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  1. Got about 1500 miles on them. Wearing pretty good. I wore out a set of E3's in 7000 miles and hoping I can gets some more out of these. Been reading the reports on chunking, most seems to be about 4 years old. I will keep an eye on them and keep them at max wall pressure. Other than that I think they are much quieter than the E3's and turning at speed is much easier too.
  2. If you are heading West to Nelson today from Saskatchewan or further, keep an eye open for my son Alex heading back to BC from the oil fields of Saskatchewan and Manitoba for his mothers birthday. He is driving a white Dodge Dakota with BC plates. Blow his mind honk and wave at him. He knows you will be on the road and keeping a closer eye out for you and all riders. Ride safe, wish I was joining you. Kevin
  3. My eye surgeon has decided he wants to do another surgery tomorrow. This time, due to more blood vessel problems, he wants to take the oil back out and fix the problem vessels and the do the air bubble thing again. At present I have virtually no usable vision out of my right eye and have found if I wear my eye patch, it seems to help with my headaches. I don't know if this will help my vision any, but we will see(no pun intended). RandyA
  4. OK, I'll admit it I'm guilty of this one big time. On a whim I went to the eye doctor for the first time in 25 years. At my last visit the doc asked me why I was there. I told him that I felt my eyesight was deteriorating because I had to get closer to highway signs before I could read them than what it used to be. so he tested my eyes and said that I have perfect 20-20 vision. Fast forward 25 years. I went to the eye doc cuz the company I work for just added eye care insurance. After the eye exam the doc ordered me a nice pair of trifocals. so I went from better than 20-20 to darn near blind without even noticing it. In doing some experimenting with these new glasses I would sit a a stop sign and see a bike coming, lift up the glasses and the bike was gone, just a kind of bright spot from the headlight. A Gold Wing or full dress Harley was completely invisible to me at 2 city blocks away, and just starting get noticeable at 1 city block. Now with my glasses I can see a bike more than a mile away. I really thought that what I was seeing was just how the world really looked. I was on the verge of going out to buy a new TV cuz I could not read any text on the screen like the scores of a sporting event. I figured the TV was 20 years old and just getting blurry. The moral is, how many other drivers out there have eyes that are as bad or worse than mine and still driving not even realizing that their eyes had gotten so bad over time. It brings new understanding to the "I didn't see the bike coming". What is really scarey is that I just passed the drivers license vision test without the glasses on. So there can be a lot of us blind people out there driving. I even passed the vision test for my pilots license. So dont forget to look up, theres blind people flying those airplanes. This has all been an eye opening experience for me, and really makes me wonder about the person driving that car waiting for me to pass at an intersection.
  5. Forthose of you who met Brayden Shields and had your picture taken with him, I just read this post of facebook by his mom, Misty, please keep Brayden and his entire family in your prayers. Misty Dawn Shields Not good news an old tumor is growing on the outter side of his right eye and a new tumor is growing on the inner side of the same eye... his nose got burnt by the freezing wand and his eye is swollen shut. We come back 3 weeks....
  6. It was about 60 degrees when I got home this afternoon and just had to go for a ride. I put about 50 miles on the bike and with me filling it up on the last ride with no ethanol and the cool temperatures, the bike rode like it was straining to be let go. Several times I cranked it on from about 3,000 rpm's to about 8,000 rpm's in 1st and 2nd and it was all I could do to hang on. It really felt strong. I lacked about 200 miles putting 10,000 on the bike this year. I know I would probably have been close to the 12,000 miles I put on it last year, but with the eye problems that started in Sept that eventually led to the loss of vision in my right eye, it set me back during what is some of the best riding here in east Tennessee. As tough as this has been for me, I know that there have been others on here that have had a tough time also. There have been some bad crashes that could easily ended in loss of life. There have been other things some have to deal with. This has been a good year also. I went to my 1st Maintenance Day at Freebird's and had a ball. I met some great folks and was able to share all that with Linda. We have taken some beautiful rides and camped at over 5,000 feet on the Blue Ridge Parkway on a night that was so dark and clear that there must have been a million stars shining. I was blessed with an overnight stay with Aussie Anne and Al and also from Rocket. I know there are going to be some serious challenges coming in the next year and I hope the best for all of us. RandyA
  7. Last Sunday and today we were in the mid 60's and I put about 140 miles on the bike. It was a mix of roads with some four lane, marked two lane, to unmarked two lane. I even rode some after dark. It is hard to describe what is like, as it is really different. It is like sitting on the bike in front of a big screen with a movie playing that was taken from a motorcycle going down the road. What you loose is the normal three dimensional effect that is so helpful with depth perception and judging speed, especially something coming toward you. The biggest part is just trying to be aware of everything going on around me. My problem is on my right side, so I am constantly scanning for anything that may come into my lane, whether it is a car pulling out, to a car that is beside me that begins to come over, to something like a dog running out. I stopped by Walmart to see if I could find a good convex mirror to mount on the ride side to help in this big blind spot that I have, but did not see anything I liked. I may check at a truck stop and see what is available. At the present time I am not sure of the vision I will end up with in my right eye. Presently, from the center to the left, I have absolutely no vision at all. From the center to the right, I can see some images, mostly a silhouette from light behind the object, but everything is very distorted. To look slightly to the left and see my TV, instead of it being a rectangle, it is kind of "S" shaped from left to right and is close to half the size with what I see with my left eye. At this time my eye is full of oil and at sometime will be drained and I guess we will start the bubble thing like before. I really hope that it will help the vision as I would love to get some peripheral vision back, even if the left half is blind. I don't expect for the left part of that eye to get better as that is where the blood vessels have died according to my doctor. I did get an eye patch at Walmart and with the right eye covered, it was a little easier to see out of the left eye without the distortion. I know this has been difficult for me, but I have REALLY felt thankful for the vision I have in my left eye this Thanksgiving Day. I want to also thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers. This VentureRider family is the best. RandyA
  8. After having to go back to the eye surgeon and having to deal with a detached retina, instead of seeing some improvement, it has got worse. I called the Dr's office yesterday and they told me to come in immediately. It has now been determined that my loss of sight in my right eye is due to a lack of adequate blood flow. Unfortunately, this is not fixable. And, this goes back to being type 2 diabetic for 30 years and not always doing a good job keeping it in good control. After my marriage separation and divorce and losing about 50 pounds, I was able to get my diabetes in such good control that I had my A1C in the 6.4 range, which is very good, and that was after going off insulin. After my last A1C creeping back up to 8.3, I have now gone back on insulin. I have gained a few pounds back, but with this eye problem, loosing my job and dealing with some depression, I have not been getting the exercise I was getting. Now, my primary concern is to try to keep the other eye healthy. RandyA
  9. Well, after steady progression on my right eye, with everything doing good, I had a setback this past weekend. I went to the VA eye clinic Monday morning and they did a review and set me up with the eye surgeon visit this morning. After a review there, I am now scheduled for surgery tomorrow. It appears I have a detached retina and macular edemia along with some scar tissue. When it rains, it pours. At this point, I can not see anything with my right eye other than a very bright pin point light. I hate to be pesimistic, but I do not feel good about what vision I might get back. RandyA
  10. Earlier, I posted about a rattle I could not tell if it was the collector or something in the bottom of the engine. I had another collector and finally got it on today and when I cranked it up, no more rattle. So, with it being a beautiful sunny day at about 65 degrees, I just had to go for a little ride. The vision in my right eye is getting a little more clear every day in the area that has filled with fluid. Right now the fluid line is about one third from the bottom of my eye, or since everything is upside down in an eye, about two thirds full. Also, the double vision has gone away as things are now lining up and I am having more binocular vision, therefore having better depth of field. So, I figured if I was real careful and did not put myself in any position where I had to manhandle the bike, I would be OK. I took about a 20 mile ride down through the country and it really did feel good. RandyA
  11. I had a follow up with my eye doctor today and he is saying everything looks good. Other than a little stinging the first day, I have not had any pain, so I have a bottle of Loratab I don't need. At this point, I can only see images of bright light, but the doctor is still telling me that the bubble in my eye is what is affecting my vision. So, I guess for now it is just a waiting game so see what I am going to end up with. RandyA
  12. After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her slowly then said, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K." She asks..... "What does that mean?" He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot. She smiled happily and said, "Oh, that's so lovely. What about I, J, K?" He said, "I'm Just Kidding!" His left eye is still swollen, but the doctor has informed him that he is likely to see things much clearer in the future.
  13. Moved
  14. As I noted in my post on Rick,s "Rookie Mistake" thread, yesterday while going very slow and coming to a stop while encountering some very fine gravel, I slid the front tire and went down. Fortunately, other than busting up my left fairing, we were able to get up and go on. It now appears I may have encountered a delayed injury. About 4:30 today my right eye went very blurry and I am also seeing areas of red. I went to the local VA because I was not sure if I had had a light stroke or what. At the moment I either may have a detached retina or a Vitreous Hemorrhage. The big question I got was have I done anything to exert myself and I said yep, yesterday I picked up an 800 pound motorcycle that I dropped. So, I am to be at the eye clinic at the VA first thing in the morning for an evaluation. RandyA
  15. T.J.

    Jury Duty

    I was called in for jury selection. I never was picked so I didn't have to serve but I stayed for the court action. It had to do with self defence. Who was right and who was wrong. They will finish up on Monday. I met a man from Royal Oak Mi. and some how we got to talking about motorcycles. Imagen that. :whistling:Anyway he rides a 07 Venture. I told him about this sight and said he would check it out. He will probably check in as DD. Keep an eye out for him Don. His name is Don also. Nice guy and does alot of riding. Everyone have agreat weekend if ya want to. Suppose to rain for us, so won't be doing to much riding.
  16. the last few weeks i have been haveing bad head aches realy bad ones. im thinking its just the sinus problems i have been suffering from the last 2 years. so off i go the E.R i could not stand the pain in my right eye? doctor there did a few test,s said the sinus are infected. but thats not whats causeing the pain in your eyes. you need to have an MRI done to the brain and the spine? you have something going on in there? so he made an appoitment with a nerologist. to see what is going on? he did give me some medicine to help with the pressure on the eyes. he said the MS could be acting up and more lesion could be forming in the central nervous system but he wont confirm that. he did say that optic nerve in that right eye is bad. they might have to insert a needle in it and take off the pressure? good chance i wont lose sight in that eye i hope. but if the MRI shows more then what he knows then where talking major operation to the brain to release some of the scar tissue that is forming on the nerves this could lead to loss of sight to the right eye. but save my spinal cord form becomming infected and causeing more problems. so thank you all in advance. appointment is thursday will keep you posted
  17. A man left work one Friday afternoon. Instead of going home, he stayed out all weekend, spending his entire paycheck.When he came home Sunday Night, he was confronted by a very angry wife. Finally his wife stopped and said too him,"How would you like it if you didn't see me for a couple of days?" He said, "Fine with me." Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday went by and he didn't see his wife. Thursday, the swelling went down just enough where he could see her a little out of the corner of his left eye!!
  18. Its been a week and the new len's is great. The replacement surgery went great and Its nice to be able to read with out glasses any more. Still have to use drops in the eye for 3 more weeks but well worth it. Started back on the Grills today.
  19. I've found two pairs of eye glasses left on the little table beside the coffee maker in the garage. One pair of blue sunglasses. One pair of silver framed glasses that appear to be prescription. If they are yours, PM me your address and I'll get them in the mail.
  20. Some guy just came and bought my 06 Tour Deluxe! I wasn't really trying too hard to sell it but now it is gone. Not sure what I am going to do. I have my eye on a 53 Mercury!! Mark
  21. I am going in on tuesday morning to have a Cataract removed from my rt. eye. they will be replaceing the lens so I will not need glasses any more the Doc said to stay away from dust and away from painting for at least a week. Making these grills is nothing but dust. Looking forward to seeing right again. The left eye had a small vien brake last weekend so that eye is blurry to. Trying to type or read is just a ton of fun right now. LOL
  22. Time for the right eye this time! Sure will be great to have two eyes matching in brightness again!! Of course I will appreciate your prayers! Looking forward to another few weeks off from work! If you're in town please stop by, I like company. Hopefully we wil have a couple of rainstorms followed by sunny and warm temps!!!!! I wanna ride!
  23. A man was dining in a fancy restaurant and there was a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He had been checking her out since he sat down, but lacked the nerve to speak to her. Suddenly she sneezed, and her glass eye came flying out of its socket toward the man. He reflexively reached out, grabbed it out of the air, and handed it back. 'Oh my, I am so sorry,' the woman said as she popped her eye back in place... 'Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you,' she said. They enjoyed a wonderful dinner together, and afterward went to the theatre and later had drinks.. They talked, they laughed, she shared her deepest dreams and he shared his. She listened. After paying for everything, she asked him if he would like to come to her place for a nightcap and stay for breakfast. They had a wonderful, wonderful time. The next morning, she cooked a gourmet meal with all the trimmings. The guy was amazed. Everything had been SO incredible! 'You know,' he said, 'you are the perfect woman. Do you treat every guy you meet this way?' 'No,' she replied... 'You just happened to catch my eye...'
  24. Just wanted to share this with everyone. Some of you know about all my struggles with my left eye and some don't. It's a long story but I will make it short. While on a trip out west last June I had hemorrhaging in my left eye and a membrane tear inside the eye and lost the sight in it. I have had 3 different surgeries since then with no results. I have been able to see about a total of 3 weeks since June 24th when this happened. We had one more chance to fix it with this last (4th) surgery I had on the 10th of this month. As of this morning (Tuesday the 18th) I can now see. It isn't 20/20 but about 20/70 or so and I can live with that. It is so wonderful to be able to see out of both eyes again. Anyway thanks for listening. Rick
  25. Eye halve a spelling chequer I have a spelling checker. It came with my pea sea. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, Your sure reel glad two no. Its vary polished in it's weigh. My checker tolled me sew. A checker is a bless sing, It freeze yew lodes of thyme. It helps me right awl stiles two reed, And aides me when I rime. Each frays come posed up on my screen eye trussed too bee a joule. The checker pours o'er every word To cheque sum spelling rule. Bee fore a veiling checker's Hour spelling mite decline, And if we're lacks oar have a laps, We wood bee maid too wine. Butt now bee cause my spelling Is checked with such grate flair, Their are no fault's with in my cite, Of nun eye am a ware. Now spelling does knot phase me, It does knot bring a tier. My pay purrs awl due glad den With wrapped word's fare as hear. To rite with care is quite a feet Of witch won should be proud, And wee mussed dew the best wee can, Sew flaw's are knot aloud. Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays, Such soft wear four pea seas, And why eye brake in two averse Buy righting too pleas.
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