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  1. Just got back from the prostate cancer ride in Victoria. Preliminary figures are $ 75,000.00 raised to fight prostate cancer. Did the poker run and pulled 4 aces and a 7. That was high hand for a 6 burner stainless steel bbq until someone showed up with a straight flush at the last moment. One unhappy thing, when we got on the ferry to go back to Saltspring one of the crew informed me that a biker had got off the ferry on their previous trip and got wiped out just outside the terminal. We had watched two ambulances and three fire trucks go by at that time. Don't have any other info. Hope it wasn't someone I know.
  2. I have a Scooter Schooner tent trailer at my parent's house in Coeur d'Alene, ID that I need brought to Anchorage, Alaska. This would be ideal for somebody planning to camp on the way up and then taking the ferry back down (to Bellingham, WA). My daughter and I used it on our 8100 mile trip last summer but couldn't get it on the ferry for our trip home.
  3. The Lake Express Ferry just announce that motorcycles will travel free in May and June. Also, if reservations are made online, they will be free Sept and Oct as well. This is a great way to avoid Chicago traffic. My wife and I (and the Venture) have taken it a couple of times. Very nice. http://www.lake-express.com/newsletters/10MarMRF/index.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=CampaignMonitorEmails&utm_content=990060759&utm_campaign=2010-MAR-MotorcyclesRideFreeKickoff+_+oitukr&utm_term=Clickhere RR
  4. Been looking at riding over to one of those island/tourist destinations for a few days next year. Washington Island Wi or Mackinac Mi. Both require a ferry trip. Never had a bike on a boat. Anybody know how stable my baby will be [my bike, Renate can look after herself]. Anything i should know or do before i show up at the dock. Just curious, thanks. al
  5. Monty

    A good day

    Like I said, I haven't been able to ride for a month between bad weather, and my TCI going out on me. Today, we went riding some good twisty roads with my oldest son and his girlfriend. He rides my old bike, that I sold him last March. I may be buying it back from him after he takes off to Basic Training next month. We rode some good twisties, then took the ferry across the lake, then rode the twisties again. We then ended up at our favorite local hangout, for some good bbq and 'liquid refreshment". Great times. I'm soooo glad to be riding again. Click on the pic... http://s74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/th_IMG_0063.jpg
  6. Just wanted to share our 3 day weekend trip (Aug 1 - 3) with ya'll. We left Vancouver around 7:45 AM headed for the Langdale ferry leaving Horseshoe Bay @ 9AM. Being that it was a long weekend, the linup for the ferrys was extremely long but around here, if you're on a scoot, you go past all the cars, campers, motorhomes, etc and get right down front. It's a "first on - first off" for bikers. Met another couple riding an '07 RSMV from Kamloops doing the same trip. The "trip" takes us up the "Sunshine Coast" via 2 ferry rides to Powell River, across the straight on another ferry to Comox, south down Vancouver island via the "old" coast highway to Victoria and from there back to Vancouver. We took a side trip to Saltspring Island to visit with Sailor and his wife. Those not familiar with this route can google it and take a look ... it's one of the best 2 or 3 (or more) days bike trips around here. Lots to see and do and the scenery is amazing. A word of warning tho... make hotel/motel reservations on a long weekend or you may just find yourself riding a lot further than expected (don't ask how I know this LOL). We hooked up with Sailor mid-afternoon Sunday and after a short rest and a drink or 3 at his place, Nina & I headed down to the lake for a refreshing swim (the lake is just down the hill from Sailor's house). Then it was back to his place for more R&R, drinks, story telling, jokes and so on ending with a feast of BBQ ribs, salads, and an amazing chocolate raspberry "OMG this is so good" dessert. (it was raspberry, wasn't it? ... I think I was slightly "overserved" by that time LOL) What a host/hostess he and his wife Janet are! I just can't say enuf good words about them ... truly awesome "real" people! Monday we headed off the island to ride out to Sooke and hook up with my nephew who was out fishing with his daughter and her boyfriend. While at it they set a crab trap and got a good mealful. Plans are to go over there for the long weekend in Sept for more fishing and partying. My nephew is sure in his glory with his new, all aluminum fishing boat. A few pics for ya'll to check out here.... enjoy! http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/Aug2009LongWeekend/?albumview=slideshow Hope you can access these...
  7. Or for anyone in the know. The wife and I will be in Bar Harbor on Sunday 8/16. Our goal is to get on the ferry in Bar Harbor and head to Nova Scotia the next day. Anyone know if I need to buy tickets ahead of time or just wait and buy them there? We will be on the RSV. Any other advice for that area regarding the ferry would also be welcomed.
  8. Getting bored with the cold I was reading some of the old threads about riding on gravel and different conditions. It reminded me of times we boarded ferries. The first time was in the U. P. in Mich at DeTour Village. We were going over to Drummond Island for a ride. The ramp takes some getting use to both driving on and off of the ferries especially if the are the big ones. "Ferries" that is. The next time was over by Boyne City Mich. We were riding along the south side of Lake Charlevoix heading toward Ironton. The GPS unit started flashing and warned that the road ends ahead. I thought what in the world does that mean, "road ends". As we toped the hill you could look down the other side and the GPS started flashing "Board Ferry" Sure enough we had to take the ferry across the south leg of Lake Charlevoix to continue on our way. It was a very nice ride it that area of Michigan. Thought I would share and find out has anyone had trouble boarding or Leaving a ferry? Looking forward to spring.
  9. Last weekend...a couple of our sons, friends, my brother and his wife took a 3 day Winery tour! Have never posted pix before, but wanted to try it. The one is at New Diggins, WI and the other is crossing the ferry at Cassville IA. I just got the digital camera so I'm not very good at taking pix or downloading them yet.
  10. So now that I have all my ducks in a row finally, and am ready to ride, how's everyone else planning on scooting over to see Don on his great day? Time, maybe, to do some organizing and planning. I thought about doing something different this year and take the Peelee Island ferry, but that turns out to be a 7 hour total trip with the cost of $44.00 per scoot and rider, plus the passenger, one way. Sounds a bit expensive and they won't let you ride while on the ferry. So looks like what we did last year sounds like fun again, but I would hire a less expensive place to sleep, rather than the Comfort Inn at over $100.00 just to close my eyes.
  11. Guest

    Anyone for a boat ride?

    I am going to visit the North Carolina Outer Banks this coming June. As time gets closer I will make reservations and plan to board the Ferry on June 1, 2008 at O630 hours. Any and all are welcome to join me, but it is limited to about twenty bikes due to ferry schedules and time, and keeping the group together. Reservations for the Ferry Trip have to be made at least 30 days in advance so this is why I am putting this up a little early...so any who might be wondering have time to know about it at least. See the attached Word document for more info.....the photos are of a result of my installing Ride-On in my tires this morning.....the instructions told me to take the bike for a short ride to distribute the substance in the tires....I just expanded the short ride to 261 miles.....this is what spring time looks like in the Carolina's.
  12. Last Sunday my wife and I rode from Lexington, KY to Maysville, KY and crossed the Ohio river via the bridge at Maysville. After stopping for lunch at the "Lively Lady" in Aberdeen we continued west along the river until coming to the Augsta Ferry ( http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM246Z ). We then crossed back into KY via the Ferry to Augusta, KY. From there we followed highways 19 and 62 back through north central KY. Although it was a bit cooler than my wife would have liked, we did enjoy the ride. I've got to get these rides in before the weather turns too bad. Photos attached. DT
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