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  1. while riding yesterday (5/16/15) the bike cutout a a stop sign. When restarting, it acted funny - electrically - dash went dead, then came back and started ok. No further problems yesterday. This morning, turned ignition key, and when I hit the starter button, all went dead. No lights, no nothing. Stayed dead. Battery reads 12.5+v at battery, and at 30A fuse (L rear under cover). Lifted the tank, and got 12.5+v on main red wire at connector (pinkish one) but nothing on the brown wire next to it. Getting under keyswitch looks to be daunting (so many covers...) but I'm suspecting that is the culprit, since nothing is live beyond it. I've read where the keyswitch has been a problem on some models. Is this one? I'm going to call the dealer in the morning, but he doesn't have a great service reputation.... Any thoughts form you folks?? Thanks,
  2. I will try to add pics, if I can't get it done you should be able to see my installed horns in my gallery. You may want to take a look there anyway. AFI (Marinco) electric compact twin horns. A marine product, very resistant to adverse weather conditions. Maybe not quite as loud (109 dbA) as Stebel air, but IMO more reliable and from where I mounted 'em they are very effective in projecting the sound forward. I used 20 amp in-line fuse and 30 amp relay. I disconnected the factory horn hidden in the left lower cowling (it was barely audible from there anyway), and kept the stock factory horn on the right side near the exhaust. Results in three horns, two right out front, and MUCH better than stock. They are available from many vendors, here is one of the better ones. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Marinco-Mini-Twin-Electric-Horn/dp/B000NI39SY]Amazon.com: Marinco Mini Twin Electric Horn: Sports & Outdoors@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Bh8H8FymL.@@AMEPARAM@@41Bh8H8FymL[/ame] Well, I gotta work on learnin' how to upload pics from my files to here. Sorry. I'll try to post 'em later if I get smart enuff.
  3. OK, I am going to preface this by saying that other than a Suzuki GT550, I've never had an electric starter system apart...every other bike I've owned is either kick only or the electric starter system never gave me a problem, so I don't know how, or have any real frame of reference as to how the electric leg works on the Venture. When I thought that the ignition pickups were bad (they aren't) I took off the generator cover and 2 shafts and 3 gears fell out. Naturally, I had 5 separate pieces on the floor instead of 2 assemblies. I put the pieces back in in what seems to me to be the logical way and I looked at the microfiche, but it's not 100% obvious as to the correct order that the parts install. Attached is a picture of how I reinstalled the gears. With no gears installed, the starter driven gear on the back of the rotor spins freely in 1 direction only as I figured that it would. With the gears installed as per the picture, I can't easily spin the driven gear in either direction, but it appears that this arrangement is the only way that everything lines up. Did I put this back together correctly or am I about to cost myself some serious money? Thanks, Jeff http://www.3cyl.com/jeff/starter%20gears.jpg
  4. My cheap charcoal bullet smoker rusted out so I have been doing a lot of research on small smokers, at first I wanted a gas smoker but after talking to people and reading reviews I decided on an electric smoker because I did not want the hassle of charcoal even though I love the taste. I bought an insulated Masterbuilt with a digital control board and seasoned it the other night. I got up at 4am today to take my Brisket out of the fridge after marinating it overnight with a layer of mustard and a dry rub and I am going to smoke it for 9 hrs and mop it every hour. I will let everyone know how an electric smoker works and if it is worth it.
  5. The Zero electric motorcycles are becoming more attractive each year. The 2012 street version has a top speed of 88mph and range of 114miles. The battery pack is claimed to be good for 300,000miles and the company claims no routine maintenance is required. The cost for electricity used is equivalent to 300 mpg. http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/zero-s/specs.php http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/images/zero-s/2012_zero-s_product-page_main-image.jpg
  6. Found HWH leaking in the garage this morning. Its the original from the house and 7 years old. Single element 40 gallon electric. Supplies sufficient hot water for our needs (2 adults only) Any options that would provide any real savings in electricity, or just go out and buy the same type?? Thanks
  7. I found this information about new lithium-ion battery technology and how it may apply to electric vehicles interesting. http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/07/how_the_us_may_win_the_battery_race
  8. I have a 2000 RSV. It is fairly standard. No LED's, riding lights. I am planning on going to Daytona Bike week the first part of March from KC and would like to run a heated vest. I have heated grips with Hippo hands which work great. Can ride as cold and stay warm. Need more core heat though. If I am running the basic bike without intercom or radio but using GPS, heated grips and an electric vest should I be ok? If I get to riding with riding lights (mine are basically useless for seeing I believe) would that overload me? I appreciate your help. Electric stuff always confuses me
  9. Check this out...another electric bike, but this one has Jay Leno riding it! http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/video/2009-zero-motorcycles-zero-s/1120652/ (Short commercial will intrude)
  10. This might be part of the reason my electric bill is so high ! I have a 25' flag pole in my yard and have a 500watt Mercury Vapor on a photo eye. Linda likes to plant flowers around the pole and the heat of the day along with the heat from the light all night make for quite a good growing environment. betcha can't guess where the photo eye is ??
  11. Last year, I disconnected my OEM Horn and a friend installed a 2 Trumpet Air Horn. I thought when it was done by my friend, there were 2 OEM Electric Horns. One on the right side by Floor Board, and one in the left front cowling. I took off the Air Horn and replaced it with a louder 118 db electric horn from RIVCO. I found a connector that looked like a horn connector in the left cowling, but no bracket or OEM horn. So, on 2008 RSV, is there 1 or 2 OEM Horns?
  12. This is the 2010 MotoCzysz E1pc, a race bike built by a tiny Oregonian company focused on pushing the limits of electric performance to the absolute max. It packs 10 times the battery capacity of a Toyota Prius and 2.5 times the torque of a Ducati 1198 into a package that looks like something out of a 24th-century Thunderdome. Tomorrow it will race in the Isle of Man TT, the toughest motorcycle race in the world. The technology at work is so advanced, so unprecedented, that we may be looking not just at the future of motorcycles, but of all electric vehicles. http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2010-06/inside-story-motoczysz-e1pc-worlds-most-advanced-electric-motorcycle
  13. Last year on VentureRider I, someone wrote up how to make homemade electric clothing. Unfortunately I didn't make a copy. If that person is still around could you re submit in particular I am interested in were the electronic controller was found. Thanks
  14. I know that there was an old thread with this same title But i am having no luck with the searching. Anyways, my question is; has anyone tried to hook up electric brakes for the trailer behind the scoot? I am thinking of building a trailer to be able to haul large lightweight items (specifically big Radio control model aircraft). Not much weight but a lot of volume. I am loking at a box size of about 96" long x 40" wide x 24" tall. Max cargo weight will be 100lbs Typical would be more like 50 lbs. Every trailer that I ever pulled with a cage had electric trailer brakes, and I was wondering if anyone ever installed them on a scoot trailer? My initial thought is that It would sure make a difference in a panic stop situation as well as save wear and tear on the bikes braking system.
  15. http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/zero-s-burnout.php?utm_campaign=Zero%20on%20TV%20and%20a%20Peek%20at%20the%20Future&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ezeromotorcycles%2Ecom%2Fzero-s-burnout%2Ephp
  16. Any body on site a guru on compressors for Arobic systems?? The type I have has " Sliders" for lack of what they are called, that pump the air in as they spin in a housing, I have been trying for over a month to get these replaced and no one can get me the parts that I need ( TheSliders) the electric moter and pump itself are good so I don`t want to spend big bucks on the whole thing if I don`t have too. Any help would be great!! Thanks, Kreg
  17. Does any of you use the electric clothing made by Widder or Gerbing? My question, Is the RSV electrical system big enough to sustain a jacket, pants, gloves, and insoles that are heated? Any help with this question will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  18. When using either front or rear brake, my lights dim significantly and I loose about 2-3V on my volt meter, at any engine RPM. Turning my pair of 35W driving lights on or off or plugging in my electric riding gear has no similar effect on the electrical system. No problems charging, starting, battery seems strong, run my electric gloves and vest with no issues. Is this normal for a 1st Gen (maybe antidive actuator)? Or should I look for an excess current draw somewhere? Dual brake lights appear to work, look normal. Thanks Wally
  19. Bike: 1988 1st Gen Class System Done: Resoldered pins swapped for the working unit in my '86 There doesn't seem to any electric power to the unit at all. I started doing the electric troubleshooting as listed in the repair manual 7-91. No readings above .001VDC. The book indicates that there is a fuse going to the unit. Does anyone know which fuse box and which fuse within. I did check the ACC fuse in the box on top of the battery and it is working correctly. I really appreciate any direction available. Dave
  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgSujdW537k]YouTube - The 2009 Zero S Electric Motorcycle on a Track[/ame] An electric motorcycle !!!!! http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/
  21. Anyone interested in going electric??? I just came across this on another site. Kinda cool. http://blog.wired.com/cars/2009/04/zero-takes-elec.html
  22. Job applications --- City of Tacoma, Wa. posted a job opening for " One, electric meter Reader " Last week. They received 1400 applications, for this one job.
  23. getting ready to leave for work, 32 degrees out there .weather man says feels like 20. low when i come home is supposed to be 17 and windy. i will let you all know how well my gerbings electric jacket works. so far it has been toasty warm in the 32 degree weather.
  24. Ok, I was checking out Alaska Leather last week and came across sheepskin insoles. Now my riding boots don't have insoles anymore thanks to Krome Roses Boston Terrier so I decided to give these a try. I bought a pair of each thick and thin. Well this morning I decided to test the thick pair out and rode to work without my customary electric socks, it was 34 degrees. Normally I would have my electric socks and gloves for anything under 40 degrees but this morning I just wore the gloves along with long johns, leather chaps, and a leather jacket. Without the electric socks in 34 degree temps my feet get unbearably cold within 20 minutes, and we all know that once the feet get cold the ride is no longer fun. Well with the thick sheepskin insoles my feet bordered on being TOO HOT, I actually had to put my feet on the highway pegs about 30 min into the ride. So if you are looking for a cheap alternative to electric socks I highly recommend them. As a bonus they are VERY comfortable. http://www.alaskaleather.com/onlinestore.html They are about mid way down the page. Oh yeah I got some of that Monkey Butt Powder to give it a try and I am impressed with it also. I ordered it on Tuesday and received it on Friday, can't complain about that. These folks have always done me right.
  25. Due to medical problems I'm selling my camper. It's a '07 "TIME OUT" Camper with a 12x12 screen room. It has an air cond. cooler, extension cords, table , queensize air mattress, fan, rechargable lantern, The trailer has electric brakes (I never used them) and LED tail lights. I'm asking $3800.00 for it. I really haven't used it that much. See pics Ken
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