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Found 9 results

  1. As a member of the new Dark Side VR Group I would like to see a Forum or Topic that we could exchange ideas and experiences. I think it should be open to all who are interested as some VRs go forward with their Mods. I think it should go in the Tech Talk Category.. I think the sharing of experiences will make this a safer proposition for all that are willing to try this Mod. Thanks,
  2. Just wanted to pass on how much I enjoyed this movie. It has some Canadiana that might not translate but it's about a fellow diagnosed with cancer who takes off on a trip across Canada on a little Norton. I think it's just how much he learns about himself through the experiences and people he meets while travelling alone on two wheels that grabbed me. Check it out if you get a chance.
  3. Alrighty everyone...been lurking for about a year in the forums...in the past week ive been all over the GPS forums but im just confusing myself more...so please help me out a little here... I am looking for a GPS for my 04 RSMV, This will be my first GPS purchase so i am relying on the experiences of everyone here. I ride a lot, 20k to 25k a year, but i mainly stay local. I am going to start my longer trips this fall though (Oklahoma is first) and need a reliable unit to guide me along the way. I mainly use my Ipod for music, so the MP3 player may be a good idea, my wife rides with me so i need one that wont effect the intercom either. Ive looked at a re-furbished Streetpilot 2730, a nuvi 7xx series, and a few zumo's (550/650). Please post yoru experiences with your GPS' models, how you mount it, how you waterproof it (bag, drybox, unit itself), how the screen looks in the sunlight, and any other info you would like to share. Also, for the "non-motorcycle" model users (Nuvi), do you think the vibration of the bike causes the problems that have been previously discussed on the forum?
  4. Just got XM in a new tundra and really like it, so I'm thinking about getting an XM for the bike. anybody got any ideas/positive experiences with these? Which models work well with our bikes? THANKS!
  5. Does anyone belong to the AMA? i was looking at the member benefits & was wondering what experiences our members here have had with them. comments would be appreciated from current, ex members or hearsay of said experiences. It all sounds good, before i plunk down any dues, real world information is nice. thanks, dale in La
  6. Looking at getting a Chatterbox Headset for my wife's flip-up helmet. She doesn't ride very often, but it would be nice to be able to converse. Any experiences with these?
  7. I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone that has put information on this website. Without it, I don't know if I would have been able to get the foks back on my '87 VR. I took it apart about 6-7 weeks ago and dropped the forks off to have new seals installed and put in the new Progressives while it was apart. I can just about fix anything, but when your memory has nothing to recall from past experiences..it makes it kinda hard. With all of the fixes that everyone has done and all of the pictures, I have finally gotten it back together and had my first ride in a very long year. Thanks again for all the help. Kevin
  8. Hey all, Anyone run Continental TK 16/17 on their cycles. Opinions, Experiences? John
  9. Have any of you replaced your antenna with a 2' antenna? I have studied the Marshal Mod and don't know why a 2' top loaded antenna would not work. I have an 89' VR with a single antenna. I will be interested to hear your experiences. Even 2nd gens, because the cb part works the same, just no splitter. Thanks, Alan..
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