Here's the deal:
About got smacked by a truck coming over on me the other day. Had my adult daughter on the back so didn't want to do big time evasive maneuvers.
The cager (Ford F150) started coming left. I made eye contact with him in his mirror. He knew I was there but he was bigger and kept on coming.
I got on the brakes and the wonderful dual tone factory horns (what a joke Yamaha played on us).
Cager came on over, shot me the bird, and continued on up the road.
I got home, found a Fiam horn I had. I disconnected my chrome horn down by my right foot and connected the Fiam. Hit the button and only heard a slight bump sound. :fiddle:So, I disconnected the front horn behind the fairing and hit the button again. Same result.
Took the Fiam and connected it straight to a battery. Perfect loud sound.
I guess I'm getting too much voltage drop to use it on the Venture, but wouldn't think so. Have an identical Fiam horn on my V Star 650 and it works fine.
Anyone else try this?