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  1. OK folks. I need to rebuild the event countdown page for 2013. This is mainly for our regular events, not the smaller meet and eats. Take a look at the VR Rallies page and let me know the dates for your regular events and any that need to be added. I'm not real strict on what is included but the page is a bit tricky to build and if possible, don't want to be adding little dinner rides and etc. all the time.
  2. I've always had a lot of admiration for airline pilots and their abilities. Yes, I know, you occasionally hear some horror story about a wacko doing something insane or stupid, but those events are rare. Here is a link to a story about the average airline pilot's training and a video shot at a German airport during a day with severe cross winds. Absolutely amazing!! http://travel.sympatico.ca/TravelNews/Articles/how_safe_is_a_plane Andy
  3. Got to thinking today of all the events that go on...............curious to see how many have attended any or all of them.......Hope I get them all in, I am just talking about the big ones....the ones listed are the only ones I could find reference to and only had room for 10. You can vote on all that you have been to, and if you know of any others you can write in your vote...................:cool10:
  4. Is there a way of searching our member listing by region/state? I live in the Pacific Northwest and would like to make contact with other members who live here for possible rides or events.
  5. Because I am the Chairman for the Motorcycle event and a big fan of VENTURERIDER you all get first hand knowledge of what’s going on and before this event hits the Nation wide Media blitz on May 15th and the hotel prices go up then get scarce. So if you’re going to make it to Las Vegas for this event book early. Some of the entertainment for this event are Carrie Underwood and Kid Rock are slated to perform. Just too mention a couple. The party after the ride will be big Ladies and Gentlemen. As Mentioned before September 11, 2011 marks the 10th year anniversary of the tragic events that fell upon our nation. To honor all that have been affected, I am proud to announce a spectacular memorial, "A Decade of Remembrance September 11, 2001-2011. A three day event that will link east coast to west coast via multiple media. This is expected to be one of the largest events to ever occur in Las Vegas. Here are some of the events that are going to take place over the 3 day event. 9-9-11 opening ceremonies with car show in the historic down town Las Vegas. 9-10-11 Motorcycle run down the Las Vegas strip to Russell then to highway 15 back to Las Vegas Motor speedway for a really big party. A 9.11k race and 1 mile fun walk. There is also a 91.1 k bicycle ride and Horses for Heroes Family day. On the 11th of September Heroes Processional then a Gala event on the evening of 9-11-2011 and not to mention all of the memorabilia that is being made such as coins, cups, t-shirts. pins just to mention a few. So I hope you will attend at least the west coasters the east coasters can hit NEW YORK....................Ron http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184917_168905709823185_159022570811499_341940_3131757_n.jpg
  6. ............so that Annie and Quickstep will know who ya are at M.D. and at the International Rally: ANNIE IS MAKING NAME BADGES I will go by the RSVP lists that are running for both events :dancefool:
  7. After 23 years and seeing stuff I never thought I would see, I have joined the ranks of the retired! Or at least semi-retired anyway. My job at the jail is done my penence is paid. I will now be a school bus driver for fun...that means summers off, holidays off...no more shift work, no more missed birthdays, Christmas' or other special events. Its a bit surreal right now as I just woke up after working my last night shift ever! The wheels on the bus go round and round lmao!
  8. I being somewhat new to this group with having been to only two events am and have been truely impressed with the friendship, behavior and general manners that this group displays. Not that there arent good nice people riding other bikes that have meetings and i have attented most brands meetings and rallies but this group is by far the the type of "bikers" i prefer to be friends with and riding with. that being said like it or not you can plan on seeing me at more events where Venture rider.org is concerned thank you all. ps. they do like to eat
  9. OK folks, I've started re-programming the countdown to our events page. I've added "Spring, "Maintenance Day" and the "International Rally" so far. If you have dates to other events, see some that won't be held this year, need to add other major ones, please post the info here so I can get it updated. Thanks for your help. Here is a quick link to the page: http://www.venturerider.org/rally/
  10. You can now print out a list of upcoming VentureRider events. You can also search the calendar if you prefer but that is just a side benefit and probably not that useful. To use the new feature, just click on the "Search" link in the upper menu bar of the forum. Just leave the search box blank and click "GO". That will open up a new page where you can select "All Events" and then select the month or range of months that you want to display. Click Go and you'll get the list of events posted for that range. Then at the upper right, you have two buttons to choose from. One is to download it as a iCalendar file and the other a .pdf file. This was requested by one of our members about 3 months ago while I was on vacation. I promised to see what I could come up with when I got back and totally forgot about it. I apologize for taking so long.
  11. First: I was looking thru the calendar to see what events were planned thru the winter. With dozens of birthdays every month, the events tend to get lost. Any chance the events could be bolded or highlighted or coloured so they stand out? I know there is an icon...but these old eyes don't pick that out as easily. No biggie....just a thought. 2nd....I"m probably just missing it because it seems so obvious a need......Is there a link to show SENT PM's? If there is I can't find it!
  12. A little late notice on this. The event is 4/10/2010 12200 Palomino Lane in Fort Myers, Fl. I will apologize in advance for cross posting this but I posted it last year and some folks missed it. I have it in Non venture, other clubs, public events also. I posted in M and E last year. Anyhow its a great event for a great cause.Runs from noon until.... $20.00 at the gate gets you event t-shirt and patch, live music, pasta dinner and wine tasting, not so silent auction and 50/50 and other activities. He is on 2.5 acres and has free vendor space available. The link below is to the charity and calendar of events with addtional information and contact information and a link to the event flyer. The event flyer has direct contact information. http://www.specialops.org/events/event_details.asp?id=88590 Link to the local club http://www.specialforcesmc.org/ In spite of the late notice, I hope some of you can make it. I have one spare bedroom and lots of floor space if anyone wants to overnight it. Must love dogs. I live about 25 minutes from there. There are also some hotels nearby on Daniels Parkway. Thanks Derrek rstddog
  13. Looking at calender and confused. Where are the dates of events listed? Need at least, Maint Day, Skid-In, Ashville and Vogel. "UGLY" will be ready!
  14. I'm somewhat new to this site and keep hearing about "Maintenance Days." What exactly are these events? I live in Orlando, Fl..do you know if they have any Orlando events like this?
  15. I will not be able to be there for every day of the International Rally. I would like to know which evening the meal that is included will be. That seems like one of the best chances to meet a lot of members so if I am going to go I would like to be there for that. I f there is a page with a schedule of events I have not been able to find it.
  16. For those of you that live in and around this area there are two events you might be interested in. MOTO 400 is sponsoring Triumph Days, both at the store in Dawsonville, and at T.W.O. in Suches, where you can test-ride any of the new Triumphs: http://www.moto400.com/custompage.asp?pg=upcoming5 Additionally, there's a grand get-together of BMW Riders in Hiawasse. The event is actually free and open to the public during the daytime, with a camping fee should you decide to stay over: http://www.bmwmoga.info/2009gmr/ There's a good chance I'll see you at one, if not both, events, but I'll probably be on the V-Star, so you might not recognize me... If you make it to either event, give me a call on my cell at 678-480-8569, and we'll see if there's a way to hook-up. TERRY
  17. Just a warning for those getting back on the scoots after a long Winter...... Benefit & Charity Runs are already popping up everywhere here in the New England Region. Be extra careful if you decide to participate! A lot of folks PLUS new riders don't know how to do group rides with a lot of skill. This always means there will be accidents between bike riders at these Events. Every Spring we also see a fair share of mistakes made at the Patriot Guard Missions as well. Stay alert out there guys. Boomer.....a Ride Captain who cares about all Riders.
  18. has anyone put a cup holder on the rear of a second Gen? if so can you tell me what kind and where you mounted it .. my riding partner is starting to think about the upcoming events for 2009 and told me i had to have one for her!!!! Thanks Ron aka Grasshopper aka honery
  19. well looks like we made it through another year. we had some downs, lost some members, some of the members hit some hard times, others had some very unfortionate events take place, but we have weathered the storm. why? because we are a group of great caring people. you will probably never ever find another group as close knit as the venture riders are. when don put this together he did something exactly right. i doubt if he thought it would turn out to be what it is. thanks don. i just hate to hear people say they are leaving the group because they bought a harley or some other off the wall bike like my lowly gold wing. it just does'nt matter.thats not what this group is about. we are friends and will always be here for each other. we have a great year of many of events coming up and i wish i could make all of them. someday i am dreaming of being like la pryor, a real free spirit. linda, and i hope to see you all down the road next year. happy new year to all of you. your good buddy bill
  20. Guest

    Thanks to ECK

    Thank you for the update and great feedback. Allsport Powersports also wants everyone to know that Star and Yamaha have come up with a new service oriented program called PRO DEALER NETWORK. We at Allsport are striving to meet the criteria in order to be listed as one of the nations top dealers. We will be having 3 Star events each year and a COLD WINTER NIGHT gathering and one thing we are really excited about is our Ladies Night gathering catering to all our Lady Star Riders. Ladies will get in free and the guys will only be charged $5.00, JUST KIDDING!!! We hope that all of you can come to these events and enjoy the atmosphere at Allsport. Come see all the new STAR displays and gear now on the floor! The New STAR Raider will be here shortly! Again thank you for the praise and if you are ever not happy call me personally! Steve Armstrong 256 355 9706 ext. 304:cool10:
  21. This area is one of Western New York's famous Wine regions, along the shores of Lake Erie to the south. Sure smelled like grapes today!! Managed to come home with a trunk full of full wine bottles... MRAF, we turned around in Ripley but I couldn't remember where you said your place was. We turned right off or 20 at the light and went over to Rt5 and headed north again. Absolutely gorgeous day for an early fall ride. Leaves are just beginning to turn, and should be in full color for the Fall Floage ride coming up on the 13th (see the Other Events forum for details)...
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