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Found 16 results

  1. On 1999 Venture Royal Star what is the plug in the trunk for? Is this for the intercom system? How does the intercom system work? I have never had one on my bike and am not familiar with it. Do you have to buy a intercom box to put in the back?
  2. Well, Dang!!! My 20 year old daughter was just offered a position with her current company to do a remodel at one of their stores there. Looks like the possiblity of a long term position. Now I haven't spent any time in Windy in 25 years but I have no really fond memories of the place, traffic or anything else. Sorry. Maybe it was just me and the business I was in. I spent most my time there in Cook Country Court representing transportation companies. So for anyone familiar with that area these days, what's the area like now. Open to any and all feedback. Anything that will make me feel at least a little bit supportive of her new position offer because right now I'm not feeling it. Being a single Dad to tough sometimes. Mike
  3. Met a guy on the Easter ride who passed this on to me. Wondering if anyone here is a member and/or familiar with it and if so, can you shed some pros & cons or any information whatsoever. http://www.ibmc.org/
  4. I searched for Missouri in hopes it would yield some members close to me, but did not that I could find. I am in North East Missouri. New London specifically, Hannibal is my neighboring town most are familiar with. Looking forward to some nice rides with my wife this year. Would be great to ride along with some other Venture riders.
  5. Any info on motorcycle tent camping at Martha's Vinyard. Reading up what I can about the island they seem like maybe they might not welcome motorcycles. Any one familiar with the area?
  6. Anyone have any dealings with Ben's Outlet? There may be some good deals, but I am not familiar with them. RandyA http://bensoutlet.com/products
  7. For those familiar with Honda Nighthawk: I just got a request to work on a (claimed to be) 1994 Honda 650 Nighthawk with a clutch problem. Issues describes are kind of vauge at this point but what I'm running into is I'm not seeing a '94 650 Nighthawk in my searches for info. Only a 750. I'm a bit familiar with the mid 80's Hawks. Did Honda make a 650 up into the 90's? I haven't seen the bike yet so I can't refer to VIN# or other identifiers. Just trying to get a head start on this before I commit to taking it in. Mike
  8. Hi gang possibly heading to Portland Oregon next Thursday, :scared:This trip is to buy an engine for one of my project bikes a 1983 VF1000f Honda Interceptor. I had a trans problem, had replaced it's broken bits ,but it didn't do well in the assembly. So I found a replacement with it's (oh the dreaded second gear sound familiar!!) So while I am traveling down ,I was wondering if there are anyone who wants to together on the way? This was suggested by Rocket (Paul) That some parts for my Venture may be gleaned from this together so any:stickpoke: takers? Thanks Mike in Calgary..:bowdown:
  9. Leaving the ATL on Friday for Jacksonville and want to stay off the interstates for as much of the trip as possible. Thinking of getting off I-75 at Macon and getting on US 23/341 to Brunswick and taking I-95 the short rest of the way. Anyone familiar with that route or have any alternate suggestions? Being a holiday weekend, I really don't want to deal with interstates all the way.
  10. Our local CMA chapter had a great day of riding and fellowship, and raised some money for a good cause. We had approximately 20 bikes and couldn't have any better weather for riding. Rode a familiar 150 mile loop that I've used during the Skid-In 2009.....
  11. look familiar....!!!!! :rasberry:
  12. I am getting my 96 Royal Star ready for spring and want to sync the carbs. I have read the article in the 2nd generation RSV and Royal Stars but it appears that the location of the adjusting screws are different on the Royal Star than on the bike in the photos. I can see one screw on the left side near the choke knob that I assume is one and two on the right side that are side-by-side. Could someone who is familiar with the Royal Stars confirm whether these are the right screws, I have synced all my other bikes and am familiar with the procedure but would like to confirm that these are the right adjusters. Any information would be appreciated. Doug
  13. Is this one of us? Anyone familiar with this bike? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160362059027 Walter
  14. The wife and I are flying/driving to Pittsburg, NH in January to go snowmobiling. Anyone know this area?
  15. Does anyone know if official Technical Service Bulletins are available to review? I know that they are available for dealers and their mechanics, but I doubt that they would make them generally available for their customers to view. It just seems that considering with how readily information is these days, someone must have a database of these TSBs on-line. I figure that it couldn't hurt to be familiar with potential problems which might arise at some time in the future. Thanks! Pete.
  16. Looks familiar, but I just can't place them!
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