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  1. Saw this on Facebook. It gave me a little chuckle. http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j169/coffeyR6/MISC/430A7EDF-C5AA-49AC-86EB-D711469E731D.jpg
  2. I have to say, I am the last person I know to get upset about pretty much anything. But this frosted my cookies. There is a certain Venture Facebook page, not at all affiliated with this site, that a lot of us frequent. From time to time someone asks a question about their bike that no one has an an...
  3. Just read on facebook that Mark passed away. Has anyone else heard this?
  4. My daughter put the grandbaby in for another contest. I don't have a facebook page so I can't vote. It's for Gerber and it's another college fund prize. Here's the link since I know a few of you do have facebook. You can see the picture regardless of whether you have facebook, just can't vote. h...
  5. I remember from Cody how much you liked your Shiner beer, (And I enjoyed it too) so when I saw this pic on Facebook showing this pic of Shiner beer I thought of you RandyR:group cheers:
  6. I started a Facebook Page for the Venture to Galena 2013 International Rally if you want to follow the progress and pictures we will add. https://www.facebook.com/events/273807886053192/
  7. VR photo front page Gopro facebook page any of our members?
  8. Saw this on facebook today. If it's real Texas has got it right.
  9. Guest

    to those on facebook

    Friends: Facebook does not appeal to me, never has. I tried it, added one or two friends, and I have only made a couple of entries in 3 years, and only checked it about twice a year. Now we hear of all the politics and corruption, and security problems, and now to top it off Mark Zuckerberg,...
  10. I've never really been a fan of Facebook because I feel it is just too intrusive into our lives. I have an account with a few friends that I don't really use or post on. I look at it once every couple of weeks and see updates such as info on an aquaitances kid's last bowel movement or similar drib...
  11. LtShame


    Is there a Facebook page for Ventureriders??...It would be easier to communicate with each other.
  12. I know some of you here on VR may get tired of my postings about St. Jude and Cancer Research. But it is stories like this that break my heart and make my determination even stronger to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Small donations from large groups such as ours make a difference. I am...
  13. Hope you enjoy this my friends.....We are not alone.... [ame=http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150783865230405]Incompatible Browser | Facebook[/ame] Fuzzy
  14. http://www.facebook.com/BIKER.ARTWORK.GRAPHICS.DAWN.LAZZINI
  15. OK,this is NOT Harley bashing but we have all seen some of this scenerio in our travels...Hope its OK to post as it has a few Shi%% words in it..I saw it on my Facebook page [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A3b_MRimbk&feature=player_embedded]Motorcycle Advice: Harley Davidson Rider Gives a...
  16. Over the years here we have all clicked on various webistes to place our online votes for a member of our group... now it's my turn to ask: My nephew is in the running to win an autographed jersey from a Philadelphia Union soccer player. On the Philadelphia Union's Facebook page, he needs as many...
  17. A couple of my shipmates and I are trying to put together a reunion for our first ship which we commissioned and I was wondering if amongst the vast knowledge on this site anyone may have some advice. We have have a Facebook page and a website so we have at least started. http://www.faceboo...
  18. I have a friend "Chuck" that just started a charity ride to raise money for a few charities. They are going to hit 22 states in 23 day's covering about 9000 miles. If you go to the facebook page and click the like button they will get $2.00 for each like they get. If you care to, please take a look...
  19. I know lots of folks can't stand Facebook, but if you do use Facebook check out the following group. Lots of great questions, responses, etc and we steer them in this direction. Hopefully we pick up some more members. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_21338336667 Yamaha Royal Star...
  20. Boy most of the members Live on Facebook L.M.A.O just to inform you, too many Charles Lumbis on there So I took my given Name Is Gediminas and what:dancefool: nationality background Lithuanian
  21. Osamas Last FB post
  22. Ok...so it all started innocently enough. I got a message on Facebook from a lady that said "Hi, you left your name and telephone number with my next door neighbor and asked that she give it to me. You can call me at XXX-XXXX and we can talk. Me: I'm sorry but you obviously have me mistaken wi...
  23. To all members who wants to be my friend on Facebook (Who would in the 1st Place want to be a friend with this Crazy Canuk, L.O.L.k Please look at the Profile picture of me holding the PIKE
  24. http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=123462574368803 Hey Brian..or whoever did it! I like the facebook page you started..Darn good idea.I bet it reaches thousands of folks and maybe gets us some more members!
  25. The Crusty Riders of Wisconsin? Aka The Crow? If I remember right anyway. I found them while looking for a sidecar on Craigslist a month or so ago. Then I was able to find their facebook page they mentioned. But now I can't find them again. Anybody here a member or have the link? Thanks, Bill
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