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  1. I had this posted in the 2nd Gen Tech area, but since time is running out, I am throwing this out to all. I am going to help my friend install Sonic Progressive springs in his 2001 RSV this Thursday. I need to know what to expect. I have done this to my 1st Gen, but want to know what to expect on a 2nd Gen. I hope to complete it in less than 4 hours. I have looked/searched for a thread on the spring installation process and the best I found was a statement on another thread that there were no 2nd Gen installation threads. I put Progressives in my 1st Gen, but the 2nd Gen looks different enough with the newer fork style etc. So, any hints, tips, suggestions or good excuses I can use while working on this bike ? The fairing removal looks challenging, does the fork caps come off using a crescent on the square area right below the air valve ? It looks like once you loosen the 2 fork bracket cinch bolts, they should unscrew. Any and all information will be helpful. I hope to knock this out in around 4 hours. Does that sound reasonable ? Also, how far form the top of forks should the oil be while the tubes are compressed ? How about any spacers on top of the new springs ? Info...I'm begging for info... Bill
  2. Looking for suggestions on "must see/do" things for northern Texas for last week of February-first week of March. On average, what kind of weather should we expect??
  3. Looks like we're gonna have to head west Thursday instead of our eastern trip we had planned due to hurricane Isaac. The question I have is, how much performance decrease should I expect once we get into the mountains in Colorado, NM, Ut, and Ariz? We have been all over the Smoky's and Blue Ridges with the 6000ft peaks, and really didn't notice a decrease, however, I hear out west with the additional altitudes, and dryer air, there might be an issue. Like to know what to expect so I won't think there is something wrong with my ride. Thanks
  4. The rear shock finally died on my 99 Venture. So has anyone bought one recently and if you did I'd like some input on what to purchase and how much money I can expect to pay. Thanks.
  5. I've got a 09 rsv that i bought brand new I'm now closing in on 65,000 miles mostly highway miles with a few floor board dragging racing down the back road miles what should I expect out of this bike as far as a clutch life? I bought this bike because my other one has a ton of miles on it and its not the most comfortable with plans of getting the gen 3 when they "or if" come out really don't want to rack up the miles just to stick a clutch in and sell it P.s clutch works fine at this point
  6. I'm going to hold all of my current prices for my items I make for another full season here. Current prices have been in effect for two years now but I know that by years end I'm going to have to raise them due to higher shipping and material costs. Anyhow everyone can expect my items holding at the current level till then when I'll reevaluate after the new year starts. Larry
  7. Well, it looks like I will finally get to ride a Super Tenere'. My younger brother just bought one today (yeah, the same brother that had me fix the Shadow). I expect to put a few hundred miles on it during our trip to Alaska. RR
  8. This turned up in one of our UK national papers today. Perhaps the title should have read 'good breeding goes with good taste! I've tried to upload the picture but can only send you the link. Prince Charles aboard a Midnight Venture! well I didn't expect to see that. It was all in aid of a very good cause, but I bet someone was holding the back to prevent him dropping it! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/8583623/Prince-of-Wales-Charlies-angels-meet-the-biker-Prince.html Let me know if the picture fails to appear with the link
  9. I'm supposed to get my 07 Tour Deluxe tomorrow. I'm meeting the guy half way. It has 1200 miles on it plus over 3 years of warranty on it. I also got a great deal! I have had two 2000 MM Ventures so I have a pretty handle on what to expect. I know the difference between the two but what can I expect in the difference between handling and riding? My wife doesn't ride so I'm looking forward to a sharp looking bike without all the extras. My helmet is blue tooth so I'll still have my tunes via my iphone. Can't wait to get pics - although it is completely stock!
  10. Well after 2 years on the Venture I have decided to get a 2010 Nav. I go to Arkansas Friday the 4th. to pick it up. I bought it from Sunrise Honda in Searcy Ar. A 505 mile trip from here in the Houston area. We have been going to the hill country here in Texas each fall and I can hardly wait till this August. Anyway, my question is: what can I expect on the break in i.e. speed restriction. The one I test drove here really handled well. The only concern was the size of the shifter. But I guess I will get used to that.
  11. I'm not familiar with Yamahas or Ventures at all, but I may be going to look at a used '84 royale within the next few days. It has about 60,000 miles on it. Is there somethings in general or specifically I should be looking for at this bike. I guess to me, the miles are ok, it's the age I would be worried about. How have these bikes held up overtime, what kind of maintenance should I expect to have to do, are parts NOS or aftermarket and accessories still available? Just not sure what to expect I guess, and don't want to end up with a money pit. A little history about me, started riding in the early 90's on a 800 Intruder, quickly went to a gl1500 aspencade that we loved. Had kids and sold it, & haven't ridden in about 10yrs. Just looking for something comfortable to ride to work and some touring with me and my wife on weekends. Thank you so much for your help, Dan.
  12. Put E3 on back of my 2007 RSV. After about 5000 miles its already squaring off and starting to make a high pitched howling sound. Been riding some twistes to round it up again and it is slowley getting better. I do alot of straight line riding but I didn't expect the tire to do this so quickley. I used to run E2's on my VR with the same type of riding a did not have this problem. Any one else have there rear tire do this?
  13. I am curious, since I just got my RSTD, I was wondering how many miles can I expect to get out of the bike with good mainten:mytruck1:ance and regular oil changes. Thanks Mark
  14. OK folks, we are getting closer to the WV Skid-In II. The wife is wanting to know about how many and when everyone is going to be here. She is cooking Thursday evening and we need an idea about how many to expect. Everyone had plenty to eat last year, so don't think anyone will go hungry. Please plan to attend, as this was an excellent time last year to socialize with everyone. Food should be ready around 6:00 p.m. Please take time to complete the following questions.... 1. When do you expect to arrive? 2. How many to expect for the picnic Thursday evening?
  15. My '83 is getting a little damp around the top of a couple cylinders at the rubber gasket. Anyone replace these before? Any gotchas to expect? Anything else I can check out while I'm in there? Thanks in advance. D
  16. I am looking to buy a set of saddlebag rails for my 2008 Venture. Does anybody here have any recommendations on a vendor and what I can expect to pay for them? Thanks
  17. okay folks, my annual st. charles meet is just a little over a month and a half off. this is my third year and i have made it a little longer this year since it has been so much fun, and to give people time to come a farther distance. for details don has put a sticky under rides and rallies and meet and eats. i have listed motels and the meet agenda. if you want to bring friends that is fine. we don't care what they ride. all i ask is that you let me know how many to expect, so i can figure the dessert on thursday night and and food, soda, and beer for the barbeque on saturday after the big ride. i look forward to this every year and linda and i look forward to seeing you all. if you need more info don't hesitate to pm me. bill :clap2:
  18. I know this has been discussed more times than I can count, however being a 'newbie' I haven't seen/read any of the discussions. 2 part question - which tires do you prefer ? what kind of mileage do you expect ? I guess I should mention that I have a 2007 RSV thanks
  19. I just wanted to throw a couple of kudos at a vendor I had good dealings with. I just got my RSTD a month or so ago and I missed the backrest I had on my V-Star. I searched and searched and finally found the one I wanted at "Scootworks" I placed the order online and called the next day to see when it would ship. I got a machine and thought that would be the end of that. I've gotten so used to no one returning my calls. Well an hour later a friendly lady called and explained that they didn't have the backrest in stock, but they should have it by Monday and I would have it 2 days later (this was on a Thursday). I never really expect anything when I'm told to expect it, so I was thinking maybe the following Friday I'd have it. Well to my amazement I found it on my front porch the next Monday 2 days quicker than I was told. I like to ***** when I get bad service, so it's only fair I rave a little when the service is good. Scootworks.com
  20. As Cleavon Little once said... (In Blazing Saddles).... "Hep me! Hep me!" Wife and I took a short (125 mile) ride yesterday and I am having trouble getting the best ride with the suspension. I'm 290lbs and wife is a little under 130 and maybe hauling 10lbs in bags and trunk. Started out at 35lbs rear and 3lbs front. Not too bad on smooth pavement but a little harsh. I tried dropping the front to 0 since it seemed to be too rough up front. Finally got on some pavement where the exp joints were raised a bit and it was killin' us! Went to 45lbs rear and 7lbs front and it seemed better but still harsher than we would expect from a Venture. If I had an M/C tire on the rear I would be singing tenor today. What setting would you guys recommend? More in the rear? Or is this as good as I should expect?
  21. Does anyone have an idea as to what we can expect? 2009 MODEL INTRO http://starmotorcycles.com/assets/star/base/flex-line.gifhttp://starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gifhttp://starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gif Experience new models Monday September 8, 2008 3 PM Eastern
  22. Okay, so I don't expect much, but I do expect that the city live up to their obligations, especially if they want me to. So, I go in to the city office in June and request that they trim their trees in front of my yard. I went in twice more throughout the summer, both times told I was on the list, and that it was in the works. So last week the trucks show up and they're trimming. Well, I wait a couple days, no truck in front of my house, I call today and am told they are done and I'll have to wait until next year, and that I have weeds in my yard and that they have to be taken care of or they'll fine me. So, here I am, being blown off, but in the same breath being told what I need to do. Consequently, I get pissed, raise my voice (not yelling, but not happy either) and go off on the first woman, and get transferred to another woman. (sorry gals, but I HATE dealing with women in these positions) She then proceeds to tell me that they ran out of money (after they put up an $850,000 community center this summer for a town of 600 people) and they had to prioritize, so they took the dead ones, and other people chipped in to get theirs taken down. I reiterated that they were not MY trees, they were on city property and the one tree in specific has a dead branch that has been threatening to come down on vehicles parked under/near the tree, and that if they were needing money chipped in, I was never informed and was not about to take care of my weeds until the city did their job. I then told them to just try to get a check for any fines out of me. So next, I was told that it wasn't courteous to raise my voice, to which I quickly responded that I'm not a nice guy, and to not expect it, especially if they were going to defend not doing their jobs. Oh, then on top of that, she tells me that a good citizen would go out and do it themselves to beautify the town. WHAT THE F*** am I paying taxes for!? Oh, I'm still steamed about it. Damn bastards, think they're so high and mighty because they sit in that office all day making decisions for other people, just ticks me off. Okay, I"m done.
  23. HLFTONCHRRY!!! A couple of weeks ago he offered bag liners, trunk pack and a nice owners manual to anyone for the price of shipping. I happen to be at the right place at the right time and responded. Well, I got them in the mail yesterday and I felt like it was Christmas!! When I tried to get out of him how much shipping was to keep up my end of the deal, he said not to worry about it, on account of how much this website has done for him. I sent what I thought would cover it, but just goes to show there are a lot of great people on this forum! HLFTONCHERRY....thank you again, and we expect a call when your in the area!!
  24. A couple of us are riding from Toronto, Ont to Nova Scotia next Friday. We are planning to take most of the way there through the US. Once into Vermont, we are planning roughly the following route:#11 south to just north of Burlington Vt then #15 east joining #2 around St Johnsbury following it through NH into Maine all the way to Bangor then #9 into New Brunswick. We hope this is a fairly senic reasonably quick route without getting onto the interstates or major highways for too long. Can anyone from these areas comment on these roads, the conditions we may expect or anything we need to be cautious about during the trip. (ie construction, closures etc.) Do not expect there will be but just thought I would ask the question to be sure. Thanks for any help or comments you are able to provide. Robert
  25. I only have 5000 miles on my 07 RSV, I have read so many threads about the Bridgestone tires, none being good !!! I have these tires on my bike right now and they seem to be doing fine, but I have nothing to compare them to. My question is... What to expect from new/different brand tires ??? Is the dissatisfaction with Bridgestone, the mileage ? Poor handling ? What ??? And will I notice a big change in the handling of the bike ??? I think it rides and handles good now.... If it get any better, then WOW !!!!!
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