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  1. All I can say is WOW - the building is an outstanding piece of architecture and the first Christmas show by the Cleveland Symphony was just as impressive. I would recommend attending the symphony to anyone that enjoys music. Quite an evening, except for the $6 a glass for wine at the restaurant nearby.
  2. Got a new, " Ultimate " seat for the new 08 RSTD, Installed yesterday morning. Went rideing 2 hours yesterday, and about 140 miles today. So far, So Good !!! Not sure yet, but my you know what is not hurting this evening !!! :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:whistling::whistling:
  3. So who all if anyone is heading from SE WI to the WI MD next week? Just wondering who I might be able to hook up with for the ride. I am planning to head out on Friday. I don't know if I can get off work Friday so I am not sure if I am leaving Friday morning or evening yet. My planned route at the moment is I94 to hy19 to 14 to 56. Open to other plans.
  4. While sitting here in the office every morning I have a news radio station playing in the background. Now that the weather has turned warmer every morning and evening I hear traffic reports of Motorcyclists down, Motorcyclist vs Semi, Motorcylist Abulance on it's way, Life flight, Fatalities..... etc. I'm not talking about once in a while... it's every morning and evening!! It's like mayhem carnage. While typing this another motorcycle accident to the hospital report was just given... It scares the cr@p out of me, to the point I don't run any errands around town any longer. It just ain't worth it...
  5. I hung a small corn feeder out back of the camp Sunday. Deer season coming up next week might hunt a few days. The feeder no longer works with the timer so I stopped by evenings after work and hit the manual start button. Monday evening there was three head waiting for corn. This evening there was six head waiting on me. Tomorrow who knows maybe 9 head? I smell steak a cooking.:cool10: It has been several years since I hunted with a gun but I have a high harvest rate with a pickup.
  6. What R1 calipers are a direct bolt on for my 86?? 98 thru 02? Found nice set on E-Bay going off at about 4 this evening. Should have found them sooner. Is there a difference between 85 and 86 on the Venture?
  7. Got my used Khromewerks in the mail yesterday. Instalation was way easier than I thought. They look great and sound even better!!! Got to take the wife for a quick spin this evening and was given the...they aren't TOO loud answer so all is good!!! Can you see me now? Maybe not but you can sure hear me!!!!
  8. My wife and I had the honor of leading a 75 mile evening ride tonight. Our friend owns a 2007 Yamaha 1100, but recently added a sweet 05 Heritage Softail to her stable of bikes. The three of us gave the Heritage its maiden voyage this evening. Imaculate bike!! We are all heading to Cody Sunday morning along with Graderman and Babe. Look forward to many more enjoyable rides!!!
  9. We had a nice evening with the VR group tonight even though it was a bit cool and cloudy. Tomorrow looks to be a great day. Here are a few photos from this evening and I am sure others have photos to post as well. Dennis
  10. Just a quick shout out to the folks up in the Tulsa area. I am just about to head out the door and north to Broken Arrow and help some friends pack to move back to Florida. If anyone has some time in the evening and would like to hook up for dinner that would be great, cell # is in the profile.....this would mean you Rosebud!
  11. While driving my rig I passed a 1999 RSV and a black Valkyrie Interstate tourer stopped on the Trout River bridge on I-95 North sat evening. I was going to stop to see if they needed help but they took off. Even gave the RSV the V sign. Apparently coming back from Bike Week. Anyone we know? Ill say this: the Valk had some real bright lights while the RSV had the stock lights and driving lights. They looked almost yellow to me, they were so weak in comparison to the Valk's. Just a side by side unofficial comparison of the two.
  12. My commute to work is about 7 miles and usually takes 15 or 20 minutes depending on traffic. This morning was no exception. However, when I left work this evening, it was 67 miles and took an hour and a half. Just can't figure it out... http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/coy55boy/Black%20Beauty/Sunset030111.jpg Gotta love a nice sunset!
  13. Had a good visit with jrichard this weekend. He came thru Thursday evening on his way to Texas. Left this morning as I left out for work. Good to see him.
  14. We are still getting dumped with snow a steady 29 hours, I have 5 neighbours in their 70-80 years of age My evening will be tied up with the only snowblower on the street (Mine) So Im signing off and go to my duty of the season
  15. Hi, I read the oil filter cross reference sheet on the technical link and was wondering if anyone from Canada used a Canadian Tire (Motormaster) oil filter and what the number is? I was in Canadian Tire this evening and there were no Fram filters that fit my 2004 RSV. Thank you in advance.
  16. Well I have to tell you folks, I sure missed our Icelandic friend Jonas at Maintenance Day this year but he made sure that we didn't forget him. He had sent a couple bottles of the famous "Black Death" that he brought with him last year. Now one bottle didn't survive until Maintenance Day...it must have evaporated or something. The other survived though and got cracked open Saturday night. Those who were hanging around the Maintenance tent that evening got to sample it and MOST seemed to enjoy it. So...thank for remember us Jonas, we hadn't forgotten you either. Also, I got a call from Jonas a few minutes ago. He says to say hello to all of you and he plans to be here, with his wife, for Maintenance Day next year. It will be great to see him again.
  17. Please keep Larry and his family in your prayers. He went down Thursday evening. Works with my wife. http://blog.al.com/breaking/2010/04/driver_thrown_15_feet_in_motor.html
  18. Just checked in to the Best Western Room 128. Nice room for the price! We will be here until Tuesday morning then on to Nashville for a couple of days then back here Thursday evening. Meeting up with B2DAD tomorrow morning at Hannigans. Got a lousy 10mpg towing the trailer but we got here safe and sound!!
  19. Just dropped Becky of at the airport this morning, she is visiting her sister in the Florida Keys for a week. She won't be back until next Wednesday evening. Guess I gotta ride solo this weekend. Hope I din't trash the place too bad...
  20. I'm schdeuled to go to Pensacola, Fl for a week and plan on taking the Venture. I'll have free time in the afternoon / evening. Any thoughts on where to ride, eat, what to see, etc?
  21. With all these Tornados touching down today, A large water spout formed this evening on Lake Nipissing and is heading towards a Provincial Park
  22. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/2009%20vogel%20by%20RandyR/ A few pics from Wednesday evening before dinner.
  23. For those that don't know it yet. Marcarl and Wizard765 go for a ride most Tuesday evenings weather permitting. Anyone wishing to enjoy the evening with us is encouraged to come along. We meet up at Marcarl's about 6:30 and head out. Tonight was awsome! Perfect weather. Ice Cream. Great Roads.. this is the life. Wayne
  24. OK folks, we are getting closer to the WV Skid-In II. The wife is wanting to know about how many and when everyone is going to be here. She is cooking Thursday evening and we need an idea about how many to expect. Everyone had plenty to eat last year, so don't think anyone will go hungry. Please plan to attend, as this was an excellent time last year to socialize with everyone. Food should be ready around 6:00 p.m. Please take time to complete the following questions.... 1. When do you expect to arrive? 2. How many to expect for the picnic Thursday evening?
  25. We left vegas today and headed for yosimite np. We arived in lee vining ca this afternoon on the east side of the park to find the pass is still closed so we can't get to the park from this side. We took a drive this evening and took a few pics. If you look close at the dark one you can make out a coyote in the brush. We will head to the west side of the park tomorrow.
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