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  1. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  2. After 4+ years of ownership, the battery in the Venture decided to crap out. I don't know how old the battery is as it was in there when I bought the bike used, but Ive owned the bike for 4 years. I pulled out an Interstate, which is made by Yuasa. Phone calls to the local Yammie and Honda dealers confirmed that a replacement Yuasa was in the $100-110 range, plus tax, title, license, dealer prep fees, hazard pay, environmental fee, disposal fee, walk in the door fee. I thought about ordering one online, but I'd hate to have to deal with any warranty issues through the interwebs so I checked around some more locally. It appeared to me that the "house branded" batteries at Advance Auto and Oreilly's were actually the highly rated Deka batteries with fancy stickers on them. http://www.advanceautoparts.com/1/1/591589-12-volt-sealed-agm-premium-batteries-power-sports-applications-by-magnapower-part-etx20l.html#fragment-1 http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/SSB0/ETX20L.oap?keyword=etx20l Advance list is 109 and Oreilly's was 89.99. I stopped in at Oreilly's and they had it in stock and they allowed me to fondle it. I then inquired about the price. Of course it came up as 89.99 as I expected so I yelled and screamed and rolled around on the floor and they offered to knock $10 off to make me stop. Total out the door was $84 and some change with my old battery as a core. Got home, checked the voltage, 12.5 volts right out of the box, tossed it in the bike and thumbed the starter switch and it fired right off. Peeled the sticker off the box and guess what...
  3. I am donating a center stand for a RSV bike. The stand is listed on ebay at the following link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/170742183307?item=170742183307&viewitem=&vxp=mtr Write up on installing it is at following link: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1427 Duration of this auction is through 12/11/2011 6:45pm EST approximately. Opening price is $99.99, buy it now for $249.99. Shipping is $15.00 to US lower 48 states. My ebay fee & paypal fee will be deducted from selling price and balance will be donated to St. Jude's Children's Hospital via DragonRider (Lewis Cramer). Decided to sell it through Ebay to try and get some more exposure for it. If you are interested in bidding on this and don't have an ebay account, PM me and we can figure a way to do this. I can't bid on my own item, but I have friends. Remember this is not only a center stand, its a donation for kids. Gary
  4. AM/FM/Cassette parts??? I just went thru all my stuff and have several tuner/amp units, tuner controllers (minus push buttons) and volume control units all tested and in working order. I'm trying to get rid of all this crap!! This stuff is free for shipping costs! Also, I will have several reconditioned Cassette decks available for a small fee exchange. I found a source for belts ansd pinch rollers and I will be refurbishing these decks for those interested in having a cassetre deck like new!
  5. Not much is Free anymore. All the local gas stations now charge $1.00 to use the air machine. What happened to 50 cents. I remember when using the air compressor was a free service. Sheetz where the wife works still has free air but not many left that do.Whats next a $1 fee on the Restroom door? I drove 12 miles to the closest gas station Saturday to gas up the truck. Everytime someone borrows my truck they bring it back empty. Anyway I took the airtank with me cause my air compressor was guarded heavy by Yellow Jackets and the tractor tire was low. I got pissed at the $1 fee for air and came back without it.The gas station also charges a $1 authorization fee just to swipe your credit card at the pump. I'm going to put a sign on the mailbox. Checks Free but bills and junk mail $1 please. I could have the phone company charge for incoming calls the wife is free,all others $1.00 except the Mother In Law $10.00:whistling:
  6. Can someone tell me if the vendors are pretty much set up by Thrusday 10/15/2009 on Main Street or is Friday 10/16/2009 a better day to check things out. The Biketoberfest web site says there is also stuff going on at the speedway. Is there an entrance fee for stuff that goes on out there? This will be the first time I've gone to Daytona so I'm not familiar with the event.
  7. I am in need of some instruction in welding. If anyone is a certified welder or instructor who would be willing to spend a few hours with me (for a fee http://www.patriotguard.org/desktopmodules/ntforums/images/emoticons/smile.gif ) please give me a call. 678-823-3003. Thanks.
  8. Have you read the new Full Throttle article regarding Concerned Bikers Association's lobbying efforts to provide a helmet optional clause? It's a 3 tiered endorsement with fines and fees enclosed, including a $75.00 experienced rider validation fee annually for a special stamp to be placed on your plate so that police know you have paid to be stupid.... strike that, have paid and chosen not to wear a helmet. Among many things about this proposal...how many motorcycles do you own?.. times $75.00. I guess CBA feels that covering state hands in money will buy them the "freedom" to not wear a helmet Novice rider validation fee is a special one - time motorcycle endorsement fee of $10.00 for each plate issued. It's craziness. Let's talk. Brandy
  9. okay folks we got the go ahead for having vendors at the hub at the 2009 rally. here's the details. we are going to have an area for people on this website that have products they make, or are dealers for that they would like to sell, (not used parts), including some non motorcycle stuff like jewelry and things for the ladies. we will have outside vendors there to promote and sell their products,( motorcycle related only). danob11 is on our committee and in charge of vendors and roadkill is also working on vendors. if any member has something to contribute as far as vendors, please pm either one of them with ideas. the vendor area will be inside the meeting hall and will be air conditioned and very nice with lots of room. we also have plenty of ajacient room out side for trailer vendors. the only vendor fee will be the basic meet registration fee which we are still working on. i am trying to get an air brush and pinstripe artist and possibly a tattoo artist there. bill
  10. The dealership I originally bought my VR from has since shut down after the last hurricane damaged it one too many times. Anyway, when I needed to bring my bike in for service they allowed me to borrow a motorcycle trailer as long as I left my DL & CC until I returned it. The place I am currently thinking of taking it to for service said they will come and pick up my bike, but of course for a towing fee. While that is ok, I am wondering if my old dealers policy is still going on in other sections of the state/country? It seemed like a nice customer service gesture at the very least. What are your experiences?
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