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Found 16 results

  1. I was told that my 87 Venture Royale needs a new brain. I don't know what the central processor is called, it's some sort of black box. Supposedly it controls much of the motorcycle's electronics. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Where can I get one?
  2. the problem I'm having is sometimes i can change it from say radio to Aux and sometimes I can't... or if I'm on radio sometimes it will change stations and sometimes it wont... I've took it apart and used electronics cleaner but that hasn't helped. Any suggestions?
  3. Please excuse my ignorance, I'm a Goldwing owner and not that familiar with the RSV. I'd like to know what are the differences in the later years of the second gen. Particularly in the audio and electronics. I ask this because I want to know if Mic-Mutes works on the most recent model years of the second generation. I haven't heard of any application problems yet but I'd like to know.
  4. I wouldn't have any luck at all... With only 40 miles left to go, while hawling an excavator back to my Dad's, I managed to blow the torque converter seal. Luckily I made it to a wayside. Now it's hurry up and wait for a truck to come and hook up to the trailer I had to drop. Then it's back here again with the same truck and trailer to pick up my broken truck to get it back to the garage. Then I am going to have to make time to pull out this POS E4OD tranny and swap in something better. Which also means I am going to have to track down a new computer to bypass electronics for this transmission. D'OH!
  5. Wow, check this out. Maybe you have already seen this stuff, but I just now saw it for the first time. There are so many uses it could be used for in everyday motorcycling. This video shows using it on electronics, but other videos show using it on shoes and clothing, the possabilities seem endless. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4]www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4[/ame] C.R.
  6. YOU GUYS ARE GREAT...you keep sending me electronics and parts for my bike...man, I can't believe all the gifts I'm getting from you guys...YA HOO !!! Hey, I could use a rear tire and more lighting (never enough lights) or how about a new rain suit size 3x....Thanks for all the toys guys and girls...Ya Hoo..!! ps... Annie, I LOVE THE ELECTRONICS...Ya Hoo !!!!!!
  7. I saw a replacement stock antenna last week on Ebay. Someone else finally outbid me at around $60. I was looking for a headset on Sierra electronics (http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?id=145) and saw a stock replacement antenna for only $40. Looks good, is a bit taller than the old one.
  8. Stopped at Wally world today and a different looking 83 Venture was setting out front. The owner came out as I was looking. He said this was a wrecked basket case when he got it. Removed all the electronics from the dash/fairing except the instruments and covered up the holes. Said most of the plastics was busted up, so he just took it off.
  9. My 87 RSV project is close to winding down, as you all know it'll never end but it looks acceptable and run's good so I'm happy. I got the Bike kinda cheap but it was missing allot of the electronics and never owning a Touring bike before I figured who Needs a radio, it's a bike? Well I need help with the radio actually the female 8 pin main audio connector in the left side Faring. The white plastic female 8 pin connector on the bikes Wiring harness was cut off. I have the connector but I don't know if there is a way to reuse it or if I can get one from some where that will plug into the male 8 pin connector from the Tuner/Amp unit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I still have lots of questions about this electronics that I find I just can't live with out but one thing at a time. Thanks Pete (I reposted this here in hope that a answer will come from a electronic form)
  10. BuckShot


    FYI, I just listed 2 J&M headsets in classifieds under electronics.
  11. Should I disconnect the battery from the bike before putting it on a trickle charger. I thought I read somewhere that not disconnecting it can fry the electronics. Did a search but can't find anything. Thanks, Paul
  12. Hopefully this question won't portray me as a total idiot but having had only small cruisers and sport bikes, I really don't know if it is safe to wash my new 2008 Venture with all the gadgets, speakers, and electronics. I have just been wiping it down with a wet clothe but it really needs a good washing. Can anybody offer tips or am I just being a worrywort?
  13. I was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. I want to replace my existing antenna with a CB antenna and was wondering if I can get just the antenna and have it fit on the existing bracket. I would really like it if it was 3' or shorter. Any ideas or suppliers? I have asked Sierra MC Electronics and they don't get back to me. Up until this week Wingstuff had a 3' firestick that would have been the perfect solution but has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
  14. I see the electronics ad didn't last long. Good job to the moderators.
  15. Alright. Who knows some electronics gurus up for the challenge? Anyone know a 12-year old electronics genius? Or a ham radio operator that loves tinkering. How do I get the two of these to work together? http://pinouts.ru/Devices/ipod_pinout.shtml or http://www.ipodlinux.org/Dock_Connector To work with Clarion 13-pin C-bus http://www.ultrajosh.com/images/Clarion_C-Bus.gif Any ideas? The goal is to have the dock/recharge for the iPod work with the installed system.
  16. This is for all the electronics experts or stereophils out there. If i get me one of those Ipods, Ppods, MP3 or whatever, how good are the FM trasmitters to have the music play through the FM radio? Just think, 500 Willie, Kris, and Joan songs in one place. Also, how close to the radio does the FM transmitter need to be to work? Thanks much
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