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  1. I ordered a SpeedoHealer, model SHv4, for my 07 RSV and got it installed today. Using a GPS, I did about 75 miles getting it calibrated just right. There is a disparity between the speedometer error and the odometer error, as others have reported. So, the choice then becomes, do you want accuracy of the speedometer, or the odometer, or, in my case, split the difference? I chose to bias the correction value to favor the odometer, with the speedometer error now being about 1-2 mph high, as opposed to before the correction, when it read about 7-8 mph high. My odometer reading is now off (low) by only a couple of tenths in 20 miles traveled, about a one percent error. This will probably equalize as the new tire wears in. Long story short: I ended up setting the correction factor on the SpeedoHealer to -05.5, which splits the difference nicely. At in-town speeds of around 30-50 mph, the odometer and speedometer error is almost not noticeable. At hiway speeds of 65-75 the full error is as previously stated, about 1-2 mph off. I can live with that! I started with a correction factor of -06.7, which had the speedo reading dead accurate with the GPS, as per the website calculator. There is a second setting that can be used in the SpeedoHealer, but I dont think I'll be needing that. The pushbutton for reading highest speed is kinda cool, it sweeps the speedometer needle across the face of the dial, and pauses for about 5 seconds at your highest speed. The unit is completely plug and play, and impressively small, about the size of a zippo lighter...very easy to hide under the seat. http://www.healtech-electronics.com/
  2. Sometimes when I submit a new thread, I will get the following error message... "The number of tags you tried to add exceeded the maximum number of tags by 5." It seems this "program" assigns tags "on your behalf" automatically. Generally it's not a problem but if I Preview and then make changes, more tags are assigned and then the error pops up.
  3. Suddenly, I am getting '404' errors when I try to click on any link from the main forum page. I was able to get here, but I can't get to ALL the different threads without the error: [h=1]Not Found[/h] The requested URL /forum/watering-hole/40054-visited-map.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request
  4. Suddenly, I am getting '404' errors when I try to click on any link from the main forum page. I was able to get here, but I can't get to ALL the different threads without the error: Not Found The requested URL /forum/watering-hole/40054-visited-map.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request
  5. I had 2 e-mail addys for you and couldn't get these to load up ...yes I'm sure it is user error...hope it helps...........
  6. The error codes on the compressor for a 86 , e4,e2, what do they mean? I heard the guys talking about how the rear shock could just be a regular shock and wondered where to look and what to read up on for anyone doing this? I think the computer is the issue with my loss of air.
  7. Would anyone out there in VR world happen to have the dimensions for lowering links? I'm fabricating my own and looking to make the job a bit easier! I'm trying to get away from a lot of scrap metal by the trial & error method.... It'd be great if ya could help a fellow VR out!!! -Greg
  8. Since I joined this forum in 2010 I have done a bunch of repairs, just following the instructions you kindly. knowledgeable, experienced guys have posted. This afternoon, in less than two hours I just fixed the Class E4 Error by following the instructions posted by Freebird back in 2006. (And I'm not that good wrencher at all, some times I prefer no to start some repairs afraid of not finished them and compromised my weekly Saturday rides with my buddies) I'm so excited I can hardly wait to tell my friends about it. (I mentioned last Saturday and one of them suggest to forget about the compressor and replace it with progressive shock springs, that what he did on his) Well, I'm so glad I did it :) Thank you so much. Rudy:cool10:
  9. Well now that I have my "flashing warning light" issue corrected, it's time to move on. I'm trying to get the CLASS to work. I'm getting an E1 error. According to the manual, it may be a connection problem somewhere. I guess I'll just start and the front and work my way back, cleaning all connections with contact cleaner. This bike has been setting for a very long time so I'll probably need to go through everything. Is there anything I need to be aware of?
  10. Last week on my trip to Virginia and West Virginia I had a problem with my cb turning off. I would be riding along and it would just turn off. I had to keep checking and turn it back on. Later on before it would turn off an error message would appear that said cberr. I've never had this problem before, any ideas? Thanks
  11. After joining a few months ago I posted a message about a problem with my 2008 RS CB unit. The problem is when keying the CB unit to talk, in the controller window , it would say CB Error, and the CB unit would not work. The dealer has replaced the CB unit and all related hard parts but the problem still persists. After much discussion with Yamaha Tech they feel the problem is within the main wiring harness that runs from headlight to tail light. Yamaha has auth the replacement of the harness and it has been ordered, but has to come from Japan. Just in case anyone is interested I will post a message after the harness is installed to let everyone know if it fixed the problem.
  12. duplicate thread posted in error.
  13. My first ride of the year the class system was working fine, and then i had the error show up so I did the solder contacts on the class display head. Reassembled it, I could hear a click from the back when I used the class panel but compressor wouldnt run,and then got the e2 error. i really didnt know what it was but had a look at the compressor unit and found it had puked out oil everywhere over license plate etc. So i ordered a replacement compressor unit from ebay and installed yesterday, same issue, the class panel comes up normally but when i select front or back and adjust pressure i hear a solenoid click once but no compressor running and then after a minute the e2 error comes on. What am I missing, is there another componenet that is faulty? or did I get another compressor that doesnt work? Thanks in advance for any help, brian
  14. As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers. I had a problem yesterday, so I called Eric, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control and asked him to come over. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong? He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.' I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, 'An, ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.' Eric grinned.... 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before? 'No,' I replied. 'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.' So I wrote down: ID10T I used to like Eric, the little bastard.
  15. Getting an E4 error message on my compressor and the manuel states that this indicates "The pressure sensor has no output voltage". Where do I look to correct this? Thanks, Norm
  16. I called the Dodge dealer to ask about an error code I'm getting on my truck: U1421 implausible Ignition Key Off Time Received. For a mere $87 they will tell me what the code means .....:think: Uhhhh.... I already know what it means, I want to know what causes it and why. Guess i ask too many stupid questions:whistling:
  17. Is there a fix for 1st Gen Speedometer error. Mine is off 6-7 mph at 35 mph and at higher speeds it is off by 10 or more mph. Now I calculated this with those radar speed signs and by doing mile markers on the highway. (Its reading a higher speed than I'm travelling.)
  18. I am thinikng about making a speaker set up in the lids of the saddle bags so I am looking for some broken lids that anyone has and wants to get ride of. I dont want to cut up a good set since I am not sure how I am going to do this just yet. Trial and error I guess.
  19. I've been too busy wrestling with the leak in the '91 to do anything else, but now that it's down to a Harley Drip it's on to other issues. Mainly the CLASS controller. What a saga. The controller was giving E1 and E4 errors, so I tore into it and did some PCB soldering. Now I'm not the greatest solderer in the world, but I'm not all that bad either. After working over all the brown rings I hooked the controller back up and .... nothing. I could get the pump to give a couple of beats and then quit by plugging and unpluging the coupler. So I went ahead and piggybacked another compressor and it did the same thing. This told me it wasn't the pump, but the controller. So I drug out another controller and plugged it in. E4 error. So soldered it's PC. Plugged it back in. E4 error. Grrrr!!!!!! OK, one more time. I soldered everything I could see with a magnifying glass. Ate dinner. Went back out. Plugged it in and the CLASS ran like a champ. I would have taken the bike out for a ride this morning but due to forseen circumstnces it's going to be Monday. Gonna be strange sitting on a 1stGen again. So the lesson is... If at first you don't succeed...try..try...again....
  20. I have used the re-solder circuit board twice. The problem is as follows: I can set the front air pressure and then get an E1 error, I wiggle the white plug behind the control unit and it will be functional enough to set both the front and rear pressures, but once I turn off and secure everything, I get E1 error again.. Question: If I set the pressures front and rear, then turn off unit, will the system maintain pressure until the next time I have to wiggle the white plug which feels lose. cimack77
  21. I get the error message, "Sorry! This forum is not accepting new posts." for the following forums when I try to subscribe using "Forum Tools": First Gen Tech Library: Body, Plastic, Paint First Gen Tech Library: General Tech Library It seems like there were a few others, but I can't remember which ones (early onset CRS?)
  22. You probably have a log full of entries about this since I did some experimenting, but I thought I should mention it anyway. On two occasions I've attempted to write a post and gotten the following error, with a difference in the url being quoted. The error occurred when I hit Preview Post. Both were to Wikipedia. If I remove the url string and tags it is happy. If I add a / to the end of the address it is happy but Wikipedia isn't. I can use a string without a / at the end, but not for a Wikipedia page. Wikipedia main works without a slash, as does adding the /wiki. When I add the actual page name it kicks out the error message. Also, the address portion to upload.wikimedia.org was not in my original quoted address. ----------error follows----------- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/includes/ame_bbcode.php(323) : regexp code on line 1 Fatal error: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Failed evaluating code: ame_match("Post hoc ergo propter hoc", "Post hoc ergo propter hoc", 1, "~/wiki/File:[\w\s.,&;\(\)\^%$#@!-]+\\"[\s]class=\\"image\\"[\s]*[\w\s.,&;\(\)\^%$#@!\\"=-]*>
  23. Monday...... turned on the computer.... and..... it tells me that the wireless isn't working..... Did the procedure from Linksys.... the computer shows that my wireless is working signal 100% that the tower antenna is working to the router but not connected to the internet and than a catastrophic warming error pops up Talked to linksys again he suggested to unistall and redo the CD Big mistake It will not read read the Cd Mentions error Placed Cd in another computer CD is fine. I was told to go Administrative tool than device manager and guess what 7 warning Any suggestion would be appreciated
  24. Never fails I got the title in the mail my 04 Silverado is paid in full. I started the truck up last night and the service engine light came on but it runs fine. No time to have it checked and I'm leaving for New York this week.There used to be a paper clip shorting method on the under dash service plug that would spit out the error codes. I think those had the 12 pin diagnostic plugs. Mine has a 16 pin plug under the drivers side dash Is there a way I can put it in test mode to get the stored error code. It is probably something mnor but I need to know before leaving.
  25. I read the posts and did the soldering and went from an E4 error code to an E2 error code. I can now hear clicking at the rear of the bike where the compressor is but it doesn't run. I'm about to call Progressive Suspensions and say the hell with it. Anybody have any ideas?
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