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Found 15 results

  1. 9/11/01 I was on my way to work when the news came over the radio. As I worked outside I remember the eerie quite of the day and it took me a while to realize no planes were flying. A day of remembrance for all our fallen heroes.
  2. for anyone who is interested check out how New Zealanders send off fallen comrades. Google New Zealanders perform Haka for fallen comrades in Afghanistan. It is a traditional Maori dance of respect.
  3. .....since my friend Jana was killed last July. Finally his killer is getting some court time. Her lawyer is playing all the poor me angles.... All I want is this lady behind bars so I do not have to stand on the side of a highway and give another eulogy for a fallen rider. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.timescolonist.com%2Fnews%2FWoman%2Bpleads%2Bguilty%2Bfatal%2Bcrash%2F6811255%2Fstory.html&h=XAQHMYCCrAQGBIfUJZmRjK2ws4rF3rV9Le-WML6npTCf_lA
  4. Greetings all, Thought you might be interested in how we LEOs do it 'down-under'. Spear http://www.walltowallride.com/
  5. Tomorrow SFC Donnie Shue comes home 043011. MIA for 42 years. I'm riding the escort, my heart and my tears to a fallen brother. May God rest his soul and give him peace. For those in the Charlotte area search the internet for details of the escort if you choose to ride
  6. I ran a cross this today. The Ladys has a heart. http://www.militarytimes.com/multimedia/video/?bcrefid=866157386#/Portraits+of++the+Fallen/51748824001
  7. 3 inches of :snow2: has fallen
  8. I proudly fly the American Flag and today she is at half mast to honor our fallen Officers. Thank you. (old picture) hh http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t51/runeight/Home/CIMG1594.jpg
  9. Tomorrow we get to ride in honor in of the fallen soldiers. It is a wonderful way to remember those that are willing to place themselves (and their families) between us and those that wish to do us harm. Thank you to all who have or are now serving in the armed forces. Anyone local that would like to join us but didn't know about this event, please come out. http://www.rideforthefallen.us Dave
  10. It's been awhile since I've posted, had a long and busy riding season, no time for the computer, put over 12,000 Kms on the VR from April to October. I also had the sad honour of attending 4 repatriation ceremonies, as a member of "The C.A.V."(Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit), between August and December, the latest one last night I just thought I'd like to post some of my thoughts that came to me after last nights event, as well as a link for a media article by one of the local papers. We gather in the dark, the night is cold, but we seem not to notice, there is nervous tension in the air as word comes down, "they're crossing Younge St." We tense for the command, and look into the eyes of those around, then the street is awash in flashing lights, as they round the corner. "Honour Guard, Attention, to the Fallen Sallute." With quiet respect, we stand rigid, removing head-dress, or saluting. As the long black vehicles pass, there is a tightness felt in our chests, and the tears running from our eyes, are not caused by the cold winter wind. It is a sharing of the grief of the loved ones left behind, and of sense of great pride and thanks for those that carry on the mission, even though our comrades have fallen. They will be greatly missed, the mission will go on, but THEY! WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! Ozzie http://www.torontosun.com/news/2008/12/08/7677991.html
  11. It's just another evening at the camp. Sitting outside in the yard watching the evening sunset. Down under the road bank to my left I can hear squirrels barking and running in the fallen leaves. 75 yards to my right is a little doe nibbling on kernels of corn that have fallen from that 6 gallon bucket hanging from a tree.Gazing upwards just to the right of that western sunset the sky is filled with a strange sight. From the North,South,East, and West. It's the majestic gliding of 150 buzzards meeting in the middle and forming a hughe circling pattern. Like 747's circling OHara their on final approach for a 1/2 acre lot of white pines on top of a rock cliff overlooking the lake. From a quarter mile high down down down they spiral one by one. Each choosing his own runway. Third pine tree from the left looks good as down comes the landing gear.It's early to bed and early rise. Morning flights leave at 6 on Road Kill Patrol.
  12. This one will be of particular interest to the Ontario members, and any ex-service members, like myself, out there. As most of you have probably heard, the "Red Fridays" group has succeeded in getting the Ontario government to re-designate the 172 Kms stretch of Hwy 401 between Canadian Forces Base Trenton and Toronto, as "The Highway of Heroes". As this is the route the bodies of our fallen soldiers take, upon repatriation to home and their families. On May 17th 2008, Red Fridays, the Ontario Government, and the Canadian Forces is holding a Repatriation Memorial and Rally in honour of the re-naming of this stretch of the highway. I've already signed up to ride in the event, and seeing as the scoot is RED, have signed up for one of the 70 "Lead Vehicle" positions, one position for each of our fallen to date. I'm posting this to bring this worth while event to other riders attention, and hoping others will join me in honouring our fallen, and to show our continued support for our troops and the sacrifises that they and their families are making. I've included the link for the event, and look forward to seeing many others out there in May. I'm also sure that any of our American riders that are interested would not be turned away, as the overall message of this event is "SUPPORT" for our troops, all the troops involved in the war on Terror. http://www.redfridays.ca/rdr/index.htm
  13. some one in our family, not of the masculine persuasion, sings a "siren song" , something about "come over to the dark side, we have milk and cookies"!!!!! sadly, i am afraid, one of our group, has fallen prey to your , promises! now you have to produce the promised deserts!@ lol just jt
  14. some one in our family, not of the masculine persuasion, sings a "siren song" , something about "come over to the dark side, we have milk and cookies"!!!!! sadly, i am afraid, one of our group, has fallen prey to your , promises! now you have to produce the promised deserts! lol just jt
  15. Guest

    In memorium idea

    Just an idea.. I know we have a spot for it, but could we let Mr. Vestals screename be added somewhere or perhaps on the main page as a fallen rider? We should not forget our own who have passed on.... Eric
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