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Found 10 results

  1. Unfortunately, I dropped my 88 VR bike on the throttle side 🙁. Broke the top part of the fairing by the mirror mount. There is other minor cracks/chips on this side. I am considering buying a replacement (preferably burgundy color). Should I bite the bullitt and replace it or is it worth learning fiberglass repair on this old of a fairing? Thanks for any suggestions or parts. I am up to date on EBay and watching a couple of decent ones.
  2. Anyone out there have a lower right side fairing/wind deflector with louvers? Black would be great:o) While I'm at it...since these pieces are plastic as opposed to fiberglass...is special paint required. I'd hate to paint this baby and see the stuff melt away!! Ride safe, Mike
  3. Well I am thinking about building a trailer for my bike. I am thinking about doing a steel frame with a fiberglass shell. Now I know that there are plenty of people here that have pulled trailers and what are your thoughts? Anything a bike trailer needs? Anything to watch out for. I have experience with fiberglass and the know-how to make the mold and all so there are no worries there. I also have decent welding skills. I have made boat trailers before so I know how to keep it square so it will track strait. I have a source that I can get all the materials for around $250. Should I try it or am I better off buying one? Shaun
  4. I know we've talked about this a bunch, but usually we're only talking about spot repair. I'm starting to get a bunch of cracks in the plastic of my fairings so I've decided that my winter project this year is to strip all the plastic off of the bike and reinforce it. I'm going to build up the areas that have cracks pretty good, but I want to also put a layer of fiberglass cloth all over the insides to add some strength. I've looked at Plastex, but dang it's going to be expensive to get enough for a project like this. Several on here have said not to use fiberglass resin, so what are my options? Will ABS cement work for this or do I need to look at something else? Thanks.
  5. Well started work on my $250 trailer that had rode a wall. All I can say is I HATE FIBERGLASS WORK!!!!!!!!!!! Got the glass work done and started the filler next weekend on to primer and blocking. Plans are 2 tone white to match bike with ghost flames:225:
  6. So who does a guy go to when he's built a custom rig like a trike or sidecar and needs a fiberglass body or shell made for it? Are there some tricks or simple equipment for the DIY'er so he can doe it himself? I've been putting a lot of thought into building a Tri-Car using my 83 VR and a VW engine and trans-axle. I'm sure I could put it together, but have no idea how to make fiberglass body panels. Any advice?
  7. I have seen trailers at rallies that resemble 57 chev's, corvettes and 65 mustangs. These were built to be pulled behind motorcycles, they look like cars on trailers, are made of fiberglass, and they open up and are cargo trailers. I seem to remeber them being made in Louisianna but not 100% sure of that. Anyone know anything about them?
  8. does anyone have the link for the fiberglass cover ?
  9. There's been a ton of posts written about plastic repair on fairings, but can anyone who's successfully patched a large sized hole in their plastic fairing gimme a hint on what you used and how it turned out. I have two fairly good sized holes in the bottom of the trunk of the '91 that need to be filled and faired. Since they are right in front the area supported by the 4 thru-screws, and right on the leading edge of the trunk, I thought I'd try to lay down a reinforcing fiberglass matt over the entire area either on the inside or underneath. Any advise on what you used to fill the void of the missing pieces of ABS. I work with fiberglass all the time, but with ABS, and spider cracks, I'm a little aprehensive.... I didn't spot the damage until after I bought the bike, and this is the first time I've haven't been able to put 2 and 2 together to figure out how the damage happened. The bottom of the trunk was fractured , and the mounting ears on the frame plus the ears on the mounting rack were broken off. It took one hell of a hit. But.... there is absolutely no other damage to to the trunk, saddle bags, chrome rails and lighting, or surrounding area. The trunk is 100% other than the bottom damage. Nothings bent or broken. It's got me scratching my head.... A 400lb gorilla maybe???
  10. SWR meters are harder to find than hens teeth around here. I finally had to pay premium price from Radioshack. When I set it up with my scoot, I got >3, so I took the rubber cap off and shaved 1/4th inch off the end of the antenna whip. Funny, it just looked like nothing but fiberglass, but when I checked it, it measured 3 again. It seemed so krazy that I did it over and over again, so I started cutting off the rubber cap and the measurement came down - not by much but at least
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