Today I was driving down 4 lane street in Aberdeen SD. I pulled up beside a beat up car in the lane beside me, and noticed a 20 something year old woman with plenty of piercings driving. The smartphone she was texting on looked to be worth more than the car. I watched for a few seconds and it was ovious she was texting and not paying attention. Since it was a nice day she had her window down, I took advantage of the situation and voiced my displeasure. I said something to the extent "Quit your effing texting bfore you effing kill somebody!!!!" I know I shouldnt have used such colorful language, but I was pissed. her expression was like I hit her in the face with a shovel. And guess what she did. You guessed it, she went right back to texting. Some people....You Cant Fix STUPID.......... After what happened in Sioux Falls earlier in the week, you would think some people would pay attention.