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Found 15 results

  1. Hello all Time for a rear tire and I want to pull the rear wheel off myself and take to dealer. Do i need to remove the saddlebags, exhaust, ect??? Never pulled rear wheel before. This is on a 99 RSV, Thanks!!!
  2. Looking at a second bike to take to the lake and short trips ect. Roadstar or Roadliner, I think over the winter there maybe some good deals,
  3. Wanted to see your guys thoughts, really could use a new front tire on the cheap. Saftey? Ect http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=370543493869&cmd=VIDESC&index=6&nav=SEARCH&nid=59140691589 84 VR in process of budget rebuild Bags Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  4. Took a ride over to the local HD.dealer yesterday to look at the progressive air pumps for my venture. Looked at several ultra's. Really like them, ask the salesman if I could sit on one, he said sure. I couldn't believe how light it was coming off the side stand, and the rider position was better than my venture, lower seat height, hate to say it but it, but sitting on it made me fell more comfortable. The salesman stated he has a stratoliner now and has had 3 ventures before that, so we talked a little. He said he likes the Yamaha's and still has one. He said the one reason he eventually sold his ventures was the top heavyness, still has a cassette deck, and carbs, basically and outdated bike and also didn't like the shaft drive with the jerking ect. and said the belt drive is smootheron the HD'S. He wants me to come over and take it for a test ride this week, but just I'm afraid I'll like it, and all points he made I had to agree. The ultra was nice, had fuel inj. cd player and over all fit and finish was nice. This wasn't a new bike, an 03. I know HD's have their issues as anything mechanical will, but I'll tell ya, I've been seriously thinking about putting the midnight up for sale, but the wife isn't real thrilled about it yet, as she likes the venture. So those of you on here that have had HD's in the past or now have one, give me your opinions, ect. would like to know before I decide on the future. I've had V twins before and like the torque, sound ect. the venture is the first multi cyl. bike I've owned and it is smoooth ect. but I can't seem to get to really like the bike, you know when it feels right, and I've had this bike 4 years now, and had no issues with it, I just can't seem to get all warm and fuzzy about it.
  5. well i have been working on the bike up in a storage place had it apart then put it back together almost the radiator and all are back on the bike except for the shroud. now i have been working on the bike up there on and off for maybe a week. well yesterday the new worker up there called the owner and said that i been working on my motorcycle. for hours on end? well to make a long story short the owners called me and said you can not work on stuff in storage place? hmm i said it says no where in my contract that i can not? they went on to say i could wreck there unit with oil gas ect ect? i there by went and showed them some pictures of a lawncare service repairing there items and there unit is full of lawn mowers that are being worked on and there is gas oil ect ect on the floor huge stains. she said well he mows the place they own? see where this is going? i said ok if someone rents a unit and say there car motorcyle ect ect is broke down they must call a tow truck to do a minor job? say the car has a few flat tires from sitting or a motorcycle we can not air them up as you would call that working on them? she said yes that is inproper use of a storage unit? but we will allow you to air them up but you can not install battery or replace a tire? well now im going WTF? so i now go in after 6pm when there not there as i need to get the tires up and put the shroud back on the radiator and fill it up even if a small hose might be leaking/ i can not take it apart again to fix it i did tighten it up but left before i could put antifreeze in it. so im going to sneak up there latter sunday and fill it and check for a leak if it leaks by that hose at least the motor cooling system will have antifreeze in it for next winter? then i will be looking for a new place for the bike as i can not ride it in the condition its in and my back is going out on me.. so thats how my week went ..
  6. could use a few prayers. well im getting ready to head up to MN tomorrow to get ready for my daughters wedding. things where going good most of the day. got my basic things done laundry ect ect. all packed car full of gas. went to my sisters to get her gps to use. im not there more then 5 minutes when a knock on her door and theres a man who said im sorry but my wife just hit your car and a little girl. damn im not to worried about the car but my great niece was out there when i pulled up. sister and I went flying out the door. great niece was ok and standing on the sidewalk. the lady who hit my car also backed over her own child. she was backing out of her driveway and didnt know the child got out of the van to tell her daddy goodbye.. they where going to go get icecream at the local rootbeer stand. my car can be fixed but the poor little girl was moving and crying. but im sure both of her legs are broken? i saw one was bent in a way legs dont bend. im asking for prayers for her and her family. i could use a few too many thanks James aka oldgoat.
  7. i was thinking. and dreaming about the next MD at freebirds. and thought since minimuffin. likes buckets and water so much. wouldnt it be great if we could rent a dunk tank and put her in it? sell tickets. and donate the money to a good cause like ST judes ect ect. should we take this to a vote???
  8. I recently came down with a illness and have not been able to ride for past yr. reluct to sell bike i actually placed for sale today, with that being said when i uncovered the bike and started up, (it started first fire) i proceeded to let warm up, as i placed into First gear the bike shut off . doing this a couple times with same result , just my luck, Friday, (tomorrow) i have two folks commin by to look at bike and it won't toodle down the road. any advice please help!!!. here is my number, e-mail, first born ect ect. New to the site so Thank you for assistance from the New guy/gal Richard / Gail richard.goerisch@navy.mil goerischs@hughes.net Cell 619 244 3758 home 760 788 0582
  9. ok im haveing a rear tire problem. dunlop tire 404 i think? its hot out in the garage so not going to check right now. what i want to ask is there some kind of stop leak you can put in these tires? it has less then 1000 miles on it since purchased last fall. and for the life of me i cant find one single nail screw nothing in it. i checked the vavle stem ect ect. but after 4 days she goes down. never below 25lbs psi. well today i took off for a ride and my center stand hit bottom ? i heard it touch the ground? i pulled into a service station low rear tire and rear air showed 22 lbs on the class ok low tire low shocks and 250 pound guy might do that. but im trying to find something to stop this slow tire leak maybe slime? something. anyone have a good product
  10. ok im sure there not worth much? while still cleaning my aunts apartment. i found 2 sets of the washington state quarters from 1999-2003 real nice shape and the books are full with the P and D? quarters not sure what that means? like Illinois P and Illinois D? ect ect any one have an idea if there worth any thing? thanks oldgoat
  11. well they sprung me im home. someone done a big cleaning here in the apartment? was lucky to find the computer. now i might be like some other guys on here but some women should never move a mans junk. i know its there been there for maybe 3 years but someday im going to move it or use it? but daughter,Dianne ,sister, gave the place a good cleaning. but i cant find the tv remote? me thinks they want me to get up and change the station every minute? ha ha fooled them. taped a heavy straw to the cane can now push the up and down button on the tv:big-grin-emoticon: from where im at. and there just aint something right about carpet on a toilet? you lift the seat and that damn carpet makes it slam back down. now i aint no fireman but i dont want my hose kinked. if ya know what i mean? well every one i cant tell you how much i owe all of you for your help. prayers donations. phone call to check up on me ect ect. now i know Boomer was looking for women? but hey i know where a big nurse is. gives nice back rubs. but could use a shave now and then? name is francis? owns a harley though has a rough voice. drinks jack daniels. sponge baths are up to you Boomer if your interested. well i better go for now limited to how much time i can sit here. BIG BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU
  12. please be care full out there this weekend. i have not met any of you yet but i feel this is like a big family. and i would hate to hear bad news about anyone going down getting hit ect ect. be safe out there my friends. enjoy the weekend and ride like everyone is out to get ya. oldgoat:Venture:
  13. ok im looking for a way to stop them from leaking? they seem to close nice and tight? but after a rain or a simple wash job the top trunk gets about an inch of water in it? it runs to the far side while on side stand.\\ the right sadle bag does about the same/ i looked at the latches and see there pop riveted? i saw on ebay someone was selling a upper trunk repair kit? latches small screws straps ect ect. just need to figure out how to remove the rivets if thats the case or if there is just some kind of adjustment and gasket that can be used.
  14. :think:wheres the link on cleaning sparkplug cap, contacts, spring ect...... 2nd gen.
  15. Quick question, when i hit my breaks the radio changes stations. I hear noise over the speakers ect.. do i need to get a filter on a line to fix that?
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