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Rusty Wallace Racing Experience came to Texas Motor Speedway this past weekend and held a 2 day event where all of the profits were donated to the cause. I also donated my time for the event and pretty much shot photos non stop for 13 hours each day. Long days but well worth the effort. Texas Motor Speedway also stepped up to the plate for this also. It rained late Friday night and the track was wet Saturday morning. Someone made a call and the lights were turned on so we keep going until 9 o'clock that night. I don't know what the grand total was for the event but my photo event trailer had a total of $8200.00 that was taken in for the foundation.
It is too late for this year, as the 2012 Punkin' Chunkin' is happening this next weekend, just outside Bridgeville, Delaware. And, with Sandy bearing down on that area, it would not be wise to attempt to chunk punkin's in a hurricane wind...although...a new world record could be set, if the wind is going in the right direction. the point...if someone that lives close to Bridgeville, Delaware wants to host the 2013 gathering of forum riders for this event, I will be happy to ride the 3000+ miles to this event to party with the punkin's.
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Chatting with a non-internet buddy with a 2007 RSV with about 30,000 odd KMs on it, who described an odd infrequent issue while starting his bike.. Once in a blue moon, when starting his bike, either hot or cold, the engine will turn over once but not continue turning, not getting in that first complete turn of the engine (best he can describe it is like the battery just has enough juice to get that one turn only and dies but it has a full charge..). When this happens, his trip odo will reset.. almost like he disconnected the battery, but the radio presets stay intact. A second press of the starter switch will always start the bike every time like nothing's happened, the bike starts fine like normal, it runs fine, his mileage is average, bike has lots of power.. But he says it's that once in a blue moon event that has him puzzled.. probably happened about three times this summer. He can't seem to identify a precursor to the event that might be causing it. The battery checks fine, being less than two years old.. Nothing to do with rain, he's checked the battery connections, checked wiring for anything that might be loose.. but it doesn't happen often enough to be a show stopper.. But could this be an indication of something getting old / weak / ready to fail?
Was invited to a church sponsored event tonight. It was put on by Full Throttle Ministries. They have a yearly "Blessing of the Biker's" event. The Pastor rides and has the Full Throttle Ministries outreach from their church. After everybody gets there, and there had to be 400+ bikes, we lined up 3 abreast and they had three Pastors that prayed over each bike and rider(s). Pretty cool full blown event.
- Damn shame you can not even be safe at a charity event
5 Days to St. Jude.........:dancefool:
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"Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale." It's not aging, it's the door! :rotfl:
We finally have rain. I will not complain because I know some of our friends down South have had a very hard time from Isaac. I hope things improve for you folks and pray you are all surviving. We are listening to the weather people, who sort of ruined our Saturday. We believed them so we did not go to the Rabbit Hash event we always ride to. It did not rain until 8 or 9 PM. We could have gone. Yesterday we caged it to an event across town. It rained going there, but when we got there it was fine. Today so far it is solid rain. So we have to wait and see. Oh well there is always next year. But I admit I am selfish and want to ride really bad. Yama Mama:smile11:
Well, Erv and I are adjusting to the place sans Rocket and Grump. Having those guys here was an absolute delight! Good company, late nights and a "home-brew beer tasting event" which occured the night after a tequila and whiskey tasting event. We had plenty of food, plenty of chatting, and good company. So glad to have these guys hang out and just commune. Even with all the libations, things stayed low-key, friendly, and created warm memories. Paul even found one of Black Owl's roosts! (note the arrows in the eyes) Thank you both, Paul and Rod, for enriching our lives. Teri (the redhead of Pakidaho) and Erv.
The NY crew will be setting up at pioneer on saturday july 21st at noon...and I believe steamer will be camping there that night....The registration table will be manned on sunday starting at around noon so that you can pick up your registration packets and set up your camp if you are staying there........PLEASE CHECK IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR THE MIXER AT CHANDERSONS THAT EVENING.....I NEED THE EXACT COUNT AS THE CLUB WILL BE CHARGED PER PERSON AT THIS EVENT...If you will not be attending the mixer, please remove your name from the calendar... have a safe ride here .... ps...RocknRobin will be camping there too !!!! she 's so touchy lately......
Saturday, June 2, 2012 VentureRider MD, Oberlin, Ohio. Another sighting of the POND MONSTER occurred in the pond at Don Nelson's. Although, the POND MONSTER has not been seen since last years event this reporter was witness to this years resurfacing of the infamous POND MONSTER. Although, the identity of the POND MONSTER has not been disclosed, this reporter is sure the end is in sight. This reporter will continue there efforts to keep up on all the poop concerning this important annual event.
Just to let you all know, that Ron and I never have any plans usually. Some how June 2 must be the international date for any event to be planned on. First my school is having a retirement party for me and two teachers on June 2. My great nephew is graduating from Medical school on June 2. I used to baby sit him when he was in kindergarten. But Ron and I are coming to Freebird's June 2! I refuse to give up my favorite event of the year. I hope the rest can forgive me! Yama Mama
For those of us on the east coast of Florida this colud be a very interesting event.
Hello: My oldest Sister left her winter home in Ft. Mojave AZ last weekend (April 21st-22nd.) to travel home to see our dying mother before she passed. My Sis mentioned there must have been a large MC gathering in her area as they saw Hundreds of MC on their roadways as they were leaving home. Anyone have an idea what the gathering might have been?Annual event??
To all the 45-50 people that showed up at our Leakey,Texas MEET and Ride,a three day event THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! At 60 years old I finally figured out it is hard to party , Ride, and eat (everything bad for you but so good) and a very few adult beverages for 3 days....but Im still going to keep doing it. JB and Maggie,Thanks again for the help in putting this together with me. I want to also thank the Wives of all the members everywhere as I realized us guys can think these things up but the actual execution is in reality the Women. THANK YOU TO ALL THE LADIES. This has become a MAJOR event and I was going to stop doing them as I thought that it would get old to alot of people but I was assured its just the beginning. Everyone there conducted themselves in a way that made me proud to be a VentureRider...That is where and what I want to see the VR.ORG group stay,"The cream of the Crop". The folks at has reached out to us to hold our rallies there again,THAT says ALOT!! We had every cabin at their facility taken up by our group..We were told,"Dont worry about the 10PM quiet time, You all have the entire place to yourselves anyway!" Well all I can say is what a party. We are doing it again in November. We have a tentative date set but I have to get with JB as I start my work week that weekend on Sunday and to be honest I need a week to rest after all of this!! Again, Sorry for being long winded but Im proud of the group of people that came and contributed and helped others. THANKS EVERYBODY!!!! Tom and Debby
If there remains any lingering doubts about fitting a car tyre to a motorcycle, then this may help. While I accept that it isn't definitive, in any way, it certainly is more useful than idle speculation and prejudice. In any event, it's a terrific video and only just over 2 minutes: Edit: Both the bikes in the video are fitted with car tyres ... Lean angles seem to be decently manageable. [ame=]Goldwings at Laguna Seca - YouTube[/ame]
During my day long yesterday, while riding on a rolling hilly road, i let off the throttle and went into the scary wobble that i have heard about. What is the best way to handle this scary event in the future?
OK folks, it is time for me to start rebuilding our Rally Countdown page with the dates for our 2012 events. Please take a look at the events listed at: Let me know if you hosted an event and will do it again in 2012 and what the dates are if you have set them. At this time, I have dates for the International Rally, Marcarl's meet and I've almost set the date for my Maintenance Day. I need your input on all the others and also any new ones.
Leaving for Lake Cumberland State Park around 5:30 am in the morning. Gathering of the guard event. Hitting the hammer road I-64 around 6 am from Morehead,Ky. Then 627 to I-75 and so on. 189 mile one way from here. If any one interested in accompanying me to this event just give me a ring. Going to bed around 10:30 pm. I am riding solo. Cell; 606-356-7797 Fuzzy
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Beth and I made it home about an hour and half ago. Safe trip home and a good ride with Walter and Betty. Had a great time at Vogel and was great seeing everyone. Thanks again to Lewis and Charlene for all they do with this event and St. Judes.
Well, have been home a week now from Cody and have finally started getting caught up. Had 397 E-mails waiting for me in addition to about 2 dozen phone calls from clients to return when I walked in the door. But it was worth it. For those who have as yet been unable to make an International Rally, put it on your Bucket List. They just keep getting better and better and I don't believe you will find a better group of folks to hang out with. Have been ready all the posts sending congrats and compliments to Condor, Lone Eagle and the others who, without questions worked their butts off to make this years event a roaring success. But in reading those posts it became readily apparent that the folks that really made the 2011 International Rally a success have been grossly neglected. So, let me take this opportunity to correct that glaring slight. Any event; be it a Maintenace Day, Local Meet and Eat, Vogel, Ork in the Pines, or any one of the impromptu get-to-gathers would be nothing if it wasn't for the folks that show up. Be it a ride across town or across the continent, if you didn't take the effort to come out, buy tickets, make donations and the countless other seeming "little" actions it would all be for naught. So, to each and every one who participates, a rousing thank you. It is you folks that make each and every event, large or small, a huge success.
Does anyone know a reliable supplier for Butterfly Shaft Seals for Mikuni BDS34 Carbs? has the single-lipped version and I guess they might work, has both the single and double-lipped at a fairly high price. The problem is that is offline at the moment and, in any event, they do ship very slowly and are not highly recommended. Surely someone else in this vast country stocks them? Thanks for your help.
Here are some random pictures from today's event. Gary
Wish Everyone a Safe and Happy Event at Don's
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OK, so the "Slap Down", "Smack Down", "Chili Chow Down" - event is going to happen again this year - y'all won't want to miss this. Various "gourmet chef's" have stepped up to the plate (err - pot) for this challenge, and the "winning" recipes are being brought out of the vaults - no bean left unturned . Monday evening - July 25th - at the International Rally - at the Ponderosa - ya won't want to miss it. More details to follow and available at the event. And yes! There will also be ICE CREAM!!:fnd_(16): And who knows, maybe even a bear .