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Found 18 results

  1. Anybody out there understand how the damping control works? What does it activate? Is it mechanical or electronic? Thanks Ed
  2. Where is the dang thing? The schematic in the book says it has 3 wires, Br, Br/W, and Y/G. But I don't see it. I switch to LED's and want to put in an electronic turn signal relay. Thanks, Bill
  3. Would anyone happen to know the wire color and were it might be for the Electronic Speedo for the Second Gen. ? Adding a gear indicator soon. just for another project. I know it doesn't have a relay bit thats OK ! Thanks, Jeff
  4. Anyone have a PDF version of the instruction manual for the Electronic Specialites 325 clamp-on digital tachometer? My printed version has grown legs....
  5. Anyone has the Carrier Infinity Electronic Air Filtering system installed. I'm needing to install a new Air Filter. It is the GAPCCCAR2025 that actually filters out bacteria. It is supposed to be the similar filtering technology used in hospitals. My question is that a new one cost around $90.00 and was wondering if someone has figured out a way to clean these filters to get longer life out of them. I'm guessing not but thought I would would just ask.
  6. Hi guys: Does the Royal Star have an electronic speedometer/odometer? If it does, where is the sensor unit mounted, and can I install one of those sensors on my first gen' which now sports an electronic speedometer?
  7. Has anyone installed an electronic cruise control on a 97RSTD, not the vacuum operated device? Looking for some info. Anyone used these units? Thanks, I think!!!
  8. Has anyone tried this tach? Electronic Specialties 328 EZ Tach Plus [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002Z32OHW]Amazon.com: Electronic Specialties 328 EZ Tach Plus: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31m4HzTo%2BuL.@@AMEPARAM@@31m4HzTo%2BuL[/ame] Or any suggestions for hand held tachs.
  9. Does anyone use some sort of manuel cruise control (non electronic)?
  10. I just picked up an EZ-Tach made by Electronic Specialties to help me with my carb sync but I didn't get a manual with it. Does anyone have access to the manual or know where to get one online? I can't seem to find one. It is an Electronic Specialties 325 Cordless Inductive Tachometer Thanks
  11. A couple question for you guys who might know off the top of your heads. First, I'm replacing all my turn signal bulbs with LED's. So I need to change my old load resistor type flasher and hazard relays with new electronic relays. Do any of you know right off hand what the electronic equivalents to the FU257CD/NIPPONDENSO flasher relay and the FR-9H22/MITSUBA hazard relays are? Second, Will the self canceling unit still work as it should, or will it have to be replaced as well? If it will need to be replaced, what is its electronic equivalent? Its model/manufactures #'s are YH-001/MATSU****A. If this guy won't work properly after the LED conversion and there is no electronic equivalent, it's no big deal. I usually cancel the turn signal myself anyway. But it would be nice that it work as it should for those times when I forget to turn off the dang thing myself. Thanks, Bill P.S. I already remedied the flashing LED on the dash problem. I simply jumped the reed switches on the computer instead of going with those inline resistors. I was just to damn cheap.
  12. If you could have a new accessory for your bike, what would you want to add? This could be electronic, leather, or safety chrome. Yama Mama
  13. First let me say that I am electrically challenged ( boy that was kind!). I saw a cheap tach at Harbor freight in their flyer (part # 98480) and I took a chance and bought it. I have attached the instructions and I have many questions that the paperwork did not answer. 1) Will it work on the Venture even if only as a tool for syncing the carbs. 2) Do you think it is a double pulse or a single pulse. (what do I need?) 3) If it is a single pulse can something be put in line to make it work. I have seen where Harleys require a electronic gizmo to put in line to make some tachs works 4) It can be used on a 4, 6, or 8 cylinder. Could I trick it and set it on 8 instead of 4 ???? Any help from you electronic Gurus would be a great help. Oh Ya.... What the heck is an "electronic signal point" as stated in the NOTE ? Remember I am electronically challenged to say the least. Tell me what else I should know about this before I hurt myself.... PLEASE Steve aka Bubber
  14. anyone find an electronic turn signal flasher that works on our bikes? I was told by 3 shops that any "car flasher" will work. they dont.
  15. I have an '05 RSV with (of course) the electronic speedometer/odomoeter. The speedometer face has both mph and kilometers per hour shown, but my question is can the odometer function be switched from miles to kilometers electronically (maybe by a dealer only), or would I have to get a whole new 'Canadian' speedometer unit?
  16. Here's one for you to consider.. There are two bridges linking our twin cities and you have to pass through the tolls.. You can toss in your coins or use an electronic pass. If you use your coins, you have to come to a stop to pull out your coins and toss them into the basket.. If sure those who have gone through tolls appreciate the annoyance of doing this, so the electronic pass is always better to use.. Last night two of our friends were stopped at the tolls to put in their coins and were hit from behind by a 5 ton postal truck who apparently did not see the large 2008 Venture (a couple of weeks old) with two people on it.. Hit them hard enough to write off the bike, toss him off and pin his lady passenger under the front axle of the truck. Though shaken up, neither were seriously hurt. She was relatively OK and even asked the rider to take a photo of her legs sticking out from under the truck for prosperity while waiting for the EMS to pull her out. She tells us she only received minor scrapes and bruises but is OK. Now, this is why I prefer to use my electronic pass as I don't have to come to a complete stop at the tolls, and the days I do forget my pass and need to stop to use coins, I turn on my 4 way flashers and pump my brake pedal a lot to get the cager's attention. My brake light is insanely bright and if some cager doesn't see it and nails me, he better make sure i can't get up cause he'll have some 'splainin' to do of his blindness. So just a heads up when coming to the tolls.. make yourself SEEN by the blind for your survival..
  17. hi guys i am currentley working on my sons 1991 suzuki gsxr 750 i need some help if anyone can help it.. It has a factory suzuki cdi box and stock electronic ignition the bikes firing order is 1,4 & 2,3 the 2,3 fires when i crank the engine but 1,4 never fires. ive tested both coils and they fire and work. there is only one pickup for the electronic igniton Is it possible that the cdi box is no good? If so how would i test that? thanks, Denny
  18. As Anyone Tried A Linear On There Cb? I Have A 250 Watt Electronic One I Was Thinking About Adding With A Antenna And Coax Upgrade.
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