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  1. Galapagos


    Can I make a stupid suggestion here? Lets get into the Powerball. We can PayPal Freebird three bucks. That pays for one chance, $2.00, and gives us somthing extra. We can donate what is left. Two dollars for the PB chance and we decide what charity gets the cash by a member vote for the remaining funds. Crazy idea? I donate alot of time and money to those I will never meet. It is a good feeling. The best feeling I have ever had in my life. We could wait til the next pull if nobody hits.
  2. I am feeling rather foolish to have to ask this -- but I don't have a Clymers manual for my 85 Royale as of yet... I need to check the trany fluid level -- and my feeble brain can't figure it out. I had noticed some leakage about a week and a half ago after bringing the bike up to where I am staying during the week. It was on the right side dripping off the exhaust pipe -- which was strange since it was leaning left on the kick stand. It did not leak directly after parking it, but a few days later after having sat without being run. It has since stopped the leaking... I do have it on the center stand now and the engine oil is very near the top line in the sight glass so I don't think it was engine oil unless that had been over filled. The coolant is where it should be (don't think it was coolant anyway) so the only thing left is the transmission... Would someone point a quasi weekend mechanic in the right direction? Thanks Scott
  3. I got a feeling I'm the only venture owner here that's 26 years old lol is anyone close to my age? I know I ride a grandpa cruiser but still lol
  4. It was Harley demo days yesterday so, as in almost every other year, I just HAD to go. Tried the Street Glide first, didn't care for the low "shorty" windshield. It also had a more "stretched out" feeling to it ... probably seat design ... I felt like I needed another 4-6 inches arm length. Next was my fav ... Ultra Limited ... If I had the extra bucks, I'd have one (as an extra scoot). 'nuff said. Just for the halibut, I decided to try out the Trike ... now THAT is a whole different feeling! If you've ridden a quad ATV, cornering would be similar .... slow speed cornering around city streets I felt like I was going to tip it LOL ... out on the highway it wasn't too bad. One thing is ya don't want to be constantly correcting the steering otherwise you find yourself "wig-wagging" down the road. Then there's the bumps ... holy crap! you try and miss them but it doesn't happen and you can really feel them. I also felt that it was geared differently than a reg bike as 6th gear on the trike felt more like 5th on the Ultra. Wind protection on all 3 weren't nearly as good as the Wing. Had me some fun anyway ... and it mostly served to affirm how EASY the Wing is to drive in comparison, not to mention the major difference in power. I had to laff at myself tho as when I got back on the Wing, my legs/feet were looking for the floorboards (riding the Harley and having a 2nd gen for 3 yrs ... it was kinda "natural")
  5. On Monday I had an ultrasound biopsy on my prostate. It went well and by Monday evening I was feeling fantastic. On Tuesday I woke up feeling great and went to the office. Tuesday afternoon I worked in the garage for a bit but when I came into the house I had the chills. They got worse and I was shaking so hard I could hardly hold my phone to call my wife. Now I sit in the hospital as they pump antibiotics into me. My temp spiked at 103.8 for two hours! I shook for 4 hours. I may be luckily and get out tomorrow, maybe Friday. Appreciate prayers. What a week!
  6. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Have a great day and hope you are feeling better. Margaret & Jeff
  7. Trader


    A lot of us like riding because of the feeling of freedom....or even "flying". Imagine what this must be like! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgdIE2t8QkM?****
  8. Just wanted to say Thank You to all of you on here who recommended the E3 tires. Just replaced the original 404 tires with a set of E3's and WOW what a difference no squirrelly feeling on rough pavement or tar snakes or even road cracks. Top heavy feeling is gone! Anyway thanks everyone. Anyone still running the 404's try E3's when you wear your 404's out. You will not be sorry. By the way they were only $40 more than a new set of 404's! Ken!
  9. Well returned to Doc today 11 days after surgery. He said Im healing well removed my staples and come back in a week. Still no riding or driving yet, no heavy lifting and he said to walk as much as possible.. Im feeling alot better the last few days so another week I should be doing really well. John
  10. I know that I need a new front tire, and probably a fork rebuild, but this bike has the shakes. It rides good(to me) though it does have a slight wobble to it, or should I say a "light" feeling in the front end while riding. Now I had this bike up to 80 mph and it went straight down the road, but still that feeling on the bars. Going around corners(at speed) demands attention. The feeling I'm talking about is like when you're riding a fast bike hammering it(racing)and you get that "feeling" right before it pulls the front wheel off the ground. Also when its on the centerstand, if I shake the bars, the front end wobbles. The whole front of the bike shakes. I know that the front tire has a little spring to it and you can see that when it moves but I don't see anything else loose. What should I look for? Thanks for any help!
  11. Maybe it's just me, but my RSV runs sooooo much better after it's been cranked up to 70 - 80 mph for a little while. I ran the 230 miles up and back to Chattanooga today, and this bike just loves the high speeds on the interstate, and just felt like it had so much smooth power at the top end of 5th gear. I was already cruising at 75 when I needed to do a fast pass of an 18-wheeler, and when I hit the throttle, man it just flew in response. I really don't like interstate travel and don't do it much, so this feeling of power and acceleration isn't something I get to experience a lot. Is what I'm feeling at that speed related to ideal engine compression? I wish it performed that way at all speeds in all gears. What a rush!
  12. If you are riding in a State that does not require you to where a Helmet, how often do you wear yours? Before anyone gives me the rant about how stupid it is to ride without one, I know it is unsafe and unwise. We wear ours unless it is uncomfortably warm with it on. We LOVE the free feeling without them. It's also safer to wear full face, but we choose the half helmets because we don't like the enclosed feeling of the full face. We don't see very many riders with helmets on when it is warm out - except for those on the Crotch Rockets. They are usually in full face and full leathers &/or body armor, even when it is 100 degrees!! I don't know how they do it. craigr
  13. I just don't get it. Maybe it's an age thing? Maybe someone can explain it to me, without getting into an arguing match. I see thread after thread about how the wind is touching someone, and they want to get it off. Gargantuan windshields, upper deflectors, lower deflectors, side deflectors, leg deflectors...etc... Part of riding a motorcycle is that feeling of freedom, and getting a little wind in your face. Without the wind, it seems like you might as well be in a cage. I don't want a pi$$ing match. I just thought I might be able to discuss this with friends, and maybe understand it a little better, that's all.
  14. Took the FJR out this Morning -7C....Couldnt wait.... Every Spring I go to my favourite road and give the scoot a run Now I'm thinking of the road condition like salt, loose sand, Moose, deer ,rodents and the shifting of the payment. 211 Kph on the garmin GPS , to you members down south thats..131.03 mph Oh!! What a Feeling..... What a RUSH!!!
  15. reference: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=57395 The "new to me" GL1800 is a 2007. The black is the metallc, this thing really sparkles in direct sunlight. The short time that I have spent riding so far has been very revealing. I suppose many of you already know some of this, but here goes. Comparing to my 2007 Venture. Even though it's heavier it feels and handles lighter, lower center of gravity. Smooth strong power all the way through the revs, I like to describe it as almost like a powerful electric motor feeling. Of course electronic fuel injection instead of hand choke and four carburetors. Seat is a little lower, and being inseam challenged, it's much more reassuring when stopped. Lots of other little goodies, like electronically controlled two memory preloads for the rear shock (solo/passenger). Speaking of the rear shock, I don't think you have to be in constant fear of a catastrophic rear shock failure at any moment. I loved both my Ventures, rode a '84 until 2004, had my '07 for over a year, but struggling with it being top heavy and wanting to not put my passenger in jeopardy of crashing to the ground when stopped, I was considering some kind of trike kit. Wth the Wing, I may feel enough in control to actually enjoy riding more than I have recently. This thing has crash bars that supposedly holds it up at about a 45 degree angle if it tips over, keeps it off of anyone on it as well as not crashing into the saddle bags, etc. There's a lot more that could be discussed about all the little gadgets, doo-dads, bells&whistles, etc. but that's just "stuff". The main thing for me is feeling more comfortable, at ease, and hopefully I'll get at least a couple more years of fun, enjoyable riding. (I'll be 74 years young next month). Oh, yeh! Just remembered to add this, no chirp, no whine. Everyone feel free to comment.
  16. I just got done talking to a lady I responded to who had had a major heart attack. She was purple, unresponsive, and severly critical. Immediate CPR and AED. 4.....FOUR......did I mention 4 AED treatments (shocks) later we were in the ambulance, 2 more times I hit her with the AED in route. Medic was pushing meds, you guys know the drill. She arrived in critical condition at the ER, full vent, 25% chance of pulling through. That was 3 weeks ago, and tonight she contacted me. She is home and on her way to a full recovery. :cool10: Their really are not words to describe this feeling. She opened the conversation with "hi, this is *******, I hear that because of you I am alive" Understand I respond as a volunteer responder, paid for my own med training as an emt, and we DO NOT have an ambulance in our town. For 12-15 minutes it was her, me and 2 other responders following my lead. Im on cloud nine right now. Not tooting my horn, but Im the only one awake right now at my house so you guys/gals get to hear me rant....... Ive been doing this for years now, but it never gets old..............OK Im done
  17. http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/1653/fuwinter.jpg
  18. after reading about "BONGO-BOB'S "misfortune, it became obvious to me that some members here are "savvy" about peripheral neuropathy. my sister has it in both feet, and now her hands are showing signs of "loss of feeling". she is NOT diabetic, and is rapidly becoming a cripple. anyone who knows about this malady, please respond or p.m. me with your input. God bless all. just jt
  19. I can only figure that it's fuel related, like maybe bad gas or excess moisture in the line. It happened 3 times on Friday in an hour, then OK for a few days and about 90 miles, and then again twice earlier today, and then OK since. After it cuts off, it fires right back up again with no problem. I put about 6 oz of B-12 Chemtool in it on Friday, thinking that would help, and thought it was until it cut out again today. I'll run it again from Wednesday through the weekend pretty heavily when the weather clears (rain tomorrow and Tuesday here in the ATL) and see what happens. Gotta feeling I've got a fuel filter replacement in my future. Maybe some new plugs too. Any other thoughts, or anyone having a similar experience that you have found the solution for, I'd love to hear about it.
  20. For the first time in 5 months and 4 days, I will be going to work! The accident on March 27 sure has changed my life, but I hope tonight makes it feel a little more normal. I'm nervous, but so ready to get back; not to mention have a full paycheck. My surgery on Aug 6 has been a success; I have limited feeling in my right hand, which is better than none at all! Here's to a good night at work..... I'll be thinking about the Eastern seaboard with EARL and FIONA; my parents are in Myrtle Beach, lets hope these beasts stay out to sea!!!! Ben
  21. Was it ever great to hear from him!! He said to tell all of you "hi" and how grateful he is to everyone here for everything they have done for him. He has more tests coming up soon and hopefully they will get this thing figured out. You don't know how good it was to hear his voice. Even though he's not feeling the best, he's still joking around! I'm praying for the day when I see a pix on here of Lowell back on his bike with that little ol' grin on his face!
  22. I have no ideal how or why this happened but a friend and I were just talking about our bikes and stuff and anyway to make a long story short I ended up trading my 83 venture for a 1987 venture royal. It does need a little work on the fairing parts but I figure ill do that this winter as a garage project. It actually runs good, all the gauges work and the compressor works etc. The only real bad thing is the rear tire wont hold air. it is a brand new tire, still has the tits on it, but it sat for a year and I have a feeling something is between the outer rim and tire. I just cant wait. Should have pics by this weekend. Can you all tell me of any bad "traits" of the 87 and also how does the 1200 compare to the 1300 on the open road? thanks for any info
  23. Sue and I will be leaving Elkhart around 9:00am on Friday. She has decided to make the ride on her own bike so we will be taking 2 lanes and not the Interstate as she's not feeling quite up to that yet as a rider. This will be her longest riding experience so far. We should roll into Oberlin/Elyria around 2:00pm or so.
  24. Just a quick update on taters....The wrist is now in a removable splint as the doctor wants her to use it more and more each day....yesterday was the first day she went without painpills, although she says it still hurts like heck sometimes...she went back to work to answer tetephones at her doctors office...at least he can keep an eye on her, God knows she is stubborn and doesn't listen to me.....she insisted on driving to the store today so I went along for the ride....I have to change my shorts now....naw ...she did ok....like I said stubborn. she would have waited till I wasn't around and went by her self anyway....she must be feeling better because she is back at being sarcastic and arguemenitive...lol....she have been a trooper thruout her ordeal and I for one am glad she is feeling better....she starts thearapy this week and I cant wait to have my co-pilot back...even though its like carrying a sack of potatoes on the back of the bike....lol...She wanted to thank everyone for the cards and pm's .....thank you for thinking of her in your prayers....she definately can use the help...lol....
  25. I just sent an email to Jacksonville Daily News... I figured I'd post it here, and see what y'all thought... From: Henninger, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:48 PM To: 'jdnletters@freedomenc.com' Subject: 'Tis the season to pay attention. As the weather is warming up, and the skies are staying drier, people are spending more time outside, enjoying the change in scenery. Whether it’s to have a cookout, start a garden, go to the park, or just enjoy a weekend drive; more people will be on the roads. With this in mind, I’m asking everyone to take an extra moment, look a little harder and pay more attention. While many people are feeling safe in their cars, there are a lot of people like myself who are taking the covers off our motorcycles, and getting our gear together to go for a ride. I DO admit, there are many riders who act senselessly; squeezing between cars, popping wheelies, and racing down the roads, but I am not one of them. I am one of the overwhelmingly more present safe riders who keep our heads on a swivel, cruise around safely, and are always making every attempt to be aware of our surroundings while enjoying the freedom of two wheels. Even though we do everything we can, there are still people who drive their cars, trucks, vans, and SUV’s in such a manner as if motorcycles don’t exist, and it’s killing us. Literally. Read through this, and give it some thought. We’re not on motorcycles because we’re crazy… We ride because it’s a feeling of freedom that is inexplicable to a non-rider. Please put some kind of note, even if it’s a small one SOMEWHERE in the JDNEWS advising people to be on the lookout for motorcycles, since it is that time of year. I don’t know of any other way to get the message out to drivers, without another biker getting killed by a careless driver. Patrick Henninger Desktop Support Analyst Moen Inc. New Bern, NC (252) 638-3300 x6374
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