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  1. Yammer Dan


    :smash2: Most of you know I don't do computers!! The Warden takes care of all that. I have had this site on MSN Explorer since day one. Along with all my favorites for bike sites, bike parts and everything. Where the He** did MSN Explorer go? I'm acessing this site thru the Warden's stuff today. Can't get into any of my stuff. She told me a long time ago that I needed to get rid of MSN Explorer. Did I loose all my stuff? I can't connect to MSN at all. Warden says it is a connectivity problem??We have Frontier DSL can connect to IE We have windows XP. Help???Warden claims some of her updates will not update her (net framework) whatever that is. Everything I had on here was saved to MSN Favorites. If I could pull my Favorites out someway I could put them somewhere.:smash2::smash2: Blasted Junk!!
  2. In lifes trials we walk thiunking we are the only ones with all these problems. I am one of those peaple anyways. Today I was humbled. My phone rang at 5 pm this afternoon and it was my wife. Weird time for her to call as it was when she was on her way to school. Kneedless to say this is when I was humbled to understand that all these things I thought were so important are really nothing. She was calling to ask me to come and get her as she had just hydroplained in her explorer. Shes not sure how many times she turned around in the road , but it was at least 1 1/2 times before she ended up turning around backwards in traffic at highway speeds. As best I can tell she was on 2 wheels and going over when the concrete barrier put her back on all four and stopped the explorer. As I siad shes safe so all the other worries are now in perspective. Laura has a little bump on her head and a head ache so Ill be watching her tonight for anything weird but she was able to walk away. The officer that arrived on scene stayed with her till I was able to get to her and I was a little over an hour away.Thank you sir as that was nice of you. My deepest thanks goes out to a Mister Steve smith. A good symeritan who not only stopped to check on her but used his personal cell to call me since Laura couldnt find hers. Sir I know you dont know me and probably will never read this but I cant explain what that means to me. Any ways thanks for letting me get this out as it all gains a little perspective as if the truck would have turned over who knows I mught not have the love of my life with me now. David
  3. Ok folks Im coming to better minds than myself for this. I just used seafoam in my wifes 01 explorer in the crankcase. Ran it a while to get the oil up to ooperating temerater and then drained it while it was still hot. No problems and all seems to be fine. WHile I was waiting for things to drain I reread the side of the sea faom can. It says you can add it to the crannkcase at 1 1/2 onces to quart of oil and leave it in for prolonged cleanig. Is this adverse to the engine or will I be ok to do this. The explorer has almost 150,000 miles on her and still going strong so I dont want to mess things up but would love to have the peace of mind that Im doing all I can to keep it clean on the inside of the motor at least. Any other ideas will be apreciated also. As soon as we get themoney we will also have it uned up completely as its on the original wires and plugs. David
  4. My oldest daughter turns 16 in late November, gulp. I'm looking to purchase a used, 2 door Ford Explorer, 4wd is nice but not required. Searching Craigslist daily too... $3k or less, as this is her first car and I'm sure dents will occur. So if anyone out there has a truck to unload, or knows of someone in the midwest, lemme know. Thanks.
  5. Stay tuned! http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/09/internet-explorer-9-beta-drops-its-lean-fast-and-modern/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29
  6. so, my computer just decided it was time to install internet explorer 8.. normally, i avoid upgrades from microsoft, because well.. they never seem to work right out the gate. so anyhow, i decided to go with the upgrade this time, because from 6 to 7 was great! and... alot of my webpages are loading much,much slower than with 7, anyone else experence anything like this? simple sites too, like google and my webmail site. thanks in advance for any insight: - Jared
  7. I switched to Windows Explorer 8 A few months ago and I am liking it.. I was messing around with the links bar/ favorites bar across the top and I turned them in (tiny) small icons. I have been recking my brain trying to get them back to there normal size. any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  8. Ill be starting on my new H/F trailer soon. Bought the 8" wheel kit this past spring and just picked up a Karrite Explorer carrier from Pep Boys yesterday. This will be my second trailer that I have built. The first one was stock size with a 20cf Sears topper and 12" wheels. I had diamond plated the frame, which was time consuming. The new one will be closely color matched, narrowed and shortened. Hopefully ill have it ready by Sept. I think the Explorer topper is sturdier than the Sears topper and it opens from the side. It also looks more aerodynamic than the Sears...you know, for less wind drag on those 150 mph interstate runs....
  9. and beating some sense into him??? yesterday , at noon, i was coming home for lunch. driving 55, the posted speed limit. on my left side, a young man in an old ford explorer, blew by me, followed by a young man on a BIG crotch rocket! the explorer pulled over into my lane, and the idiot on the bike jerked it up on one wheel, at about 65-70 miles an hour and rode it that way, for a 1/2 mile or better,accelerating all the time! i thought to myself! what an idiot! on the way into town, about 2 hours later, i saw the SAME blue and white crotch rocket, in pieces, in the back of a pick-up truck, going back into town! the bike had no seat, no handlebars, no windshield no exhaust pipes.pretty well torn up. i don't know about the rider, but i have to assume he ain't in the best of health, today! please be safe, when you ride, and please , if you get a chance, PREACH safety to these young broncs! just jt
  10. Here is the scoop, I just purchased a 1999 Exploder off of eBay on the far far side of Pennsilvania. Picking up the truck will be a 1200 mile round trip. My plan is to weld a hitch together and ride my wife's Nighthawk 750 out to PA, use this hitch to bring both vehicles back. (The explorer has a 2" hitch receiver) It's no big deal with the Nighthawk, as I can quickly remove the chain, and prevent any possibility for transmission damage. However, the venture would be a much, much more comfortable ride. Has anyone actually towed a venture with the rear wheel on the ground 600 miles? Obviously the trans would be in neutral, and as far as i can see, the gears are constantly submerged in oil. I only have 10 days to pick up the explorer, so I can't really use opinions. If someone has towed a venture like this, please let me know, otherwise I will be flying on the nighthawk. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Hauler_003-587x350.jpg
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