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  1. Gents, I broke a plastic part while removing my carb rack and it is not listed on the parts sites. The part is an elbow that connects a small rubber hose to the bottom of the carb. The hose is listed as call-out #47. The elbow is pictured without a call-out number. I don't know if this part can be removed! Any help will be appreciated . . .
  2. I noticed that my 91 VR, elbow to shoulder wind buffering was quite excessive compared to the 2012 Goldwing that I test rode this weekend. I have the Clearview (Tallest & Widest) shield with the vent. Any my vent was open. Any suggestions as to how I might remedy this?
  3. And I didn't even get bit by a radioactive spider!!! Done all myself by falling down and trying to drive my elbow into the concrete floor. I'd rather dealt with the spider at this point. Last Thurday at work I took a flying backwards leap and did a 4" foot drop onto the concrete and I remember hitting my head but apparently the elbow got there fast and furious. (oop... different movie) When my head quit spinning I tried to get up but the left arm wouldn't bend. At all. Could not support myself but finally got right side up and back on my feet. Checked myself out and I seemed to be fine except for the left elbow bleeding a bit and the stiffness. So....being a guy I cleaned it up and threw a bandage on it an finshed my shift. I did stop and notify the Director before I left that I had taken a spill and just wanted to record it and NO I didn't need emergency treatment. Hey! Like I said...I'm a guy and how many times have I cracked an elbow, knee, heel, wrist, head or other body part in my life. Not enough paper for a score card on that one. Went home and cleaned it up and dropped the old joint in the ice bucket for a while. That helped. A bit. Then the swelling started up! I mean POOF. Man I got a big elbow! But being a guy....... I bandaged it up and went to bed. NOW..... this is where those of you with weak tummies might want to wander back to a nice safe posting. And for those of you with the macho blood lust.... NO I didn't attach any pics. But I woke up during the night and wandered in to scratch my name in the litter box. (cat hates that) But when I flipped on the light I glanced in the mirror and WOW! When was I in a fist fight? Blood all over my face and chest and the arm is drenched. Holy Smoke! Went back an turned on the lights in the bedroom and the bed looked like a scene from a slasher movie. I seemed to have been bleeding a bit. Being a guy..... I changed the bandage and the sheets and went back to bed. So... over the next few days of working I did my usual routine and kept cleaning the elbow and changing bandages. Seems like I'm gonna survive. Swelling is still there but the arm is loosening up a bit. Yeah, I'm fine. Second notice..... be a good time to check out the Disney channel kids. Wait! The kids would love this part. But come Monday.... things got odd. The arm hurt, the bleeding was slow but steady and there was a lot of clear fluid draining. When I got home I asked my daughter to give me a hand and help me take a look at the wound on my elbow and help clean it up. After all how many of you can see the back of your elbow? So she digs out the med kit and sets to work. She's always showed some interest in being a nurse. She cuts off the old bandage and pours Peroxide over the wound. Nice tingle. She mentioned it didn't look like a scrape but more like a puncture at the point of the elbow. Like a star shaped hole. So being a guy .... I want to take a look. Last warning! I raise my arm up, not easy to do, and hold it in front of me in front to the mirror but I can't bend my arm back. So I use my other hand to pull the left hand back towards my shoulder. Yikes! I felt a pulse in my arm and a blast, not a little either, of blood and clear fluid shot out of my elbow and covered the wall, mirror, sink top, and shelves. I heard her scream and I turned around and, well that was a bad idea as I sprayed her, the shower curtains and towels rack as I did. So rather than tend to the mess right away I had to hold her head out of the toilet for about five minutes. I think she has considered her future in nursing is at a low point right now. Ok, Like I said ..... I'm a guy. Now I'm concerned. So the visit to the Doc was informative and productive. When I told him about the bizzarre discharge he looked at me somewhat oddly. I asked him if he's ever seen that before. Nope. I told him to hold up a towel in front of elbow and did the same flex again. About a foot and a half out. Now I got three Doc's interested! So all in all they determined I had damaged the membrane that cushions the joint it the elbow. When it started to swell up and the pressure from moving my arm to that postion it just ruptured and the fluid and blood make a hasty exit though the first available hole. The one in my elbow. And I got a bucket full of pills from the Doc's and I get to visit with them every other day for a while. Yea! My favorite pastime! My bosses only question was how long would it take to heal. I swear, I want to show him my lil trick. Ok, Ok .... so I'm not shooting web stuff but I got to admit I'd never seen nuttin like this in all my years of getting banged up and damaged. Too bad it didn't happen before Halloween! I would have been the coolest guy on the block. Yeah, kids love this stuff. Myself, I think next time I'm going to go the "HULK" kind of thing. I'm not so fond of cleaning up after "Spidey". And I get a lkick out of the "Puny Human" line! So there, it's a nasty, gorey story but has anybody experienced anything like this? And you were warned..... several times. Spidey err.... Mike
  4. went for my 1st post op today...doc says everything looks good and is mending correctly. took some new x-rays and it was a nasty break in my forearm, but i got a nice new piece of chrome holding it together...now i wait on the bill. i still have a brace on my left elbow to keep it in socket, and one on my right wrist doing the same. all in all i am doing pretty well and thank each of you for your continued prayers and support. can't wait for the VA M&E on April 17th!!! Ben
  5. For those of you planning to make this lift, here's an update for you. This morning, as I was lifting the bike up to the first stop, the pipe on the left front broke at the elbow. This caused the table to lean to the right, and the bike fell off! I'm not sure why it broke, but it snapped the pipe off flush with the elbow. Anyone have a 12' windshield, chrome trim under the windshield, or a light bar? http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9100.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9101.jpg
  6. On the way home from Big Tom's M&E this morning, Earl (Skydoc) and Gary were changing lanes to enter a gas station and Gary got sideswiped by a car on the right side. They had just left an intersection at a light when this happened. Luckily this was a low speed accident and Gary is fine even though he did go down. The bike should be easily repairable with mostly plastic damage. The main problem is a ruptured plastic elbow for the water pump being cracked and all the coolant is gone. There is a trailer on the way to pick up the bike and bring it over here where we can piece it back together. I should have everything we need to get him back on the road again.
  7. So cold here that I think my garage door is swearing at me in the morning! I've had this issue with the coolant leak on my 89 VR and it leaked again:bang head:, this time I found 2 leak points first 1 was at the drain and the other is at the base of the plastic elbow going into water pump. Hopefully both easily fixed( in warmer weather)!We'll see soon enough!!!!!! Everyone stay warm and be very careful outside:snow:
  8. Sorry to hear about Boomer going down. Glad to hear he is on the mend. That was a rough weekend!!! I also am 58 years old, and I also went down July 26th, 2008. And I know why I went down. After about 6 hours in the saddle on the Arkansas and Missouri twisting roads I entered a left decreasing radius turn and instead of looking left - I looked at the side of the road straight ahead of me... and drove straight for it. Just like slow motion. Slid the 83 Venture down into the gravel on it's left side, tore a hole in my left elbow and rolled twice. I missed church the next day, as I got home from the ER about 1 AM. No broken bones, sore neck muscles and 6 staples in the elbow. Back at work Monday. To God be the Glory. The bike is now partially disassembled at my hanger and I am learning how to repair cracked fairings... but no damage to the motor or other hard stuff. Last point: Because of the crash, I started looking for answers and I found this club. You all are great and I am very pleased to meet you. Our prayers are with you Boomer!
  9. howdy all. need a little help here. the cb and radion antenna's have a springloaded slip collar. You slide it upward an inch or so and it exposes an elbow hinge. This allows you to fold the antenna forward for things like putting a cover over the bike. My CB one is lined up just right. It folds forward and ends up right next to the bike. The radio antenna elbow is 45 degrees off, so it will only fold out away from the bike. I can't really tell from looking where to put a wrench to fix this. Also, it looks like there may be a set screw of some kind involved, but I'm not to sure about that yet either. If i did a good enough job describing things, and you can help me out, please let me know. thanks in advance!!! papa smurf
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