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  1. I've heard it over and over that the 1st gen is faster than the 2nd gen.I have a 86 and a 99 with sidecar.There is a straight stretch of road here we call the dragstrip.From the big rock to the mailbox I ran 85 on the 86.On the same stretch on my 99 I ran80 and that was with the sidecar.Does anyone have documented proof that the 1st gen is faster other that I said it is.does anyone have drag slips where the same rider rode both bikes?I HONESTLY do not believe my 86 is faster than my 99. PS. Bet this will probably be deleted within the first 10 repliees but I do need an answer and not just an opinion.
  2. Using my carry-along netbook at the moment. I've taken the bold step of upgrading my laptop which got slower and slower the more things I loaded on it. First step was to see if more memory would help as that is relatively easy; so went from 3GB to the max 8GB. Not much performance gain. So, cpu is the next place to try. I did quite a bit of research and think I found the fastest processor that would be compatible that uses exactly the same amount of power, 25watts. Its a 2 core processor with faster speed and more onboard cache and faster memory access. Should be 2.5 times faster than the old single core cpu according to a benchmark site. (AMD V120 to AMD P650). Bought it used on fleabay for $30. I downloaded the maintenance guide from the Compaq/HP web page and off to work I went. Well, its all apart, parts in carefully marked envelopes. It now should be carefully cleaned. Did you know that 2 pounds of dog hair and potato chip crumbs can find their way to the insides of your computer? A couple of screws were missing, and I need some electrical cleaner and heatsink tape before putting it back together. Did I mention that you should never take a laptop apart... Too many small parts in a torture puzzle configuration. So, I need some VR prayers before attempting to get it all back together....
  3. Well I told the old gal out for a 150 loop yesterday and two things happened... One I lost the speedo, the cable came disconnected, I'm assuming I have to remove fairing to get it back on. Second my left turn signal began to flash faster than the right, still working properly just faster than the right. Any help from any body would be appreciated. The turn signal is s little weird. Bags 84 VR 120k ride and fix it again
  4. stay hydrated and take breaks to cool off. in heat like this u can dehydrate in a hurry & burn even faster....
  5. dray


    Charlie Buddy!!!! you have a new bike! WOW! looks faster then the last one!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gmol26qMTxY http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Gmol26qMTxY dray:rasberry:
  6. I have read many threads that have comments that state their 1st. gen is faster. I thought it was just banter between the two generations, until today, when I read from a fired up member that owns a HD and a first generation. He was tired of a post that he thought was a HD bashing and after he bragged up his HD he closed with a statement that his 1st. gen. would blow the doors off of any 2nd. gen.!!!!! So, are the 1st. generation bikes faster? If so why?
  7. So i keep my bike outside due to no garage or shed. In the winter I will be keeping it under the cover all week till my polar bear rides on sundays. I have noticed a few problems and wonder if anything is serious. My starter button needs to be hit a few times before it angages. no click . its just that the switch. i will dissasemble and clean and lube. the front wheel has been making a lobing squeak. noticeable at a gas station when doing 5 MPH squeak squeak squeak. faster as I go faster. i didnt think anything of it until I got into a heavy lean last night where I didnt want to accelerate anymore and I heard no squeaking but an undescribeable sound comming from the wheel when I turned right. Could this be my wheel bearings going or do they need to be lubed. There was less noise when leaning to the left and nothing when going straight down the road except for the SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK
  8. As it says in the title. I get a chripping sound in every gear, the faster I go the faster the chrip goes. The dealer says no way its the clutch basket and that is is something else. Anyone have any thoughts on what it could be. The bike has only 26,000 miles on it as I found it in a guys basement last spring. Thanks in advance. Richie R
  9. Not sure if it is a coincidence but this site seems to run a lot faster without those pesky sloooooow loads sometimes... HP p6736f...
  10. to daytona , from harrisburg, Pa......is there a faster way than taking the I-95 ?.....i know that interstate can be crowded.......
  11. "Go faster!!" Somebody's having fun! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LxZ4Mi3rR3Q/TGJdSSKHlxI/AAAAAAAAh_Y/6sWLHHwN3Y8/s400/img_9928.jpg
  12. I have a 1996 and since I had the trouble with the battery, the speedo reads 10-15 mph faster that actual. I heard somewhere there is a "healer" out there for this problem. Can anyone give me some info? Thanks.
  13. As my smaller-carbed 1997 Royal Star devoured a Road King this weekend, (Okay, it wasn't THAT much of a difference, but I was definitely faster!) I've decided my new motto will be: "VentureRider - Why buy a Harley-Davidson when you can OWN one."
  14. Just changed the Coolant in the 83 today and noticed at the car parts place a product called "water wetter" it makes water/antifreeze pull more heat out of the engine and dump it faster into the radiator. http://www.redlineoil.com/products_coolant.asp Anyone tried this stuff? does it actually work? They claim 30 degree temperature drops.
  15. Okay Everyone, I now have a gremlin bell so where is the best / safest place to put it on my RSV???? ______________________________________________________________________ never ride faster than your guardian angel:2133:can fly
  16. How kids grow so quickly I remember taking her when she was 4 and sitting in front of me on the tank of the Honda 750 nighthawks doing 85 mph and saying to me Faster Faster She's not into Bikes Boats or fishing now Just Taking care of The 4 legged creatures
  17. Was just wanting to know if anyone know if the speedo can be adjusted, my bike read around 5 mile faster then I am going whitch also put more mile on then I do. Skip:Venture:
  18. Regretably my bike is in the shop, but everytime I get on this thing I can hear myself at a young age saying faster daddy whhile he was pushing the family car hard through the twisties. Inevitably we would have to slow down becouse I would hear my dad say now son you know these curves make your mom sick. Now some 30 years later here I am listening to the two angels talking over my shoulder saying faster dady faster. Only this time I'm the adult and I'm on a bike and not the family car. My only response is now kids, you know your mom is behind us on her bike and she's not ready to go faster in the twisties yet. Now don't get me wrong. I have full knoledge that my kids are in heaven but every now and then I can still hear them. Aint life grand. This goes out to my father, Faster dady faster.I can't be up there yet so maybe you can take them faster, only this time your family car has wings and no wheels. Love to all of you up there. David
  19. They say that laughter helps people heal faster, and I belive it's true. Big Bob's Daughter is updating us all on the "Bad news from Canadian crew going to PIP" daily and she stated that she reads Big Bob the updates from that thread. What if anyone who has a funny joke puts it up on that thread so she can read it to him? It sounds like he is at a point where he is coming off some meds and is able to speak and understand a lot more clearly. Just thought some light hearted humor for him to enjoy might help him heal faster and pass the day more quickly. What do you think?
  20. When starting out slow or just rolling forward, I can hear what sounds like the slight sound of metal rubbing against metal. And as I get faster the sound gets faster. It's not real loud, but loud enough to know it's there. My brakes are good and I see nothing rubbing. And I can only hear it in my rt. ear coming from the rt side. Thanks.
  21. Ok here's the story I can't use the design that Jeff picked for the t-shirts. So I had to make a quick change so I can order them. Here's the links and you can order one with pockets now if you want. First is with pocket the second without. Hope everyone see's this cause I'm gonna have to get the order out no later then wed. Since it isn't too compicated a design I'm making the assumption and hope it'll be faster. http://www.customink.com/designs/rally2/8759320-1288878?cm_ven=hotlink&cm_cat=2&cm_pla=Body_txt&cm_ite=design http://www.customink.com/designs/rally3/8759401-1288878?cm_ven=hotlink&cm_cat=2&cm_pla=Body_txt&cm_ite=design Sorry they aren't real fancy but not too bad since I didn't have time to make it any better. Thanks folks Margaret
  22. Had a great ride Sunday, discovered a new road,and had wonderful weather. Pics are here http://picasaweb.google.com/cmlong55/HogJowlRide If you click on slide show it will scroll thru faster and pics are full screen. Craig
  23. got my speed-o-healer on today --works great and very easy job. now my bike isn't as fast as I though it was. it will still go faster than I care to ride.
  24. 96 Royal Star, how can you make it faster. I m not worried about winning any races, just like to have a little more power. any ideas. Thanks...
  25. Do the case guards from a 83-85 fit the 86-93? I know this is really a tech ? but figured I'd get a faster response here! Thanks, Tim
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