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  1. So I got my drift camera...and in the next week or so I plan on recording bits and pieces of some of the great rides we have around here. To post video, is it the same as posting a picture....just "manage attachements" and select the file I want to post? I can see the file sizes and types. 1.91 mb doesn't sound like much for a video file. How does one go about posting to a web site like youtube? any other recommended sites where I could post video and have folks go there to view it?
  2. I had purchased one of the replacement turnsignal/brakelights for the reflector on the travel trunk on my 89 VR and never was happy with how much light the 4 194 bulbs put out for an additional brake light. I liked the idea of it up higher and more eye level with the cars behind me but just didnt do the job in my mind in getting their attention. So I have been on the lookout for more lighting for it for a while. I finally took the plunge and tried out some 12vdc strip LEDs in red. These are what is called a 5050 LED with 3 sources of light per LED housing and has 300 LEDs per 5 meter length. I ended up filling the rear of the housing with over a 100 leds and I must say it is now bright and noticeable. I purchased them off of Ebay for $26.00 shipping included from a China location. Here is the seller and he has lowered his price it appears. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Red-Waterproof-5050-300LED-5M-60LED-M-Light-Strip-12V-IP65-LED-LAMP-Car-Auto-/120894815654?pt=US_Car_Lighting&hash=item1c25e47da6 I feel that the light is just as bright if not brighter then the stock brake light and comes on quicker then the stock brake light also. I am thinking the next step is to try a modulator that has the lights at 33% power to work as a taillight and then flashes the LEDs for a bit and then goes solid. I really want to get their attention of those behind me. Here are some pictures of the setup. Let me know what you think. File 1 & 2 is how I set them in the housing. The LEDs are waterproof and have 3M sticky tape on the backside. They are able to be cut every 3 LED and have solder pads to attach wires to them. File 5 is the LEDs on but the red cover is not installed yet. File 6 is with the cover installed and the LEDs on and the overhead garage lights on. File 7 is with the cover installed and the LEDs on and the overhead garage lights off. Thanks Rick F.
  3. I recently bought a TomTom XXL 550T to upgrade from my first GPS. I had a good understanding of the the Nextar unit and had all my favorite locations entered. I figured it's a no brainer to punch the locations into the TomTom to build my favorites file. BUT the Quick Start book that comes with it is a lil lacking. :rotf: So I load up the TomTom Home site and figure I'll find an actual users manual that will give me detailed directions on the operations of my 550. Either I'm blind or I'm just not seeing it but having no luck. I've done my upgrades, made some mods and added some features so the home site has be useful for that. Pretty much just interested in building my favorites file, and naming them if possible. I did manage to get my home location set. Yea! (Like I've ever failed to find my way back.) Anybody have any info on how or where to find a manual on this thing? Lost.......... Mike
  4. This may have been posted before, but if anything is worth reposting this has to be it. Click on the small arrows above and below the wheel on the left or right of the menu to scroll through the file. http://www.cheeseandburger.com/
  5. I know there are some truck drivers in our group and maybe some people that have been in my situation. Incident: Traveling south on I-77 in SC. Truck blow a tire on his truck not trailer. The tire was moving and I couldn't avoid from hitting it without hit other cars. Truck pulled over. SCHP showed up and did an incident report, but reported that I struck the tire in roadway so it sounds like it was just sitting there. Got back home called my insurance company they filed against the trucks insurance company. I got the adjusters contact info and contacted him. His response (truck drivers Ins Adjuster): We got the truck drivers records stating the tires was fairly new with only 2000 miles on it and his records that he checks his tires regularly. So we believe it was a faulty tire and it is not our liability. We will trace down the truck company that did the onside repair and see if they have the tire and you (me) can file a claim against Goodyear. My response: It is not my responsibility to file against goodyear that would be yours (truck ins) if you believe the tire is faulty. That they should pay for my claim and repair my motorcycle. Then they file against Goodyear to get their money back. What is everyone's thoughts and or experience with this?
  6. Annie, When you get home you may want to check this place out. Watch this powerpoint presentation I have. It won't attach through the board here (most likely to large a file, PM me your email address and I'll sent it to you . Jay
  7. Hello everyone, I come in need of some help. I recently purchased (3 months ago) a 99 RSV with 2k miles. She was mostly stored, when i brought her home i did a complete oils, plugs, and fluid flush. She runs great, but now at almost 5k miles its now making an interesting noise / rattle when you let off the throttle. Listen to the file title rattle.mp3. It makes the noise when the engine is warm, not so much when it's cold. Could it need a valve adjustment? The other audio file is what she sounds like when cold. Not sure if its the right noise or not, but that's the way she sounds. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. For some reason that I can't explain I have been asked to delete the pic originally posted, and remove it from my family file. Sorry. Still proud of him...
  9. When I got my last new laptop, I was unable to install my Corel Draw due to a bad disk. Now I find that I do not have the necessary file format to have the VentureRider mugs screened. All I have is a .jpg file. I need to have it converted to a vector based file in one of these formats. Adobe Illustrator CS4 CorelDraw X3 Freehand MX I also need the colors reversed so that the design and text will be black and the background clear. Do any of you have the graphics software to convert this it for me? If so, I can email you the file or upload it so that you can download it. The file is 570 kb.
  10. Since I started doing my own maintenance I wanted some method of documentation. So I made a master check list and removed items not needed during each scheduled maintenance. I put short notes on the 'action taken' and staple receipts for oil and plugs etc. to the back. I then keep all of these in a file. if ever needed I will at least have some documentation. If this works for anyone else feel free to use them. Mike
  11. Ok....been getting the warnings lately that some programs will no longer be supported with Internet Explorer 7 so it's time to jump to IE8. No biggie right? I download the upgrade file for my Windows XP and go to install it. Dang...... I have the file BOIE8_MSCOM_XP.EXE as the upgrade but when I go to install it I get the message "BOIE8_MSCOM_XP.EXE is not a valid Win32 application" I spent some time on the Windows site and checked that I have all the needed updates installed on my system and it looks like I have everything I need. I can get around a computer pretty well if I know where I'm going but I'm a bit stumped on this one. Any suggestions? Mike
  12. VR Assistance GPS files. The attached folder holds all the GPS files you need to upload the VR Assistance files into your Zumo, download the entire folder . They were created with the Garmin Zumo in mind. If your GPS uses this file extension (*.gpx) for Custom Points of Interest then they should work for your GPS. However I did not test these files in any GPS other then the Zumo 550 so if you have a Streetpilot you will have to test it on your own, but the file should work for any Garmin GPS that uses this file extension. If you download any of these files for any GPS other then the Zumo 550 please let everyone else know if they work or not, please include the manufactor and model of your GPS. You can download the entire US_CANADA file or you can download by State/Province to save memory. I downloaded the entire US_CANADA file into mine (file is not that big only 124 KB) but I made separate State/Province files for those that prefer to load only the states they ride in. I have included a word file (GPS File Member) which I downloaded from this site. It's a list of members who volunteered to help other members on the road. If you look at this file you will notice that some members are in BOLD print and others are not. If you name is in BOLD print then you have been included in the files. If you name is not in bold then you were not included in the files. You will also note that if you only provided your first name when you filled out this information on the site then your name will be follwed with a number. I used the last 4 digits of your phone number, I had to do this because you can't save a file with the same name and I had a bunce of Jims etc.. There are various reasons that you were left out, your phone number may be missing or you have not listed a city or the city you did list is misspelled or I can’t find a GPS coordinate for it. I did not use anyones' personnel address for the GPS coordinate, I used the city they listed. So if your in Tampa Florida you will be able to call up all members who live in Tampa. Call the person you want to get in touch with for directions because all the members in Tampa use the same GPS coordinate etc. If members wish to give you their GPS coordinte you can save that information over the files information. If you were left out for any reason but wish to be included in an update, which is to come later then please email me with the missing information and I will include you in the update. To upload the Custom POI’s into your Zumo you can follow the direction in your manual or you can follow the directions I have included below. If you do not have the POI Loader program you will need to download and install it on you computer. You can find it from this site: http://www.garmin.com/products/poiloader/ You need to put all of your Custom POI’s in 1 folder. The POI Loader will load all GPX files that you have in the folder. You can’t load the GPS with multiple directories so put all your POI’s in 1 folder. Open the POI Loader program. Wait for POI Loader to locate your GPS and click Next. Find the folder that your POI file is in and select it Hit Next, this will load all your POIs to the GPS Hit Finish Disconnect your GPS from the computer Turn on your GPS Touch "Where To" On your GPS, go to "Extras". Select "Custom POI's". If you see the list of custom POI's your ready to go. I am not an expert but I will try and help you if you email me. I have tested all the files on my Zumo and they work. If you find any errors please email me about them and I will correct them and include them in the update. There was a lot of work involved with creating these files and I was careful not to make mistakes but I know that there are errors so if you find one please let me know. If your GPS uses any of the following file extensions email me and I will email the file back to you in the requested format. Garmin GPS Database Version 2 (*.gdb) Garmin GPS Database Version 3 (*.gdb) MPS files (*.mps) DXF files (*.dxf) I tried to think of every thing but I'm sure I left something out. Enjoy.
  13. Question for you computer experts. When I go to a web site for an association I belong to and try to open a document the typical box opens. The options are "Save this file" and "Open using MS Word". Mine has always said Open with MS Word but now says open with "Windows Shell Common DII" or it could be D11. Any ideas what this may be? I do have MS Word on the laptop. EDIT: I saved the document I needed to My Documents and it went to a File Maker Pro file which is a program we use for this same association and a program I recently did some upgrades on. Any idea how to get this back to MS Word?
  14. I need some info from a real savvy computer person as my knowledge of the inner working of a PC are rather limited. Heres the situation: my original hard drive © was almost out of space. Its from a 2000 Dell PC with 1 G of ram (2 512 sticks), 4500 model I think with an 18.62 gb hard drive. A while ago my son-in-law installed a 233gb hard drive (E) in series with C drive, however I was never able to move stuff back and forth. I tried moving a large music library over from C to E but ended up losing the whole file. What I would like to do if its possible is to transfer my whole C drive contents over to the E drive, then remove the C drive and install the E drive back into the C connection, eliminating having two hard drives completely. Local PC store wants over 100 bucks to do this. Any suggestions? My music file has over 2000 songs so using a zip drive may not work. Keep it at the 5th grade level and ill be fine...LOL:think:
  15. This morning I picked up a nasty that kept popping up and warning my computer was infected and did I want to scan etc. The little sucker couldn't be killed. It's known as Antivirus System Pro It was preventing me from opening the windows task manager so I could wring it's filthy little neck. Finally I logged off and back in and started the windows task manager before the malware got started. I was able to kill the processes and go after the damage it caused. If course I was aggravated and went after it with an axe and didn't really think about documenting what I did. My best recollections here for anyone that needs to rip it out: It had created a folder in "My Documents" named "Program Files". All it's nasty executables were in there. I deleted the folder. I use a hosts file to suppress ads. It had re-written the hosts file so it could phone home via a fake web name. I fixed the hosts file. I used CCcleaner to clean out the registry. For anyone using a hosts file the following entries should block it from phoning home: winwarepro.microsoft.com winwarepro.com http://www.winwarepro.com It probably overwrites them, so you might have to re-add after an infection.
  16. .. wmv file that is 3Mb so that ya'll can see it?
  17. I am in the process of installing cruise control on my 1983 Venture Standard. I have purchased almost all of the items I need to do this upgrade from ebay. Prior to installing the parts, I will be disassembling the ones that I can and cleaning them. I have made the following write up of the process of cleaning the clutch side switch housing that came off of a 1988 Venture. The pictures show the switch completely removed from the bike. It is fairly lengthy, 47 pictures, but thorough. I would recommend removing switch from bike if you perform this cleaning. There are a number of small springs and ball detents that are very easy to lose unless you have a large well lit working area. If you are unable to open the PDF file, PM me with your email address and I will send it to you. I have detailed the throttle side switch in another thread. Picture below is of the switch detailed in this PDF file. 38050.pdf
  18. Files Updated on 10/28/2009 Minor corrections done to both schematics. Text realigned for easier reading Gary I have completed the 1999-2009 Royal Star Venture schematics. The 99-09 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Wiring Diagram Rev B file shows all the connectors and resembles the wiring diagram in the 1999 Yamaha Royal Star Venture service manual that is referenced in the Second Gen and Royal Star Technical Library on this site. The 99-09 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev B file is the complete wiring for the bike in a much simpler format. Since the wiring connectors are not shown, components can be rearranged in a more logical format that reduces the wires running back and forth. Some of the switches are shown in a more convenient manner also. This file would probably be the one most used for trouble shooting. I have also added a legend to this group to help users understand the schematics better. If you find anything that needs changed on these schematics, let me know & I will fix it. The files will look best when plotted at 11" x 17" size or larger. Office Max, Kinko’s and Staples as well as others can do this for you for a minimal charge if you want a printout. I paid $1.00 for an 11" x 17" color print at Staples. All you have to do is take the PDF file that you download to their store and they can print it. Double click on underlined blue text below to down load the schematics in PDF format. Files were created in Adobe Acrobat 7.0. 99-09 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Wiring Diagram Rev B.pdf 1999-2009 Royal Star Venture From 1999 Yamaha Royale Star Venture Service Manual. Pages 9-7 & 9-8. PDF file pages 485 & 486 of 487. This file combines the MCU, Cruise Control Unit, Cruise switch & D.C. outlet systems on page #1. 99-09 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev B.pdf 1999-2009 Royal Star Venture I did this one from a blank sheet of paper. I could not find anything similar in the information I had available. 99-09 Yamaha Royal Star Venture electrical info.pdf This file is a compilation of various sheets from the 1999 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Service Manual that would be helpful when working with electrical system. They are not modified in any way, just as they appear in service manual.
  19. I have completed the initial pass on the 1986-1989 model years schematics. My goal in doing this is to make them easier to read and reduce the number of pages needed to display the information. I have used color and line types to make the wiring easier to follow. In some cases I could not use the exact color that is being represented due to visibility and printing issues. For example yellow is hard to see on the screen and does not print well. I have tried to check these as thoroughly as possible. Any errors, corrections or additions that anyone has, please send to me and I will update the files. I have been assisted by fellow member Ozlander with his help checking over my work. I do not have a bike to look at to verify some of this info. I have an 1983 without Cruise or CLASS systems that varies somewhat from the 1986-1989 models. As I update these files I will increment the revision letter at the end of the file name. The files will look best when plotted at 11" x 17" size or larger. Office Max and Staples as well as others can do this for you for a minimal charge if you want a printout. I paid $1.00 for an 11" x 17" color print at Staples. There are four different PDF files for the schematics and one with some reference information from the service manual. To open the PDF file, click on file name shown in blue below. 86-87 Yamaha Venture DS Wiring Diagram Rev A.pdf 1986-1987 Venture XVZ13DS/DSC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 8-41. PDF file pages #467 & 468 of 496. This file combines the CLASS & Cruise systems on page #1, page #2 is the Audio system. 88-89 Yamaha Venture U Wiring Diagram Rev A. pdf 1988-1989 Venture XVZ13U/UC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1988-1989 Supplement. PDF file page #478 of 496. This file combines the Cruise systems on page #1, page #2 is the Audio system, page #3 is CLASS system. 88-89 Yamaha Venture DU Wiring Diagram Rev A. pdf 1988-1989 Venture XVZ13DU/DUC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1988-1989 Supplement. PDF file pages #477 & 479 of 496. This file combines the CLASS & Cruise systems on page #1, page #2 is the Audio system. 86-89 Yamaha Venture Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev A. pdf 1986-1989 Venture XVZ13DS/DSC - U/UC - DU/DUC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 thru 7-4. PDF file page #265 thru 268 of 496. This file combines the CLASS & Cruise systems on page #1, page #2 is the Audio system. 86-93 Yamaha Venture electrical info.pdf 1986-1993 Venture XVZ13DS/DSC - U/UC - DU/DUC - DA/DAC This file is a compilation of various sheets from the 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual that would be helpful when working with the electrical system. They are not modified in any way, just as they appear in service manual.
  20. kenw

    wake up

    I hope this isn't too political don, but i thought it should be seen! thanks, ken sorry Itried getting a file from an interview with Ted nugent, but couldn't
  21. Did an interview with CBC Ottawa last week Friday and it aired yesterday at 6 pm, in the News at Six segment. Thought I would post this as some of you would be interested. The item starts about 3\4 way through the mp3 file, so just move the slider until you find it. http://podcast.cbc.ca/w6_20090714_2100.mp3 You can also join our group on FaceBook: Save the Country Butchers
  22. These pics are pretty good, I had to put them in a zip file as they were to large, but I think you may enjoy them. Ian [ATTACH]26446[/ATTACH]
  23. This is an interesting study on motorcycle oils. If this has been posted before, sorry, I couldn't find it anywhere. Edited by V7Goose: Man, I don't know what was wrong with that pdf file originally attachd here, but it stunk up several of my computers BAD (massive memory useage, huge page file, SLOW, etc.). So I deleted it and added an external link here: http://www.synthetic-oil-tech.com/MC%20White%20paper-g2156.pdf (If anyone has downloaded and saved the original file from this post, I suggest you delete it and save the one from the link. The file is twice as big, but it won't mess up your computer!)
  24. OK folks...as I await the arrival of m Zumo 550, I'm already trying to learn about it. I rode with a guy one day that had all the Yamaha Dealers installed as POIs. Do any of you know where I can get that file? Are there other interesting POIs that I should know about? Thanks
  25. I have been playing around with the AutoPager plug-in for Firefox. For multi-page displays, such as a google search results or a long thread or forum here on VentureRider, it automatically loads the next page below the current one so you can just keep scrolling down instead of having to keep selecting the next page and wait for it to load. I think it is pretty cool, but, unfortunately, they don't have detailed documentation in english yet. It works automatically on many pre-defined web sites, like google, but VR is not one of those that have been defined yet. I played around with the Site Wizard and think I have a definition that works well for us. I am attaching it as a txt file to this post. If you have the AutoPager plug-in, try importing this file on the "Manage Settings" page. I haven't done this myself yet on a different computer, so I can only hope it works at this point. I'll update this post as I learn more about it. Goose
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