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Found 23 results

  1. Setting a world record while helping to feed kids. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/story/2012/10/07/sk-combines-record.html
  2. just got the bike first of may and went down on may 27 still recovering and my wife also so thinking of putting a kit on my bike looking for some feed back on which kit is best for the venture thanks butch 882
  3. NO NO I wouldn't let her get away that easy!! The Warden,sister and neice are headed to Virginia Beach for a few days. Although I have left plenty of times back in the day chasing construction jobs, now going to Meets & Eats and things this is 1st!! She has never gone away without me!! I'm SCARED!!Hope she has a great time. They just wanted to do something togather and here it is. Did I mention I'm scared??Big Bad World out there and I won't be there to watch for her. And I got to FEED MYSELF!!! And fetch thingsand....Did I mention I'm scared?? I know she will sneak and read this and I hope you have a GREAT time Honey!! Just don't forget where I live. PLEASE!! OK PARTY TIME!!!:rotfl:
  4. Anyone know what the plastic thing is call at the end of a guy line? It is oval or rectangular w/ 2 holes in it that you feed the guy line through. Yes I know it is not necessary to create a loop to tie a stake to, but just wanting to know what it is called.
  5. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/IMAG0235.jpg Will the angle of the bars cause problems with the feed of fluid for the brake and the clutch?? http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/IMAG0236.jpg
  6. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Just picked up a Astatic 636L noise canceling hand held mic. This mic is 4 pin so I also got the 5 pin din adaptor to go with it. Well, I tried it out and all I get is feed back through the mic. I have an older sears 5 pin that work sso the problems has to be in the wiring in the mic, I think? Does any one know what I need to do to correct the problem?
  7. A little boy comes down to breakfast. Since they live on a farm, his mother asks if he had done his chores. "Not yet," said the little boy. His mother tells him no breakfast until he does his chores. Well, he's a little pissed off, so he goes to feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He goes to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to feed the pigs, and he kicks a pig. He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives him a bowl of dry cereal. "How come I don't get any eggs and bacon? Why don't I have any milk in my cereal?" he asks? "Well," his mother says, "I saw you kick a chicken, so you don't get any eggs for a week. I saw you kick the pig, so you don't get any bacon for a week either. I saw you kick the cow so for a week you aren't getting any milk." Just then, his father comes down for breakfast and kicks the cat halfway across the kitchen. The little boy looks up at his mother with a smile, and says, "You gonna tell him or should I?"
  8. well just finished the rear brakes getting ready to change out the final drive oil when lo and behold i find this(i know better to find at home that on the road)http://www.venturerider.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=800&pictureid=5051 the problem is the tire is already cupping has fairly good tread but riding two up with gear to tybee island will a plug be enough or not? dont have the money for a new tire, and yes when i pulled it out air started pouring out so i put back in until i plug it. would like some feed back, thanks
  9. So with the new Zumo 665 out, and at a heavy price, any one have any comments yet if they are using this unit? Literally an all in one unit, GPS , XM statelite, blue tooth and all the feature of the 660. Looking for feed back before I start looking to lighten up my wallet on the price. Thanks
  10. Well, closest to the very first remembrances: I was still in diapers, and had crawled into the kitchen while the folks were in the playroom. I was so low to the ground, I was fascinated by a line of ants running along the kitchen cabinet base, so I got real low, then somehow I got a taste of the ant poisen (real sweet), so I continued to lick it from the floor, until to my father's surprise! He yelled to my mom to call the doctor, and the doc said for them to feed me a raw egg with warm milk. After I threw that up, I remember getting swatted with a rolled up tv guide (the 5x7 variety) the back page had a cartoon on it. I was sent back to bed!!
  11. An e-mail from Renate (Germany) make me come back to let everyone knows how is our son: After a whole month, still in ICU with Respiratory Assistance but our of Risk. Neumonia consequences were so strong that his recovery will be really slow, however they're confidents on a full recovery. He had two minor surgeries: Traqueostomy and an Esofagic tube to feed him. All we afraid at this time is an Infection from the Hospital itself, that is something usual when you're too long in. Happy thanksgiving for all of you, were you are and thanks for all your prays. Carlos
  12. We're an eating club with a riding disorder - well I heard about another group with an eating disorder today that could use a little help to get them past the 4th of July. It is a not for profit organization called Pizza for Patriots that is planning to send a cargo plane full of pizzas to our military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. A donation of $10 will cover the cost of pizza for 2 soliders. Phil and I are going to feed several of them - Take a look at their website to see if you can feed a couple of soliders too! http://www.pizzas4patriots.com/ Let's help support this great project.
  13. I've got an opportunity to get a 84 1200cc venture, I'm a wing rider and know nothing about the Ventures but a lot about the Goldwings. I was hoping to get some honest feed back on differences in performance and how they ride and feel compared to the wingers...............
  14. Here is the diagram and Radio Shack part numbers for converting a single wire tail light (pilot LED light bar) to be feed as a brake and running light. Note the diodes are directional feed, so the end that has the red tape/silver band goes towards the light. I saved this from before the crash and I don't believe it has been posted again so now its here. I am running the Radio Shack parts on mine with no problems. Gary [ATTACH]28526[/ATTACH]
  15. Some months ago I was asking about this swap- I am nealy complete now but need some advice on wiring the (electric) anti-dive soleniods to work. Do I simply use the brake switch to feed them 12V? Do I setup a relay? Do they need a different voltage? Any help is deeply appreciated, Mark Koontz '83 Venture Wichita, KS
  16. hay has anyone out there in venture land bought a ultimate seat. I was looking at on for a road* and would like to get some feed back before I buy. By the way how have you all been doing long time no type. Michael
  17. Has anyone bought or had experence with these exhaust? http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?campid=5335830059&customid=&toolid=10004&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D230299008124%09 I've seen where several people have used the RK exhaust system and there are several that sell brackets. This seller has the whole kit. Any feed back would be great.
  18. just need some piece of mind or there is a problem. i live in n.j. and i've been riding finally, temps have been in the 30"s & 40"S but it seems to take the bike a long time to warm up before i can go. if it doesn't it stalls....is this the norm? only have 300 miles on the bike..... thanks for any feed back, bob
  19. I have an 06 RSV and am using the JM helmet sets. I can hear my own voice in the headset, and that OK but the feedback is too loud. I must talk fairly loud so that passenger can hear on intercom but it doesn't need to be that loud in MY ears. Volume control doesn't adjust feedback volume. Can the feed back volume be adjusted??
  20. I've noticed people using HD mufflers as an alternative muffler. Question: Any comments on Rineharts....good?....bad?..... Feed back please. I like the way they sound on the RK. Thanx, Jerry
  21. I read through a few threads but couldn't come up with the specific answer although I'm pretty sure what the answer is, just need someone to verify my thoughts. HD TV .... does not need HD cable feed for TV...can use standard "cable TV" ... correct? 'nuther question... when viewing standard cable TV feed, is the clarity of the picture as good as or less than that of a non HD TV?
  22. Has anyone bought anything from this company off ebay. They have the new show chrome windshields for $79.95. Just wondering what if anyone has any feed back on them. Also does any one have the saddle bag liners from the guy that sells on ebay?
  23. hey to all i am new to this site and to web chating but I would like to ask a question. I am looking at trading my 1500 vulcan for a new venture. can i get some feed back from those who own one.
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