looked great. Christy went in to get ready for work and I stayed working on the blocks to hold the bottom of the rails. I was useing the table saw to cut the blocks. Well I got my finger in the way of the blade. Oh my god the saw went into the end of my finger about 1 inch. I hit the ground holding it. So I went into the house to tell Christy I just about made it to the sink when pain really set in down on my knees in frount of the sink. I had Christy call the ambulance I was dizzy and feelling sick. Funny Ive pulled all kinds of other people out of wrecks that were all messed up never bothered me but my own blood really makes me sick. So after 7 stitches in the finger Im back home with some time off work. Man this sucks and the deck is still not done. You can bet I will be more careful next time I get the table saw out. Bull463
  7. Has anyone had a joint replacement of the finger? I didn't know about them until today. Doc told me that was the best option for the middle finger middle joint on my right hand. Hurt it fifty years ago playing football. My whole right hand is full of Arthritis. Hope I can still use my front brake after the surgery. tew47
  8. SPRING!!! I have three weeks vacation. One week is already committed to an airplane trip to a conference in Florida. A couple days to move daughter back to school. We are hoping to get at least four or five long weekends on the scoot. We're thinking of... Rte 6 in northern PA Finger Lakes Blue Ridge Parkway Smoke Hole, WV Niagara Falls/Toronto Where will you be heading when it warms/drys up?
  9. 1. Start a new thread 2. Swallow a pill 3. Scratch an itch 4. Put bandage on wife's finger boo boo 5. Have conversation with wife Whoooo Boy! It's gonna be a long winter...
  10. Just returned from the Finger lakes m&e. What a grand time...The company was fantastic.. Great to meet some new members and great so see some old again. the food was fantastic , and the ride led by NY Jerry was awesome. beautiful lakes, waterfalls and scenery. WOW, WOW, WOW........The winery tour and tasting , along with meeting our NEW RICKSTER replacement was an added treat...The ice cream stop came at a perfect time in the ride along with the cooling down shower...HOW DID YOU GUYS PLAN THAT??? RAWHIDE the BBQ was fantastic and thank you for allowing our bunch to spend the night...waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon sizzling on the grille was heavenly....you are a terrific hostess...THANK YOU ALL WHO MADE THIS EVENT HAPPEN..I look forward to this becoming a yearly event.........GREAT JOB RAWHIDE, NY JERRY AND DEBBIE...............PS THE TWO BIRTHDAY CAKES WAS A LITTLE OVERBOARD...I GONNA BURST !!!
  11. 83 VR I have never rode this, got it non-running. Was told clutch was bad so replaced friction plates first thing, during assembly, could see plates spread out during clutch lever pull. Then had major engine problems, and had to remove engine. Now engine back in, runs-sounds soo good, feeling good. Put just enough back together to put seat on and go for test ride. Down off stand, idling, brake on, clutch in, kick down to 1st,clutch out....stall:crying: Then I couldn't put it back in neutral:mad:. Up/down/up/down/all the way up-4 down, no neutral. Finally saw neutral light come on nearly all the way up. HA. shifter backwards, easy fix:happy65:. No one ever done that, right? Now current problem, still no clutch release. bleed/beed/bleed/././. bleed with mity vac, pulled clutch slave, found torn dust seal-not likely problem but rebuilt slave, bleed/bleed/./..., bleed master banjo, bleed master with finger and hose off, tried handle tieback all last night, bleed/bleed/bleed. Feels like good pressure with finger on master-sprays around finger, but down at slave when cracking bleeder fluid comes out in stream but does not spray as in normal bleeding. any suggestions?
  12. A very Special Thanks goes out to Squidly and Gunboat for all their help this weekend!! Thanks alot Guys!! I would not have got it home with out ya`ll!! These folks used their weekend to help me get a 54 Case Tractor home that I bought Sat. and then Squid dug holes ( Big ) holes, and then Man handled some big bushes out of my truck and helped replant them!! We only had one workmans Comp claim...Gunboat smashed his finger..Twice..same finger so only one claim can be filed...He is doing fine this morning as Squidly gave his Finger a Big wet Kiss..so all is good!!!! Thanks for everything Guys!!!! Kreg
  13. Hey SilvrT, How are those Geetar fingers comming along? I've got some hard slick finger tips now and was just wondering how yours were doing.
  14. My Zumo decided today that it will pick an icon for me and hold it. Won't let go of it. If I push another it bounces back and forth but will just stop on one like your holding your finger on it. Tried reset ,battery removal and updating. Nothing worked yet. Anybody else seen this behavior ? I don't mean me beatin my head against the wall...
  15. I have this hose end sticking out of the left hand side of my 88 VR ( California edition. It comes from within the engine's V, and is on off-shoot of a vertical rubber hose. It one of 2 or 3 hoses that come off of it. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/544914635_X9TH3-M.jpg That is my finger pointing back towards where the hose comes from. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/544914681_nnjfC-M.jpg http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/544914639_DkuYx-M.jpg
  16. I just want to thank Big Tom, Spanky and their friends, Don, Darrell and Debra,my brother Al and his son Marc for joining Rawhide and me here in the Finger Lakes for a day of riding and eating and more riding.(and more eating). This was a little preview of what we hope to do this August here in New York and hope plenty decide to come.We had a great day. I learned I need to slow down a little so people can enjoy the sights a bit more.( Damn 1st.gen, just goes too fast). We missed a few member we would have like to have had here but maybe next time guys and gals. PB&J.Phil.
  17. I've seen posts that say " if the wind deflectors aren't touching the shock, the brackets will break". How do I adjust them??? On the right side, I can put my finger between the rubber bumper and the shock. The left is closer...but not touching.Thanks again. you folks are the BEST!!!
  18. On my way home from a dealer (hour away from my house). Got home. Got the kids and got ready to leave again so we can run an errand. The garage door was still open. Got in the car and I noticed something odd looking about the back of my bike, can't quite put my finger on it. Oh I got it, the cb antenna is gone. Must have flown off on my way home. Didn't really matter anyway. CB antenna didn't work and I am doing the Marshall Mod. Got the mounts on Friday and the antennas should be here on Monday.
  19. Taking old grips off and adding the Kuryakin grips are pretty easy. The guys gave a pretty good description of how to get the old grips off. Here are some pictures I took to kinda help out a little. I already have mine on but it gives a idea and the direction you will need to turn the weight. (my finger pointing) I wished you where closer we could of did it together and taken pictures to post here for the next person. When I took my old grips off I did not take the end piece off with a screwdriver. I used a rubber oil filter remover and strapped it on the weight and twisted toward the fairing and it started spinning off. The 3rd pic is of the threaded end that the weight goes into. If you would like to ad the weights to the end of your handle bars, That is a little more involved,but can be done................Ron 1. Direction of twist on end weight finger points in direction. 2. twisting weight off 3. look at threads on end of handle bar 4 to 8. twisting grip of L to R while pulling 9 & 10 sliding new grip on
  20. Well I go to the doctor today and get my finger checked out. It is called a trigger finger. It will snap down on the palm of my hand and then I have to grab it and pull it back up. It is all swollen right now. It might not work to good come riding season so I figured I better get it fixed now while it's cold out. Has anyone ever had this problem? Buy the way of all fingers, it is the middle one.
  21. Hunting season is 3 weeks away. My fingers freeze when riding the 4 wheeler on those cold snowy early morning trips to the stand. The thumb throttle finger will go numb. When my hands are cold I'm done hunting. I need a glove that will keep my hands warm. They must be lightweight and be shooter friendly. I don't want to loose the sensitivity on the trigger finger not to forget access through the trigger guard. Any recommendations from you hunters in snow country? I have been wearing two pair and still get cold.
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