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  1. Just wanted to extend a big public thanks to Playboy for his excellent tech article on repacking the swing arm bearings on the Royal Star Venture. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=709132#post709132
  2. Anybody thinking about installing new throttle cables on their RSV, be sure to check out the excellent new tech article submitted by SMSgt. It is very well done. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=698593#post698593
  3. Goldwing with landing gear...My nephew works at this dealership, I looked at the bike and it is in EXCELLENT shape... http://www.motorsportssuperstore.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=09447748X7K6K2012J10I15I26JPMQ808R0&veh=141&pov=2726559
  4. Need a new or used seat for Don's '08 Venture. If used, needs to be in excellent condition. Anyone know where I can find one? thanks Patti
  5. New here. I do rebuild a 1977 Yamaha XS750 a few years ago but had to sell it. I am now looking at a 85 venture at a dealership new here. He is asking $2450 but told him I would offer him less and he seemed open to the idea. This would be my first larger bike. My question is, what should I be aware of as far as issues with these bikes. I have seen stuff on the 2nd gear and it scares me a bit. Not enough to get away from the bike yet but..... The bike looks to be in nice condition and the old owner left his contact info so that he could be contacted regarding the bike but I am just trying to do some homework. Going back to look at in this week and hope to have some better ideas. I think I am going to start off around $1600. KBB list the resale at $1995 in excellent condition and although it is in good condition it is not excellent. Any help would be great. Thanks.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/vystrcil?v=pJxOsYh12yY&feature=pyv&ad=9710386916&kw=motorcycle Like to see this done with a RSV. Is it even possible?
  7. I'm watching Wild Hogs (again). It's an excellent movie that someone that hasn't completed a cross country motorcycle ride would not understand.
  8. I just had a shock built by Klaus Heuencke at www.epmperformance.com for my 2nd gen RSV. Ride quality is excellent, and shock construction is excellent. It is a YSS brand, but is custom built by Klaus in New Jersey. The cost of the shock is $499, which is far less than anything else I could find (including stock). The shock is also about 2-3lbs lighter than the stock shock, and performance is far superior to stock. I'll post a pic of it tonight. You can email Klaus at info@epmperf.com . The shock is adjustable, specs are: Pre-Load Adjustment, Rebound Adjustment 60 Clicks — 50 mm 50 Micron Steel Bore and Radial Sinter Piston — 16 mm Hardened Shaft — Low Friction, Long Life Seal Block — Bearing, Bushes and Fork Fittings to suit each Model — Dampening and Springrates Model specific, and is rebuildable.
  9. 1988 Yamaha Venture Royale Asking $3000 or OBO. 44,000 miles. Excellent shape. Trailer included. Call (319) 404-5120.
  10. Just ordered and installed the R-Mark Brake Lightbar and thought I would share my experience. When I got the lightbar (yesterday) I was happy with the quality and also the ease of installing it. It went very smooth and worked perfectly the very first time. I did have some questions about the install and a small instruction discrepancy, however that was QUICKLY addressed through email with Mark. Excellent communication!! I paid $59 +$11 shipping and feel like I got a bargain. If you were on the fence about this lightbar either because of quality OR because of the install...don't be weary any longer...both are non-issues. The quality and operation of the lightbar is excellent and the install is very easy. Just wanted to give an update as to this product and company. Wally
  11. This time it's a MK1 headlight assy with frame and adjuster rod. It is in good to excellent condition, and has a Silverstar bulb in it. PM or answer here...
  12. Just posted my almost new seats for my 1999 RSV in the classifieds. These are in excellent condition. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2582/cat/7
  13. Took a ride this morning to the Doc's for my 4 month checkup on my hip replacement. X-Rays were excellent, Range of movement was excellent. Still have some pain when I walk on uneven ground and move certain ways but Doc said that was normal. Said things were going so good that he didn't need to see me for another 6 months. Exercise does work lol:banana: John
  14. 1999 Bunkhouse Camper King size bed with 5' X 6' dressing room Also has an add-a-room which when attached makes the entire unit 27 foot long. 78 yrs old says everything is in excellent shape. Haven't seen it yet--- How much is it worth ? It's only which it seems that I don't have enough of.
  15. Can't figure out how to post to the restaurant section. Could this be made easier, maybe more would post there? NM is near me and NOONE has added anything. I know 2 excellent eateries.
  16. Well its been one month since the hip replacement. Went to doc today and Im now full weight bearing on the leg:banana: Have been discharged from in home therpy and will now go to out patient rehab to build up more strength. Doc says everything looks excellent and dont have to go back for 2 months Still no word on when I can ride bike that will be up to theripist when they think IM ready. John
  17. I have an 05 RSV. I sent both seats to Rick for the mod. Got them back and rode to Chimney Rock, NC and back. I love my seat after the mod. Can ride all day and don't get the burning in my tailbone. My wife says she likes the stock seat better. Nothing against Rick, he does excellent work. I guess my wife, ah em, how can I say this, has a wider load and said the stock seat is better for her. Would anyone like to swap even a stock pillow passenger seat for one with the butler mod? Our passenger seat is in excellent condition. Contact me if you would like to swap. Thanks.
  18. I was just over at the DELPHI Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe forum. Everette has a long list of parts and what not for sale from his venture. http://forums.delphiforums.com/vrider/messages look for post #8665.1 if the link does not work. Here is his list Hopnel Bib/Like New $45.00 Shipping included Saddle Bag Trim STR-4XY72-70-00 $125.00 Shipping included K&N 303 Oil Filter 9ea $95.00 Shipping included Barons Risers $45.00 Shipping included Wagner Grill $135.00 Shipping included Harley Davidson Light Kit $135.00 Shipping included Morgan Color Tune/New $40.00 Shipping included CarbTune w/pouch $60.00 Shipping included Utopia Pillow Top Back Rest $165.00 Plus Shipping Larry's Lift, Free Standing $125.00 Shipping included 3 Piece Pillow Top Seat Excellent Condition $300.00 Plus Shipping 2 piece Corbin Seat W/Passenger and Rider Back Rest Star Stiching $300.00 Plus Shipping Scorpio Alarm SR-I600s Two way FM alarm w/silver/orange remote, perimeter sensor module $200.00 Shipping included Clearview Windshield GT X-Large with Tint and 5 Way Vent Excellent Condition $200.00 Plus Shipping Clearview Windshield GT Medium with Tint and 5 Way Vent Excellent Condition $200.00 Plus Shipping
  19. ....I have put my '08 up for sale in the classifieds. Nothing dire right now, but Things are getting a little tight here and I need to get a better handle on finances. Unfortunately that is a toy that can go If anyone knows of somebody looking for a newer RSV in excellent shape with goodies on it...please send them my way. BTW I am asking what it owed on the bike, but could negotiate a little.
  20. Met Eyehook yesterday when he and his wife came by the house. Turns out my wife knew him for about a year at work as they always talked about our dogs on break. The world dont get any smaller than that. He just purchased a 1986 Royale, Black and Uschi. Looks to be in excellent shape with 47k on the clock. Im sure he will post some pics soon. That was a hint, Larry.....
  21. Greetings... Was puttering around the yard sales today... Found this: A Victorinox small-pack- the company that makes the original Swiss army knives. - so you KNOW it's quality!! Heavy nylon construction, waterproof, excellent zippers... The Bag - $.99 - at our local Pussy-Cat Salvage Store - a local "thrift-store" that devotes the procedes to 'rescuing' cats... Terry (excellent saleman who also rides! Willing to search the entire store!) at REI provided me with 2 sets of $.80 clips (2 ea) that fit the straps perfectly - 2 at the top, and 2 at the sides. A few minutes installing the clips - which fit under the top-cover and hold the bag perfectly - Total cost: $2.60 + Governor's cut. We'll call it $3.00 even... Big enough to hold the 9mm, ammo, camera, the mail, Jacket, gloves, and other assorted goodies found in my pockets- and a bottle of water in the expanding side pouch. No more Velcro coming unglued in the extreme heat -positive hooking, easily removed and installed without taking off the top-cover... Took the Tersiphone up to 100 mph to test for function - lost my cigarrette but not my new bag!!
  22. Well...I finally got up the nerve to put my Venture up for sale in the classifieds. I have also placed an ad for a brand new Rivco Centerstand and an excellent condition stock Venture windshield.
  23. I found this oil at O'Reilly Auto Parts for $7.49a quart, which is a excellent price. At least $2 cheaper than I have found it any where else. http://www.oreillyauto.com/EW3/ProductDetail.do?id=1766710628&line=MOB&itemNumber=1-10-40&toolsAccMoreIndex=1&didSearchFor=Mobil&bid=1214068590007&cycleCount=2448&currentPage=0
  24. Yes, As you can read on title that is what I thought I bought on E-bay. A 1998 Royal Star 21" Tall Winshield on Excellent Conditions, as listed and as was in the picture showed on E-bay (Yes, the picture of the fiance in Italy. I know that history). The problem: a melt on one side of the size of a tennis ball. A small scrach in the middle but almost not noticeable. So, If I return it I have to pay shipment twice. If I keep it, I'll feel like an idiot. So, anyone know any miracle formula to try to fix the melted. (It seems like to previous owner impact hardly against something that melted it). Apart of it, perfect. Complete hardware, two slides on the shield. Original plates with Logo. Ah, also it fits perfect on the bike. So, I'll appretiate all feeds helping on this. Lawyer please hold until figure out final status. Thanks :sick::sick:
  25. I have a fairly new set of Jardine exhaust for a lst Edition. The pipes are presently installed on my 88 VR. They have been on for approximately three months and personnally, I don't like them because for me, they are too loud. They are in excellent shape maybe a little dusty in places. I am now looking to trade someone these Jardines for a really good set of stock mufflers. Anyone interested? Let's talk.
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