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Found 19 results

  1. I recently purchased a lowring kit from Baron. I'm fairly short, 5'6", and after riding the bike felt I needed a little better stability. My favorite dealer says I should also lower the front end to equalize the handling. We've tried to find some new springs, but were not successful. He is suggesting we cut the existing springs and that will do the trick. I'm not so sure that's a great idea. How will that effect the steering and ride? Anybody have any experience with this option??
  2. G'day All; I notice that there was a thread on this subject where PGunn decided to try fitting Hypercharger Air Filter Units to his bike. This was back in 2008. Has anyone actually 'eliminated' the existing system and found a new, less 'Bulky' alternative as yet? Cheers, Paul.
  3. I have a 2002 RSV and was given a centerstand off of an 84 venture. Matching up the bolt holes to the bracket on the chassis seems to be exact. Does anyone know if I can just attach it to the existing holes on the chassis and if I can, does someone have a diagram on how the spring and lever attach to the stand and frame?
  4. A suggestion was brought up about a Patch specficially for the RSTD. I'd be interested in designing one. First does anyone know if there is an existing patch for the RSTD. Second do any RSTD riders have any ideas for an RSTD patch. You can draw it out on a piece of paper, take a picture and post it on this thread.
  5. If you are looking for a very inexpensive way to chrome your Choke this could be the answer. They want around 30.00 to 40.00 for a chrome piece that covers the existing choke knob. I wanted to get around that cost so I started to look for a plastic chrome bolt cover that would fit on the existing choke knob. It needed to be 5/8 inch in diameter. They have them at several auto parts stores, napa, petboys,walmart and etc. I then took double sided 3M brand tape and cut a perfect round piece to fit on the back of the plastic chrome cover. I slightly angled the back of the scotch tape that presses on the existing choke knob. This way you can not see any of the tape and only the nice chrome piece. I then pressed it on the existing choke knob. I really like this better than buying the type that you have to connect to the choke knob with screws and etc. Its easy to remove if later you wish to remove it and your right back to stock. It also saves on fuel do to the weight difference!! ha ha :rotf:Hope that this helps someone who is poor like me. Not everyone can affort REAL CHROME!!! DanC:cool10: The tape is 3M two sided tape, not regular scotch tape, needed to carify the tape used, and it will stay forever until you "really" want it off and then it will take some effort!!! If you do need to remove it for some reason I would recommend useing GOO GONE, or GOOF OFF to help remove all the sticky material from the Choke knob,.
  6. I'm helping a Friend add the Kisan vectraLight - Brake Light and Turn Signals to his 08 Electra Glide Classic. I'll need to splice into the existing run, turn and brake wiring. To simplify this, Does anyone happen to know what the color code for these wires are? Thanks, Rich
  7. Looking hard at a new 665 to replace both existing nuvi and xm radio. Question is: Do I need a "hard connect" between the 665 and bike (though AUX input?) OR will it transmit directly through the Yamaha FM radio as I do with my existing XM radio? If I need a connecting cable, does it come with the unit or ? THANKS!
  8. I have one mounted on the right side where the stock horn was but I always wanted to put one in the fairing as well. Is there a good tutorial and pictures on how to do this and still keep my existing stebel on the right?Thanks
  9. O.K. here we are in Indianapolis and we just brought home the 2007 RSV. Used email to submit info. for changing existing insurance from a 650 V-star to the Venture. Have existing policy with Progressive. New quote is $760 a year!!! So-o-o, I submitted a request for quote to a different web site, got back a quote for Dairyland Insurance for $537.84, big difference. Any input about who writes your insurance, cost, etc. (especially from hoosiers) would be appreciated. $760 a year seems to be very high, considering we can only ride about 7-8 months a year. Oh, yeh--- I love my new used Venture. Quite a bit different than the '84 VR that I got rid of in 2004. I've only ridden about 25 miles on it so far, but I'm glad to be back on a Venture.
  10. Does anyone have a good suggestion (pictures?) on where to mount an auxiliary fuse box? I'm going to clean up my wiring. I have heated grips, driving lights and a Deltran battery charger. I'm thinking of mounting this one on top of my existing stock fuse box. It is almost the same size and thin. I'll only use four of the eight fuse positions though (one for light switch). http://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Products/Fuseboxes/PC-8/pc-8.html
  11. Has anyone ever seen or thought about making a control box that can plug into the existing CD player wiring (located in the saddle bag), then have an Ipod plugged into it, that converts the command signals from the built-in audio system to the Ipod, and also converts the audio from the Ipod back into the built-in audio system? (Whew, that was a long question.) I have seen other threads that just plug the Ipod into the existing Aux jack and use various wireless remotes to control it. It seems the holy grail though would be to use the existing CD interface that the bike already has. No extra wiring or remote. I am sure if the control box I describe existed, people would pay for it. I know I would.
  12. I can not believe you must rewire the whole system to replace your antennas someone should make an adapter to use the existing mount they could sell alot of them anyone interested?
  13. I could use advise from anyone who has wired up trailer lighting for there venture. I purchased an Aluma MCT motorcycle trailer that is wired with 5 pin. It is the standard motorcycle hook up with seperate brake/tail lights. I plan on installing the 5 pin female plug on the bike and tieing into the RSV wiring under the seat where the manufacturers plug is for the rear lights. Is anyone aware of a plug and play type adaptor available that you can plug into the existing plug under the seat to avoid splicing/soldering into the existing wires? Has anyone made up a bracket to attach the plug to the bike and if so where did you mount it? I thought about mounting it just to the left of the licence plate as it is up out of the dirt and water. Will the existing lighting fuse handle the additional LED lights on the trailer with out any problems? As always any help or comments would be greatly appreciated. JR
  14. Have not done it yet but want to know how much force needed to seperate existing OEM mufflers from the header pipes. Bike is only a year old. Is there a gasket and should I reuse existing . Using BUB Sleepers Mufflers. Pipes will be here in a couple of days.
  15. Can anyone give me dirrections on hooking up the relay for the Sebel air horns to the existing horn button? I'd sure appreciate it! Thanks, Dandy1
  16. I have a rstd so I have no speakers.Can I play my ipod through the GPS and buy a headset for my existing helmet?How does all this work together?
  17. Cassette players are so.....80's! Is there anything I can use to replace this worthless chunk of weight. I would really like something simple like an MP3 player, and have it work with the existing intercom system, heck while I'm at it I'd ditch the CB too.
  18. I was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. I want to replace my existing antenna with a CB antenna and was wondering if I can get just the antenna and have it fit on the existing bracket. I would really like it if it was 3' or shorter. Any ideas or suppliers? I have asked Sierra MC Electronics and they don't get back to me. Up until this week Wingstuff had a 3' firestick that would have been the perfect solution but has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
  19. Found This one on internet. New Garage Door Opener Works of High Beam switcher, and doesen't requre soldering in to existing remote. I Think this is interesting koncept. Check Out: http://www.f2pelectronics.com/
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