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  1. I am a first time venture owner. I just bought an 87 venture royale. I absolutely love it so far. I thought this site was very cool when I found it. Its great to be a part of this. Now, down to business, I hope you guys can help me. My bike needs some work before I can get it out for a few rides before snow flies. The air compressor has a bad solenoid. The rear shock won't fill up. Is this repairable? The temp gauge on the dash is not working, it stays at cold. Any common problems? Where is the sensor? What I believe is the low brake fluid in the front master cylinder warning light is on. The front is full. Common problems, where's the sensor? No glass in the rear. How full do I fill the rear? And not so pressing, I'm going to remove the cassette player, I will be putting in a mp3 jack, but I'm looking for more ideas of what to do with that space. Any information would be great, thank you
  2. How high do you fill the rear brake resevior?
  3. Skid

    Hey Lewis

    I still got one spot left, I sure I get to fill it next year. I haven't missed one yet. [ATTACH]70484[/ATTACH]
  4. Posting these for pmelah. He can fill in details. Gary
  5. Does anyone have any experience with this product? https://www.denniskirk.com/slime/mini-smart-spare-kit.p282558.prd/282558.sku I like the compact pump. My saddlebags fill up fast when we are gone for more than a few days.
  6. Curious about this letter that was received for my stepson about his layoff and would like to know if anyone who is employed at FMC would know the answer. He received a letter stating that since he is considered a part time and not yet fully hired on as full time but still gets the benifits and now is laid off and drawing unemployment from FMC the letter has offered him a position in either Chiago or Kentucky and has to fill out this form and send it back certified. The question is if he doesn't fill out this form and don't send it in will he lose his unemployment and possiably his chance for rehire? Does anyone from FMC know? Thanks Joe
  7. I was checking MPG when we went away this past summer and then when I got home I just kept keeping track. Attached is a couple of charts with all the fuel records, with a trailer and without. The first page is pretty accurate, but the second page may be off one or two fill ups either way. To those who get higher MPG, I don't know how you do it, but I am sure we do not drive the same. PS. Takes too long at every fill up so I am not checking anymore Brad
  8. Hey Noticed my oils a little low. Wat type oil you reccomend and weres the oil fill at on the 86 venture royale 1300cc bike? I assume its the one on the right side just above the foot rest....Correct? anyone got a pic of it? Tnx, RR
  9. I put one full can of Seafoam in a full tank about every three to four thousand miles. Is there such a thing as too much or too often when it comes to using Seafoam. For example...would it be alright to use maybe half a can every fill up???
  10. I thought I had a 6 gal tank on my 01 RSV but when it reaches the point where I have to out it on reserve it only takes me 4.5 gals to fill it up. Also what kind of gas mileage do you all get? Thanks
  11. Many times I go for a short ride and then when I return, I fill the gas tank again at home with my 5 gallon can so when I want to go for my next ride I can without the need to stop at the gas station to fill up. My question is, what is it about the tank design that each time I top off the tank the gas level slowly goes down. I did this one time about 5 times then quit.
  12. I just tried to reply to a post and was notified by the forum that I had to fill in the NAME field in my profile to be able to post. I was wondering when that change went in and why it's required? Honestly, I will never post my real name on any public forum and it should never be a requirement, IMO.
  13. I think that when a new members joins even as a trial member he or she should be required to fill in more information than the make of the bike they ride and the state he lives in.....I try to welcome all new NY members to the site via pm and offer an invitation to join the WNY group in planned events....more often then not , many new members put no information in their bio at all, not even their first name....hey, they now have access to our information...I feel we should know a little more about them ....... certain fields SHOULD be required to fill out when joining...
  14. OK guys, I have drained the differential and calculated that the refill is 300cc or 10oz (.3L per the manual). My problem is the fill plug doesn't want to come loose. It appears to be a 6mm female hex head and my allen wrench only wants to twist. I have soaked it in penetrating oil for now . . . Any ideas?
  15. Beth and I got up at 5am this morning and got out of here at 6am on our way to Big Bend with Tom and crew. Well we stopped in a little town called Robert, La just before getting on I-12 to fill up, left there and next stop was in Crowley, La. Went to fill up and NO WALLET. Wallet is gone with DL, credit cards, over $100 in cash, commision card for police dept. and reserve deputy, and I think my SS card (yea I know shouldn't even be carrying it, but have since a teenager). Had to come back to file a report with the sheriff's office and back home to look up credit card info so we could cancel them. Called equifax and put block on credit with the big 3. Don't know what to do next. This just ruined a perfectly good weekend with family members and I am really PO'd. Been really looking forward to this trip and now all I got is a big headache. :crying: The only good thing was had a good test on pulling the Timeout camper fully loaded. It did great. Pulled easy and electric brake worked good. Gas mileage didn't look bad either tho haven't figured it up yet. Oh well hope everyone else weekend is better.
  16. plainmd

    Spot Gps

    I have seen that some use the spot gps for others to track there locatoin on long trips....Is there anyone that can fill me in on the ins and outs of this item.
  17. Help, I changed the oil and used a ST7317 filter a little longer. The question is where in the sight glass do you fill it to? The top line or the middle between the two. Heading out to the beach this morning about a 400 mile ride and do no want to run it too low. I am just above the middle between the lines at 3 qts. The book calls for 3.9 with stock filter change. I started it and then let it set for about 4 minutes before I checked it. I put 3.5 qts in and there was not even a air bubble in the window so I sucked some out. Do I fill it to the top line? Thanks for you help. I,ll go check the tire while I wait for a reply.
  18. :thumbdown:Has any one else goten a phone call from them saying that they had 3 cancelations and asked if you whanted one like I did today. Sorry I have a room for this weekend I hope tey can't fill them after what they did.
  19. CMIKE

    US Census

    As many of you know the news has been reporting that the 2010 census will be arriving sometime in March or was it May of this year. They said it would be 10 questions and encouraged folks to fill it out and get it back to them ASAP. Well a buddy of mine got a census survey the other day. It is 48 question...supposed to take you 38 minutes to fill it out. With some of the questions they ask I doubt you could fill it out in 2 days due to the research require to give correct answers. I looked it over and could not believe all the stuff that is on there. I think there is a post from Jan of last year where somebody here got one seems just like it. First you have to list iformation about every one who lives in the household. Race Sex date of birth...no real problems there Then they get into a lot of stuff that is really none of their business. Describe your house...housetrailer, apartment etc. How many rooms is in it...when was it built, do you have running water, flush toliet, stove, refrigerator? How much land is it sitting on? How much agriculture products did you raise on that land? how do you heat your house...what did it cost last month. How much is you monthly payment? How much is your taxes? How much is your insurance? Do you have health insurance? who is it with? When did you get married? how long have you been married...how many times have you been married? Have you had a baby in the last 12 months? Are you a grandparent taking care of grandchildren? Do you go to school? Where - address? Did you work last week? How may hours? How much did you make? Where did you work last week? Address? What kind of a compay do you work for? What are your duties at work? What time did you leave home for work? How did you get to work? How many cars, trucks 1 ton and under do you own? How many minutes did it take you to get to work? Income from work? Income from self employement, Interest, dividends? Total income from the last 12 months? And they will fine you $5000 dollars for not filling this out. But they will fine you less if you lie on it. My buddy is buying more guns and is about the declare war on the US goverment. They have mailed 2 surveys and 3 letters to him. Next step they going to contact him by phone and if they do not get the results they want they are coming to his house. I saw the letter. I think they are getting a little bit too Bold with this. There is gonna be trouble...just watch the news you will hear about it I am sure.
  20. :255:Other then the plug being stuck. I need to measure the level of oil. I do not have a dip stick to measure. Does anyone know the the hight in inches from the top of the fill to the oil. Thanks Doug
  21. About a month ago I filled the tank (maybe a little too full) and ever since then the gauge flashes on and off every time the tank is full. After riding a few miles it straightens out and works fine until the next fill. Anyone seen this happen.... maybe time to go see the dealer
  22. I have put a LOT of miles on the bike lately. I haven't driven a car for 3 weeks until this one plus a couple of 6 hour rides etc... I noticed that the rear diff at the fill plug I have seepage, is this normal? Should I worry or simply wash the bike and get get back to riding.
  23. Is there anything special about the rear brake master cylinder reservoir fill plug thread? Is it something I should be able to pick up a reasonable facsimile of locally? Is it a tapered thread? Thanks, Brian H.
  24. I received this email yesterday from one of our MBA students: Hey Courtney, The word on the street is that you have a Harley Davidson For our brand management class, my group is working on a brand valuation of HOG, and we need to collect market research in the form of a quick 5 minute survey. However, we're having a tough time finding current Harley owners to fill out the survey. Is there any chance you'd be willing to fill it out? Also, would you mind passing it along to anyone you know that might be willing to fill it out, too? Again, it takes about 5 minutes, is completely anonymous, and the results are purely being used to help us answer research questions about perceptions of the Harley brand. Here's the link, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=AAYCAvIlY9PHIgU3pcqbEg_3d_3d if you're too busy or not interested, not a problem! Best, Abby Mills Abby Mills Tippie School of Management MBA Candidate 2009 I told her I'd help get the word out. (and I explained that I have a YAMAHA!) They would appreciate any responses they get. Thanks! --Courtney
  25. Had a great ride today, bike was running well, full tank w. seafoam, sunny, mild (that last for you guys up north). Ran about 125 miles and stopped before heading home for a fill up. No sense running the last 20 miles in the dark on the interstate with an estimated 25 mile range left. Problem is, she just didn't feel/sound right after the fill up, as in right away! RPM's seemed to be where they were supposed to be, she was running at speed, but seemed to lacking Oompf as well as sounding different. Maybe a bit more throaty? (even my wife noticed). Perhaps a sound similar to the turbo boost braking my (diesel)truck when I take my foot of the gas. Sure would like some suggestions as to what you guys might think about this. Thanks!!
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