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  1. The OEM shock on my 03 Venture finally gave out. Ive read just about every thread on the subject and determine another OEM shock is out. Now to choose between two popular replacements; Works vs Hagon. Based on my initial contact with both companies, online research and the feedback here, Im going with Hagon and the remote pre-load adjuster. Ill be traveling to Southern California about the time when this custom shock arrives so Ill visit thier office and pick it up live.....
  2. Curious to see if anyone is using the new Nokia 920 windows 8 phone. All reviews I read say its an outstanding phone and many are switching from I phone to it. Do we have any feedback from anyone on the board about it???? Joe
  3. Hey everyone... Feedback on intercoms solved!!! Well, at least my issue. I have headsets that clip on to the helmet. There are three wires that need to be reconnected when moving from one helmet to another. They only fit one way... or so it seemed. I was getting a ear shattering feedback loop with intercoms. Happened more than once. And what I discovered was that the microphone cable from the connector can easily get connected to a speaker input! That's the issue!! No wonder I was getting feedback- check to see that you're not connecting your mic DIRECTLY TO THE POWERED SPEAKER CONNECTIONS! That'll do it every time. There follow your mic connection to the clip with the connecting wires. I'm pretty familiar with cables and fancy myself a pretty good troubleshooter, but there's something about the way that the cables are coming off of that connector with the mic attached that makes it easy to connect to the wrong spot. After you get it right. Mark the mic connectors with colored tape. Problem solved! I have a half-helmet with the speakers in the removable curtain. Removing them would cause this connection problem every time! Not any more!!!
  4. Just wanted to share this link & seller with the forum. I just picked up a pair of Gel cushions for my 1st Gen from this guy. http://myworld.ebay.com/ldavis1231?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 Oh is my butt happy! This guy shipped them out next day. The usually go for $99.50 but he had them on sale for $84.58. When I leave feedback I'm going to mention Ventur Riders to him so maybe he would extend the sale to anyone from here as well.
  5. Can anyone offer advise or experience with Bluetooth technology and helmet communication sets? Looking into a way/means to not be wired to the bike and bluetooth looks to be the way to accomplish this. Thanks for any feedback (no punn!)
  6. kenw

    Goin bionic

    My doc just informed me its time to start thinking about a knee replacement. I remember people talking about their experiences with this and was hoping for some feedback about what to watch out for! Is one brand knee better than another? Thanks, Kenw
  7. Am I the only one that has a rear shock on the oil side go out on my 2001 RSV??
  8. OK, Been riding an 06 tour deluxe with Mustang seat that had integrated backrest. Bought a Midnight Venture with a standard seat. Cant ride but an hour or so before I am really feeling the need to lean back. I like the way the Mustang was adjustable and laid down. What backrest do you have or prefer and why? :feedback: Thanks in advance all. Signed, Old Hurtin' Back
  9. Has anyone done or know of someone chroming the stock RSV wheels? I would like to do this to mine, but would like some feedback. I am not interested in aftermarket wheels.
  10. Anyone ever try these liners ? If so I would like some feedback. Tom http://www.jpcycles.com/product/830-922?utm_medium=cse&utm_source=shoppingdotcom
  11. Condor

    Spot 1 ?

    There's a fellow locally who is selling a SPOT 1 for $45 bucks. Do I want it?? What are my options??? Need a little wisdom feedback.
  12. I have the opportunity to pick up a 94 Voyager at a really good price so I'm thinking about making it my ride for the summer. Does anyone know what I need to look for before I purchase it? I am trying to find a good Voyager forum for some feedback as well.
  13. Soon I'll be setting my labor rate for the upcoming season and would like some input. If you know what shops in your area are charging/hour I'd appreciate the following feedback: Dealer/Independent Geographical area (eg. West Tennessee). Labor rate. Thanks!
  14. I ran into a 2008 Ford F350 Diesel that's coming up for auction. Did the usual research on value and feedback. The feedback is mixed. Anyone here running a F350 or F250 2008 or later?? I understand they had a problem with the radiator leaking, but anything else I should be aware of??
  15. OK, ok, I was just joking about the plow and snow tires, but I wanted to get your attention. I have been investigating "Hippo Hands" and think they are viable solution to cold hands, but wanted to see if anyone has feedback about them. Some feedback is the wind puts some pressure on the clutch and brake levers when you're on the highway. Other people have said they are "the best thing since sliced bread". The ones I need are $73.00 so I just don't want to throw the money away if they aren't going to do the trick. I'm also curious about any quick removable insulated chaps. Not the leather kind, but maybe a snow suit type material with some down feathers and maybe some velcro straps that can be easily-on/easily-off. Any feedback would be really appreciated as the cold weather is rapidly approaching. Thanks, Woody
  16. Has anyone installed these lights. Looking for some feedback. http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee93/cevans1961/Bike%20Pics/th_venture_2005_Piaa_1100x_3.jpg?t=1285636555 Thanks, Chuck
  17. I came across this site by accident last week. They have moved from South Carolina to a small town near me. I am going to contact them to see if they would possibly be interested in doing windshields for our Ventures. I don't see that it would be a big deal as long as they have a "pattern" for the base. Check out their website and give me some feedback about what you think about their products, and any potential interest. We're kinda limited in what's available aftermarket for the Venture, and I'm willing to provide a "mule". The link is, www.customflhtwindshields.net Thanks,
  18. For those of you who have installed an aftermarket tach. Which one are you using? Is it handlebar mounted or mounted in some other fashion?
  19. OK, OK .. I know this ain't about motorcycles but where else can a guy get the greatest feedback about almost every topic under the sun? Nina's Kenmore cannister vac c/w powehead finally packed it in after (according to her) 35 years of use!!! Imagine that... only 35 years! Anyhoo, we're looking to buy a new vacuum and are contemplating a Dyson upright model DC 14 or DC 25. Been reading good stuff about these but the price tag is a little hard to swallow. Anyone got any alternate suggestions/recommendations -or- do you have a Dyson and what's your review on it? Tks for your feedback.
  20. Can anyone recommend a good cleaner in a can? There are times that I just do not have the time to wash the bike.....how about what to clean the windshield with? Thanks in advance for the feedback!
  21. Anybody have any experience with these? I wear a half-helmet and these look like a really good option, but would like some feedback or reviews before I spend the bucks, if possible. http://wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail.php?categoryid=244&pgroupid=26740&goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Felectronics%2F244_goldwing_Headset%2Fdes%2F
  22. This entry in the news blog is a little dated, but, it sorta re-enforces my belief that the rear turn signals should be of a different color from the brake lights. I don't care for the run, stop, turn lights that are red. What do you think? NHTSA Requests Feedback on Amber Turn Signals
  23. Master Formula Metal Gloss - Polish Master Formula Sealer Gloss - Protective sealer I bought these at the Greenville show a few weeks back. Has anyone used these and what feedback do you have. I do not want to put something on my bike that will cause problems later. Thanks in advance for the feedback. Their website is www.masterformulapolish.com
  24. Thinking of joining the GWRRA as an assoc member. A few friends have wings and have hinted at my joining. They seem to have some good benefits. Anyone else here a member and do you have any feedback, pro and con. No, im not getting a wing either so lets nip that one in the bud.
  25. Often times we are quick to criticize dealers or ebay sellers for poor service, dishonesty, or other issues. I have had a very positive experience with an ebay seller of used motorcycle parts and wanted to let you know that this is a person/business that has impressed me. The seller's ebay ID is "motorcycle_parts_4_sale", and I think they are based out of Utah. I bought a part from them through ebay a little over a week ago. Not a big deal, only came to about $22 including the shipping. I received the package this past Saturday, delivered by FedEx. When I opened the box I found that the part had been broken in shipment. The box showed no signs of damage. I then looked closely at how it was packaged, and it was obvious to me that the shipper didn't properly cushion the part to prevent damage. I took pictures of the part, of the box, and of the packaging materials used. I then emailed those pictures to the seller and stated that if he had another one of these items on hand I would like for him to send it to me as a replacement. If not, then I wanted a complete refund to include the shipping charges. To be honest, I kind of expected an argument. But what I got was a reply email apologizing for their error and the damage. I also got an almost immediate refund of all charges, no questions asked. The other thing that impressed me about this seller was that they immediately posted positive feedback for me as soon as they received payment. They didn't wait until after I posted feedback for them like so many sellers do. Needless to say, they will receive the highest feedback possible from me. Anyone can make a mistake, the good ones will acknowledge it and fix the problem. In my opinion, you can't go wrong buying from 'motorcycle_parts_4_sale'. I'm not associated with this seller in any way. This was my first experience with them, and I just want to give praise where praise is due.
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