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  1. Buddy and I did Lake Michigan a few years back, now moving on to the next lake. Looking to do Lake Erie in late June and looking for tips & advice. Leaving from Chicago and fly the toll way to Toledo then work our way around, not sure which direction yet but probably doing 200-250 miles per day staying off the highway and following the lakefront as much as possible. 1. Already have a passport and know the usual traveling outside the country stuff, but have never driven outside the states. What do I need to know about riding in Canada? 2. Sights to see, roads to hit? 3. Anyone along the way free the weekend of June 26th?
  2. Let's assume for the moment that the weather is going to co-operate. That being the case we are intending to ride. Leaving Caledonia at 9:00AM and having a leisurely ride along the Grand River followed by some more kinda slow and lazy roads following Lake Erie shoreline where we will get to see a cool optical illusion then off to Ft Erie and follow the Niagara river to Niagara on the Lake. Then back to Caledonia through Caister etc.... The Count (Steve and Michele) are coming along with Robin and I. All are welcome to join us. We should be back by dinner time but I'm not gonna PROMISE that.... It IS going to be a relaxing ride with some stops. Wayne
  3. If my wife stops worrying about this Swine flu thing and settles down, and if the weather holds out, I am hoping to take the bike to BongoBobby's eat & meet this weekend is Buffalo. I figure on leaving the Kitchener area around 1:00 and taking a leisurely route down along the Grand River through Dunnville and popping up at Fort Erie. Anyone in the area or along the route that wants to hook-up for the ride, let me know. If plans change and I have to take the cage, then I'll probably take the QEW.
  4. HOLY COW!!! Man are we getting hammered up here..snowing and blowing so hard i can't see out the windows..Want to snow blow the driveway, but it makes no sense to do it now..Its really pileing up..After fridays storm that left about a foot of snow, i had everything cleaned up..now it gonna be a real mess..How about you guys west of lake erie..Is it still snowing your way? My dog refuses to go outside,she gives me that look as if i'm crazy and jumps back on the chair....this is supposed to last all day and into tomorrow. Maybe they will close down the goverment buildings tomorrow and i wont have to go to work..Fat chance!!..ITS SNOWMAGEDDEN!!!!
  5. Roar on the Shore-Bike Rally in Erie PA anyone planning on going or looking for something to do this weekend? http://www.roarontheshore.com/
  6. As some of you know, I was stranded in Erie, PA at the end of my summer vacation ride. My rear tire was showing cords and wasn't trustworthy to take the final 700 miles to home. This was Saturday night. That night and the next day, I tried to find a tire (MC or car tire) and someplace to install it. No luck. Searching on the internet, I found a local Yamaha dealer named Off-Road Express. They did not open until 9:00 on Monday morning, so we (my father was riding with us and stayed around) hunkered down with the remaining Jim Beam and cigars thru Sunday. Off-Road Express did not have an answering machine when I called trying to provide some forewarning of my plight. However, there was an email address on their website. I sent a note to them advising my being there at 9:00 Monday morning and needing some help. I arrived at the dealer at 9:00. Went in and talked with the Parts counter (Frank). They had the tire and gave me a discount (even though they had me by the short hairs). I then went to the Service Manager (Brian) and explained my trouble. He checked with the shop and they had my machine on the rack by 9:15. At 10:05, my bike was back in the parking lot. The technician - Garry (I think) - took the time to explain a couple of things he noticed when he took a short test ride. No rush, no pressure, just bikers getting a fellow traveler back on the road. While getting my riding gear back on, Joe Askins - Vice President came out and said, "You must be Jeff. I just read your email. Did you get taken care of?" When I advised that I had, he thanked me for the business and offered to have the bike cleaned off (it was nasty from about 3000 miles of bugs). I declined, but thanked him for the offer. Here's the kicker - $160 total out the door for a Dunlop 404 installed!!!! There shop was clean, professional, and had a great selection of accessories, fluids, and stuff. They also had an '07 Blue/Black RSV and a RSTD (didn't check the year). They carry Yamaha and Victory. This is a dealer I will recommend to anybody in - or travelling thru - the Erie area. Off-Road Express 10320 Wattsburg Road Erie, PA 16509 877-9YAMAHA www.offroaderie.com RR
  7. In another thread I proclaimed my stupidity about leaving on a trip with insufficient tread on my rear tire. It is Sunday, and the M'cycle dealers are all out riding. I am stuck in Erie, PA. I can likely find a car tire, but am not sure anyone will mount it - or even let me mount it. Does anyone in the Erie, PA area have the tools (lift, wrenches, changing tools or machine) to change a rear tire. I can do the work if you have the tools. Thanks. RR - Jeff
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