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Found 9 results

  1. A recent case in Iowa. A pickup truck driver pulled out from a side road into the pat of a motorcycle. The two people on the bike, Florida residents Benjiman D'Amico, 58, and his wife, Linda, 59, were both killed. The local prosecutor determined that it was an accident, the driver didn't see the motorcycle and that there were no grounds for any other charges except failure to yield. In the end, two motorcyclist lost their lives, and the driver was fined $65. Involuntary manslaughter sounds like a good start to me.
  2. I have an 05 tour deluxe,wondering what is most common cause of cruise control failure?
  3. I have a few questions about the "ignition switch failure". First, let me say mine has not failed. I'm just preparing in case it does. I would like to do the bypass of the switch but before I do I would like to ask a couple of questions. Can you have the bypass wired with a toggle switch ready to use and still start the bike with the key and start button as if the bypass was not there? I have read where some have the bypass in their saddle bag ready in case the failure occurs while on the road. Why not have it in place ready to use if needed? How does the bypass work? I understand all power, except the radio, is lost when you have a failure. Once toggled and power is restored, is the key and start button still used to start the bike? I would assume so but if I knew for sure I would not ask. If not please expalin the starting procedure. When you read this and laugh just know I am ignorant when it comes to this kind of stuff, so go easy on me with your replies. Thanks...
  4. My fuel pump got progressively worse on our ride to Sturgis, so I bypassed the pump to keep on the road. I knew there would be a few long distances between gas stations in a few areas, and was able to locate a pump from a crashed Royal Star. When we got back, I took the bad pump to the new Yamaha Dealer in Bakersfield. After explaining why I did not bring the bike in to have them diagnose the pump failure, Dennis said he would contact Yamaha and see if they would give me a new pump. Three days later, here I sit with a new one in my hand. A good shop, people who care, and a great warranty. I'm really liking Yamaha!!!
  5. Wondering if anyone else has had problems with pre-mature H.O. RM Stator failures. Attached pics are of RM Stator installed less than 9 months ago (~10k miles). No warning on the failure... all systems go until voltage dropped to 12V during a PGR ride. Coil resistance measured .1-.3 across the three output wires. [ATTACH]33833[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33835[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33834[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33832[/ATTACH]
  6. With Christmas fast approaching, watch out for this...be alert.. The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure (there’s a FedEx version too). You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is misspelled on this line. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. Snopes confirms that it is real: http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/ups.asp
  7. Well I rolled in to the homestead at 10:00PM last night with 15 hours on the bike (not counting gas breaks and eating). Pulled a trailer from North Branch MN to Denver then up to the Black Hill of North Dakota then over across the plans to Home. I met Daryle and his nice wife in Larchwood Iowa on the way out and I met BigJohn in Denver. On the way home I met OB-1 and his nice wife up in Sundance Wy, We all went out to dinner together and shot the BS. All were VERY nice people and all love bikes and especialy Ventures. So whats not to like????? I spent a day hacking around the Black Hills, saw Mount Rushmore, drove the canyon (not to miss) but unfortunatly didn't get to the Neddles canyon and where ever the buffalo are. Sorry I didn't call OB-1 to go for a ride for the day but I just hacked around locally and was going here and there without a real plan. I was fortunate that I never really hit rain on the way out or on the way back, some sprinkles but no out and out rain. Well I take that back, while I was visiting with Daryle and his wife I rained like cats and dogs but since I was visiting and indoors I didn't count that. It cleared and I was able to get another 100 miles on before calling it a day. All the way out and all the way back no matter who I talked to, biker, shop keeper, cagers, cashiers they were all just great, friendly and polite. EXCEPT the one cashier in Cheyene WY that had a personality of of a cornered bobcat with someone poking it with a stick. I finally had enough of her being rude to all the customers ahead of me and when she pulled that crap on me I told her she needed to get a personality. As I walked away I mumbled to myself what a B!tch, I thought I heard from behind " I heard that". While I hope she did mabey she will get a handle on waiting on people. Yes I know it can be a SOB dealing with people all day but she needed to treat people a whloe lot better. OH YA! the equipment failure....... Well.... when I was in Nebraska getting lost I noticed that my rear tire was looking thin so when I got to Denver I had it replaced at Coyote Yamaha. they put on a Dunlope 404 and the bonus was the whine from the original tire disapeared to. But that wasn't the failure........ the failure was while in the Black hills I had to use my Strebel horn on a cager. Well it sounded ok for a split second or so then it sounded like it was being strangled (and still does) I havn't used it much and am diasapointed that a failure of this type occurs after a less than 10 seconds total use. So thats my story and I'm sticking to it! I am spending the day recovering from yesterdays ride. Good to be back and safe riding to all who are on the road. Bubber aka Steve Stelter
  8. Was out on the bike this weekend. Ran a couple of errands (maybe 35 miles - 2 / 3 Stops). Then came home, picked up the wife and went out for some lunch. We came out, and the bike would not start. Turning the ignition switch cause the gauges (fuel etc) to flash for a second then shut off. No lights at all on the bike, no netural indicator. Oddly enough the radio still works? Could this be a blown fuse? or ignition switch failure? We tried jump starting it, not even a click from the starter. Would a short in either the passing lights (have the switch off) or the brake lights (have a back off installed) be causing such a failure? Thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Stu
  9. Still chasing ghosts here. While I sit and wait on new bearings, I can't help but wonder about other things. It's become an obsession that is driving me bonkers. On the first gens, specifically the '87, what is the frequency of failure of the middle drive gear and/or its components? While I'm hoping that replacing the bearings and greasing eveything up real good will solve my issues, I keep overthinking any other possible causes of my noise. I know it's in the drivetrain, just not sure where. If the failure rate of the middle gear is very low, I'll quit worrying about it so much and possibly sleep tonight. Ed
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