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  1. So I rebuilt my slave cylinder on my 86' tonight. The kit came with a new pushrod seal. I mildly (without destroying) played with trying to get it out and eventually gave up. I'm assuming it gets wrecked taking it off. So how do you remove this seal? Thanks!
  2. Here's a pile 'o pics we shot while enroute, during, and return home from the rally. http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/KruisnTheKootenays2012/ http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/ I'll get around to putting comments on them eventually and cleaning out some that didn't turn out so well.
  3. Thought this was an interesting article in the New York Times recently. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/06/automobiles/06AUDIO.html In this article, it also shares light on CD players: Audio seers say that the CD, too, will eventually fade away. Technology marches on, and automakers are wary of becoming stragglers in that parade.
  4. :dancefool:Oooooooooh!!!! What A Feeling ...What A RUSH!!!! Already 2,000 kms can't get off the scoot One draw back is I KNOW EVEnTUALLY I'll Get A TICKET OR Loose MY Licence:crying:
  5. Haven't riden in quite a while, but the Nolan on the shelf was looking pretty ugly with bug juice remains and dust all over it. So not having anything fun to do for the time being I got out the can of Pledge and gave it the once over. Cleaned up well. Then I looked at the liner. Whew!!!!! Not a pretty sight. Lots of DNA laying everywhere. I'd never done it before but Nolan says the liner is removable for washing... so I did eventually get it out of the shell. Tossed it in the washer on gentle with a couple of towels. Came back a couple of hours later and dug the liner out. I wasn't going to toss it in the dryer... I ain't that dumb.... so shaped it close to what it originally looked like and set it aside to air dry. Some of the thin foam parts were chewed up on the edges, but not bad, so next time it's going to be a hand wash job. The labels were no longer black and unreadable, and it cleaned up pretty well. The hardest part was getting the liner back into the shell, but eventually I got it figured out. Next time I'll take a pic... Put the helmet back on the shelf, and lookin' good!!
  6. Well, I boosted the Kumho's pressure to 42psi and that took away the squirreliness I had been feeling. I had the wife follow me down some side streets and then a freeway to observe the contact profile. She said she saw no real difference from the M/C tires. We also checked to see if the speedo would read differently. Nope -- mine is exactly 5% off as it always has been. Eventually, I may get that Avon Cobra for the front, but the current tire only has about 5K on it and hardly shows any wear. Woo-Hoo!! Finally made it completely into the Darkside.
  7. Thankyou to the person who sent me a very comprehensive check list for my upcoming trip, can't seem to find your name although i got the full text in an e-mail, also downloaded the manual, gift from heaven!, i'm sure i will get on top of this site eventually, better with a wrench in my hand then a keyboard. Again, thanks all for the welcome, hope i can assist you in the future. Geoff
  8. I have an '89 Venture. If I set the cruise at about 100KPH, it will eventually settle in about 107KPH. However, after losing a bit going uphill, on the downside it really speeds up. So much so that I have taken to hand cranking the throttle back so as to keep the speed down. If I don't it seems to hold that high speed quite awhile, and eventually I would have to reset the cruise again. Also, there have been a couple of times where it is like the cruise doesn't know where it is, and senses it is REALLY below speed. This results in the throttle opening up almost wide open. Not sure if it would correct itself as I always cancel the cruise, and then reset. So, any ideas what or where to start? Is it a sensor, or the whole cruise control module? Replacement? Thanks for looking guys.
  9. I was asked to start a poll per this quote from ReinyRooser: "to get a handle on how many people would actually be interested in purchasing. I realize it's hard to say without knowing the final price but we need some sort of number si the question is this: IF we can get them at a price that beats anyone else, who's seriously interested? Whatever price I eventually get would be in Canadian dollars. Obviously that price will NOT include shipping, but I'm guessing we can work out something in the shipping....between me getting them to the US and then perhaps delivery through meets & greets or something."
  10. To all, My apologies to all for a recent post (not mentioned). I understand the thread was deleted which was proper and in order. My intention was NOT to cause dissention among any members who hold other views on any particular subject. Please do not respond to this but let it eventually go the way of all other threads, but accept my apology as sincere. Now, go have a beer (non-alcoholic and at your own expense). Marv.
  11. I have an old Motocomm headset that I used on my V-star connected to a small CB. Does anyone know if I can get an interface connection cable to hook up between that and the 5 pin Yamaha connector? I will eventually go for a J&M set but for now I'd like to use the existing headset I have. Any info is appreciated.
  12. Hi Guys: I think I know the answer to this already, BUT -- I have an '84 Venture that has sat for a while. I DID take off, disassemble and clean as best I could, all 4 carbs. She's back together now, starts right up, but will only run with the choke left on. I have added Sea Foam to the tank and have been running it in hopes that it will work its way through the system and eventually clean out whatever I didn't get. What are my chances that WILL happen? Or if anyone has any other tricks that might work, please chime in. Thanks in advance.
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