89 vr:took the carbs off the 93,put them on the 89,run great,2200 mls,got home,took diap,from 89 carb,as 93 had holes,i had patched,run good for about 20 mls,bike starts & run like the excetator pump dose not work[i know that it dose not have an excelator pump]sea form-marvo mist oil,1200 mls to get it to run kinda right,have to have the chock,pulled out,outer wises,open the throttle a little,it will die,holding speed, it hasatates,just like no excelaror pump,pulled the air filter,spray a little gas in,works like it should,ijust can't beleave that all 4 carbs are,screewer up,so put the 89 carbs back on,runs like it should
what do you thank:confused24: