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Found 21 results

  1. Most of you will probably notice it sooner or later but I just wanted to let you know that I have added a new banner to the upper right of our pages. You will see a banner for Ace High Leathers show up randomly with the very few others that I have running. Many of you have already dealt with Nanci at Ace High Leathers and therefore know about the fantastic works that she does. Now it is easy to get to her site by simply clicking the banner. Or, you can just go there now. http://www.acehighleathers.com
  2. I don't know if it has been posted yet but the shower set up at the international rally site was fantastic. And it even had a sky light! Thanks Bob
  3. My birthday was a couple weeks ago and I was off on a ride in Tn. When we got home my neighbor ladies, a few houses down came to my house with a gift box. Now, I thought this was somewhat strange in itself, me being new in the neighborhood(only been here about 3 months) and that the ladies who brought me the gift box are rumored to be lesbians, I didn't think they even liked men, much less well enough to give one they hardly knew a birthday gift! Well, I opened the box and it contained a shiney new survival type watch. I was flabbergasted and surprised beyond belief. It was fantastic timepiece. My wife poked me in the rib and said"Don't you think you should say something instead of standing there dazed and confused looking"? I sort of stammered,,,, I think there has been a mistake, I mean the watch is fantastic and the generosity of you two is unbelievable but I think there has been a misunderstanding on what I said,,, I said I "Wanted to watch, not that I Wanted A watch"
  4. anyone live near Memphis and going to the Air show Saturday? (It's actually being held at the airfield in Millington, just north of Memphis) Our son is flying the B2 over. The Blue Angels will be there. Going to be a fantastic show! If you are in the area, please come or at least look UP!! it's going to be awesome!
  5. Well after about 4,600 miles a couple of weeks and a couple of days we made it (ground zero). The house still stands the pets are alive and other than a few dead flowers every thing is good in da hood. Wow did we see some country and a fantastic rally and again the Venture Riders are the best people to be found ANYWHERE......... Will post more after we settle in.
  6. Sunday weather just magic...so we joined the Patriots M.C. for great ride, and to raise funds for our local Telethon. Ride finished at Hillary's Boat Harbor and we passed around buckets for donations to the people spending the day there. Then headed back to their clubhouse for a BBQ and raffle. Fantastic day spent with great bikers [serving & veterans of all services] and we raised $AU7,300 :dancefool:
  7. Fantastic! hh http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t51/runeight/0053.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t51/runeight/0072-1.jpg
  8. Just returned from the Finger lakes m&e. What a grand time...The company was fantastic.. Great to meet some new members and great so see some old again. the food was fantastic , and the ride led by NY Jerry was awesome. beautiful lakes, waterfalls and scenery. WOW, WOW, WOW........The winery tour and tasting , along with meeting our NEW RICKSTER replacement was an added treat...The ice cream stop came at a perfect time in the ride along with the cooling down shower...HOW DID YOU GUYS PLAN THAT??? RAWHIDE the BBQ was fantastic and thank you for allowing our bunch to spend the night...waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon sizzling on the grille was heavenly....you are a terrific hostess...THANK YOU ALL WHO MADE THIS EVENT HAPPEN..I look forward to this becoming a yearly event.........GREAT JOB RAWHIDE, NY JERRY AND DEBBIE...............PS THE TWO BIRTHDAY CAKES WAS A LITTLE OVERBOARD...I GONNA BURST !!!
  9. I Know, This is in the watering hole Forum but I want EVERYONE to know the GREAT people that was on this trip..I MAY miss a few but I want to Thank MasterGuns..He stepped in, got a bunch of Adult beverage material and served as a Bartender for our entire Group! He is an exceptional person and I want to Thank him even though he will say da&^it you dont have to do that..THANK YOU HERB!!! Larry,(Guthdaddy) THANK YOU for getting our hotel organized What a fantastic place to stay..They turned over there entire bar area over to us..NO CHARGE! PKTexas (Perry) for being our tour guide to the Marfa Lights..Thank You....Don(Gunboat) For "Driving MS Lilly" and most of all EVERYONE that helped make this one fantastic trip! We made it home about 8PM and had a blast driving back..You all are going to hear things from Brad (Squidley) but DO NOT BELIEVE him! Folks for those that missed this...You just dont know..It was GREAT!! Later,I am tired,Tom
  10. Sorry - all in jest I assure you. FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, THIS IS MY 1,000TH POST ON THIS AMAZING, FANTASTIC, EDUCATIONAL, FRIENDLY WEB-SITE. What a wonderful way to waste away one's life!!
  11. looks like we are going to have a big turn out for my annual st. charles meet. i'ts going to be the biggest one yet. looking forward to seeing everyone. been shopping the last three weeks for food, no one will leave missouri hungry. i can't wait, and have put an order in for good weather. we have lucked out the last 2 years on the weather and i have 2 fantastic rides planned. see yopu folks there. bill
  12. I have been battling the flu or something like it for over 2 weeks, family was sick, half the people at work were sick,I went to the Dr. on Friday and he said I was on the verge of pnuemonia. Then we had a fantastic weather weekend for riding and Im stuck:bang head: indoors coughing my head off, running fever, headaches, cant sleep laying down. I finally was able to sleep in my bed last nite for the first time in 3 days.......because every time I would lay down I would start coughing my head off. Cough syurp helped some but not enough. I am still home today from work, luckily I only missed 2 days with it, and hopefully back to work tomorrow. Wont be riding this week either rain forecast for most of the week.......So goes life.
  13. I need to clean the saddles on my MM RSV. If anyone could recommend a good product for that job it would be appreciated. Also, just wanted to say that the response I've gotten from the people on this site is fantastic. You people love your Venture's. Hope I end up enjoying mine as much. So far so good.
  14. Guest

    Speedo died

    Is ther any fix known to repair the inner workings of the speedo. Mine gave up the ghost, it appears to be where the steel wheel runs on the inside of the bell housing that is attached to the needle. Or is there anyone who has a spare unit that works on an 83. Thanks for any help. Now that we are having some fantastic weather its a bit frustrating not knowing how fast one is going. Gordon
  15. Who's coming for some great fellowship and fantastic BBQ?
  16. Guest

    great show

    just wanted say that the robert earl keen and the oak ridge boys show in brewton ala . was freaking wonderful. that to them for a fantastic peformance. if any one gets a chance to go se them dont miss it
  17. I had remembered some time ago folks talking about Speed Bleeders. Well I'm here to tell you that I put some in my '99 and had my rear brake fluid completely swapped with fresh fluid in less than 5 minutes. I installed one on my clutch and had it bled in about the same time. If your thinking about getting these, dont wait, they work fantastic! I did it by myself and it was so easy it's stupid I would highly recommend this product http://www.speedbleeder.com/
  18. Anybody want to meet for a late lunch..........weather is fantastic.............perfect for riding........:rotf: Newnan, Ga..............
  19. Here's the outside of the house. This place has potential to be fantastic!! Nice lot with trees, big backyard with a brick patio, and room for a garage. The windows and front rooms are fantastic. Hardwood floors in great shape. JB
  20. Today our motorcycle ministry is riding to deliver gifts to underprivleged childlren who wont have a Christmas, this is the third year we have been doing this, and its really fantastic to see the looks on the kids faces when a group of leather wearing motorcyclists arrive at their front door and deliver gifts to them. They dont know its happening in advance so its really a big surprise to them when we show up..........BUT, a nasty stomach virus has me down for the count, so Im missing the ride of the year..............:sick::crying:
  21. I just got a fantastic deal on an 86 Venture Royale with 43K miles on it and I expected issues with it. This one seems to have an oil leak directly below the saddle and it drips onto the exhaust causing smoke. Does anybody have any idea where I should start looking and what it may be? I must say that the Venture is a fantastic bike and I am looking forward to many years of riding.
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