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  1. A couple of weeks ago, I pulled the rear wheel, differential and drive shaft to do the typical maintenance items. All came apart as expected, and all went back together as expected. Question -> Is there any kind of rear wheel alignment that has to occur? Or does the bolt-up procedure insure proper rear-wheel alignment?
  2. Hello Everyone: As most of you know, our 05 RSTD was heavily smoke damaged about a year ago. While it was in the shop for restoration, I decided to have new tires installed. The PO had Metzler 880's on it. I did not do any research. I trusted my dealer to guide me. He installed Dunlop 404's. $611 total for tires and labor. We enjoyed 7,000 miles of two up riding last year. I noticed yesterday while installing new pipes that the rear tire is worn more than I expected. I am not unhappy. $300 for an entire season of fun is cheap entertainment. I guess I expected the tire to last more than one season?? I see by many other posts that 7-12K is the norm? I might be able to go another $2500 miles, but really do not want to risk it. What are your thoughts, experiences and suggestions on brand, size etc. I appreciate your input. I have read good things about E3's. Thanks in advance
  3. Well, a year after buying my ’83 VR, I finally got to get her out and put a few mile on her. I had been on a few short rides but not enough to really tell if I had any major issues with the bike. I know that I needed to go on a long ride before I would know what needed to be addressed. I rode about 30 miles on different types of roads. As expected, a few problems showed up. The first thing I noticed was every now and then I would notice a faint smell of antifreeze, so I may have a very slight leak somewhere. It wasn’t enough though to see. After about 15 miles or so, I noticed that the temp was a little higher than I thought it should be. It never got up into the red zone of the gage, but it was near the upper portion of the green. I really don’t know what is normal on this bike. It also seems that the cooling fan is not working. The next thing I noticed was when I got out on a good 4 lanes highway. I had been riding on some slower roads and it seemed to handle pretty well but when I got out where I could let her stretch her legs a little the handling wasn’t a good. At about 70 mph it seemed began to feel unsteady. Almost like I was riding on a ridge in the road, if that makes sense. It felt like it was about to go into a wobble. I just put new Shinko tires on it. Running at 42 psi. I had the air pressure in the shocks set to the low settings on both front and rear. I weigh about 165 lbs. so I thought the low setting would be good. The last thing I noticed was after a few mile of holding it at about 65 mph, the rpm’s began to increase slightly. It didn’t seem like the rpm’s matched the speed I was running, based on what I had been seeing up to that point. Then I turned onto a secondary road and went through the gears, it just didn’t feel right. Then in 5th gear, at about 50 mph, I rolled the gas on pretty heavy and the clutch slipped. If I rolled it on easy it was ok, but when I got on it hard it would slip again. Well, that’s how the ride went. I would really appreciate some help in addressing these issues. I think I’m really going to enjoy this bike when I get all of the bugs worked out.
  4. I picked up this 05 Tour Deluxe in Omaha this morning. Rode it 190 home in the rain. It was exactly what I expected!! Now to get it cleaned up after the rain.
  5. I recently installed progressive springs and all seems to be fine with myself as a single rider. A bit stiff but expected. Yesterday my wife and I went for a ride and the ride definitely was smoother. I did hear what I thought was spring noise when taking off from a dead stop after a decent descending stop. I think the coils probably compressed about ½ inch to maybe an inch. My wife and & together riding gear and with some stuff maybe pushing around 350 lbs if that makes any difference. When I say spring noise it sounded like something was grinding lightly or rubbing against the springs as it was expanding. But I can’t imagine a ½ to 1 inch movement could make that much noise. The sound lasted about 1 full second. I did not hear anything during the breaking as the springs were compressing. I’ve heard that one is supposed to install the tight coils first which for that helps with spring noise, which I did. What does spring noise sound like. The OEM springs made no noise. Is what I’m hearing normal? Is there a breakin period?
  6. Just got back in from our invasion of Rome, had a nice turnout, a bunch of 2 gens, 1 MKII, a couple of Can Am Spyders, 1 Kawi Concours, 1 Valk. Interstate, and a few Tour Deluxe, and my V Star, very nice gathering from several states. The burgers were fantastic as to be expected from Fudruckers. Lots of new faces and some old friends. Looking forward to the next M&E. Thanks for putting this together Randy.
  7. With all the turmoil in the market today and the collapse of Lehman Bros and Acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America this might be some good advice. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations later on this year: 1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W R. Grace Co. Will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood. 4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa . 5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: PouponPants. 8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally... 9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name: TittyTitty BangBang
  8. What is the 'recommended' position of the E clip on the carb diaphragm needle valves? Needle valve is similar to one on bottom of attached picture, not exactly but close. I am getting these carbs closer on Speedy, but I stil have a slight popping below 3,000 RPM's & gas mileage is somewhat lower than expected. About 25-30mpg range. Carbs are 35mm mikunis with stock VMax jets in. 150 mains, 90 PAJ2, 170 PAJ1 & 37.5 pilot. Gary
  9. Yamaha are looking at taking on the Kawasaki 1400GTR in a big way by launching an updated FJR – the FJR1400 – towards the end of this year. Apart from its 1400cc inline-four, the new FJR is expected to get bits like the latest-generation anti-lock brakes, traction control and a semi-automatic gearbox that offers clutchless gear shifts.
  10. In Tae Kwon Do belts, my son Josh and I both tested for brown belt and we both passed.After 3 more degrees of brown the next step is black belt,I expected Josh to advance but I never thought I'd get this far at my age,miracles do happen!
  11. A major rock slide has happened on I-40 E, just 3 miles from TN into NC. The road is expected to be CLOSED for up to 3 months. Boomer....who sure would not want to ride into that mess.
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