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  1. May this year bring you excellent health and miles of safe riding, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all and your families.
  2. This is the homecoming each of our soldiers should receive..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr7DcJdbCS0]YouTube- Military Reunion[/ame] Thank you to the soldiers and their families for their sacrifice. Now you can explain to all your co-workers why you're blubbering.....
  3. Happy Mother's Day to all our VentureRider Ladies. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your families and try to take it easy. Yama Mama!
  4. I've been reading about this story for a bit and I know we have folks that were Marines. So I thought this might be pertinent to them. Seems that Camp Lejeune here in NC had some water problems. There is a group that have come up with some health problems which they attribute to the toxic water they were exposed to. This is there website. It's going before the Senate here shortly and there is a bill where the Senator from NC is trying to get VA benefits for former Marines and their families due to this. The water seems to have been cleaned up now. Just thought I'd pass this on in case we have anyone that may have been affected and need to know where to go. http://www.tftptf.com/ Margaret
  5. tToday our motorcycle ministry had our annual Christmas Ride for Kids. We bought and delivered gifts to kids who werent going to be fortunate enough to have a good holiday. These kids eyes lite up like you wouldn't believe. There was one little boy who had just had his leg amputated several weeks ago and bringing Christmas to him was truly inspiring, and seeing him tear into the gifts brought a tear to everyones eyes. I have posted a few pics of the kids. This is what Christmas special for me.......making some kids smile. This is an article that appeared in our local Newnan newspaper, that tells a little more of the story..........we had 19 bikes with elves riding plus 3 suv's and vans with all the gifts. A motorcycle club affiliated with Community Christian Church of Sharpsburg will brighten the lives of many Coweta families this year. In past years, the motorcycle club's Christmas Elf Riders have surprised 10 or 12 needy children with toys for Christmas. This holiday season, however, the riders went above and beyond. Jenny Baker, director of Connection Ministries at Community Christian Church, was amazed by what she saw. "Not only have the riders and their families stepped up to sponsor a child or two," says Baker, "but many have gone to their employers and asked for help. Thanks to the generosity of several companies, more than $2,000 in corporate sponsorship has been donated to CCR to help with this cause." Today at 10:30 a.m., the Christmas Elf Riders will gather on their bikes in the parking lot of Community Christian Church. They will be joined by "sleighs" -- vans filled with toys and other goodies, and will head out to distribute the gifts to the community. Because of the generous corporate donations, the motorcycle Santas will also surprise families with paid utility bills and gift certificates for food, gas and groceries. A few of the neediest families will also have their rent paid for the month.
  6. I know some folks here have been assisted by Ronald McDonald House and St. Jude Children's Hospital. On this upcoming trip the folks at St. Jude have arranged for us to have a tour of the RD House across the street from St. Jude. This house only houses patients that are being treated by the hospital, and are put up there for however long it takes for the patients to receive their treatments, and they are housed free of charge. This is a fantastic service that is being performed by both orginizations for those that are not able to pay for the care they need to conquer this dreaded disease. I am looking forward to seeing the RD House. I dont know if many of you know the history behind St. Jude Hospital. It was founded by Danny Thomas in 1962 to treat and try to find a cure for cancer, especially children that are stricken by this dreaded disease. The families pay nothing for the treatment and care provided by the Hospital. St. Jude doesnt have many patients that stay in the hospital for any longer that it takes for them to recieve their daily treatments, so RD house is one of the many facilities that provides temporary housing, free of charge, for those patients and their families while they recieve their treatment. Danny Thomas in no longer with us, but his legacy is still being carried on by his childern and their families. Marlo Thomas (That Girl from the tv sitcom some time back) is the main spokesperson for the hospital, but the whole family is on the board. So if anyone wants to join us this coming Saturday, Oct. 18, we will be meeting in W. Memphis, Arkansas, for lunch at the Flying J Truck Plaza between 11:00-12:00. From there we will be taking a short ride over to Memphis, Tn. to present the donations raised by "Inked for St. Jude" that was initiated by Squidley and Sleeperhawks Mechanic, and as an added bonus they will be showing off their tats, which were the impetus behind the fund raising............So come on out for some fun, fellowship, good food and a great experience that will leave you with a great feeling of accomplishment in these troubled times.
  7. I just wanted to wish all our mother's a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you have a great day with your families. Peggy:bighug:
  8. Merry Christmas to All of You my friends , and your families. Love you all.
  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of the members of this website that I know Personally and all that I have yet to meet.With the comercialization of the season lets not forget what this holiday is all about. I am looking forward to the comming year and all the possibilities that it holds for all of us. I would like for each and every one of you to say a special prayer for the members we have lost as well as all the non members that have been taken away from what we love to do. Lets not forget the Families left behind after all they are the ones that are hurting the most from the loss of a loved one. I think about all of the fallen members of this site every day and pray that their families have the stength to carry on. In the last 3 years we have had some of our VR Family members taken from us and some that have had near misses.All that I can figure from the near misses is that they are a wake up call for those members for one reason or another.But I believe we can all learn from each others lessons. Lets all stay safe and have a Healthy and Happy 2008 Please. Lets not forget the members of this site that need our prayers for strength to battle health issues. And the members serving overseas. Ride Safe and have a Great Holiday Season with your families. Jeff
  10. Breaking news of tragic shooting at a Virgina school. Our thoughts are with all the victims and their families. What a dark day.
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