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Found 12 results

  1. Motorcycles make more sense that autos and trucks. My wife's main vehicle has always been a big Jaguar XJ8 (I'll admit that I love it too!). But now that we are moving to a small mountain town in New Mexico, I just do not trust ever finding a qualified Jaguar mechanic there. I do just about all my own work on the Jag, just like the bikes, but there are some complicated things on that vehicle that I have no experience with, so I would really want a shop I could trust. We agreed to sell the Jag here in the Fort Worth area and buy a sensible Japanese compact all-wheel-drive for the mountains. So far, so good, but that is where it started getting weird for me. The Jaguar XJ8 is a big 4-door luxury sedan with a 300HP V8 engine - it has enough power that it is sometimes hard to drive it in a sedate way! And this big car gets 32 MPG on the highway! I have absolutely no problems making the entire 600 mile trip from here to Ruidoso on one 19 gallon tank, even when driving a steady 80 miles an hour most of the way. Now the Honda CR-V I just bought today is only rated for highway mileage of 26 MPG, and most of us have learned to never expect to even reach the posted EPA numbers. So what the heck is wrong with the world when a big luxury car with a great V8 engine gets so much better fuel economy than a standard Japanese vehicle with a small to mid size 4 cylinder? That little CR-V seems like a great little vehicle, but I'm betting I'll curse the mediocre fuel economy for years to come. Goose Anybody wanna buy a big beautiful Jag with GREAT fuel mileage?
  2. I ordered two new batteries for the first gens today.With gasoline prices rising looks like more riding for me. Now to figure out my fuel economy problem on the 84. I normally get 36 mpg but when I ride with Yammer Dan I only get 24 mpg. Must be a fuel leak somewhere?
  3. The economy is SO bad that I received a pre-declined credit card application in the mail; CEO's are now playing miniature golf; Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen; Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America; Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore; a picture is now worth only 200 words; they renamed Wall Street "Wal-Mart Street", and lastly, when I called the Suicide Hotline, I got a call center in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck. Now THAT'S bad!
  4. sorry everyone but im going to have to let them shut off my service on internet and tv. im down to $20 in savings and im behind on some bills as of monday they will be shutting me down. i have verry little food to see me through till next month. i have applied for help food electric and such but still in the wait and see line. this economy and being on just SSDI hurts when the bills are higher sometimes then the income. you all take care ride safe and be safe sincerly james aka oldgoat
  5. Hello, Looking for some input from all you knowledgeable Venture riders. My 2003 RSV has just turned over 95,000 km. Last year I put on Barons Bag Slash pipes - was told no need to re-jet, so I didn't. Prior to this I had noticed a slight reduction in fuel economy but nothing I worried about...but it continued to worsen to the point of only getting about 300 km to a tank, some days 269, depending on the riding I was doing. No backfiring or performance issues noted. I put back the stock pipes this year and am on my second or third tank of gas after storage for the winter. The plugs were replaced prior to winter storage. While in storage I cleaned and re-oiled both K&N filters. I went through 15 litres of fuel going about 169 km on the way to work at speeds around 120 - 130 km/h. On the way home, I went through 11.4 litres of fuel for about 159 km on the way home travelling more like 130-140 km/h. I rode faster home, which is predmonintley up hill and went through less fuel on the way home than I did going downhill to work. So, doing the math, I got about 26.58 mpg on the way to work (downhill and in the sunshine) and 32.73 mpg on the way home (raining in part of the way, going uphill and faster after through the rain. These are far cries from 40 to 50 mpg spec'ed. I popped in to one shop....they are going to go through the Yamaha update manuals. Initially, they thought maybe I oiled the air filters too much and perhaps some of the oil plugged up the K&N's. (I did give them a good amount of oil, but didn't think it was excessive-like no puddles or dripping) I called a Yammy shop and they quoted the new estimated fuel economy saying I should be getting 51 mpg and should consider a carburetor rebuild. One other knowledgeable colleague of mine seconded that opinion. (additional question - what has changed to give such a difference in estimated fuel economy? 42 mpg to 51. Are the carbs the same? If not, can the 03 be rebuilt to the same specs as the 2011?) So, I am throwing it out there for your learned opinions. I will try some seafoam tomorrow after my night shift - can't hurt... $19 on the way to work, $17 on the way home foe 370 km...for economy, I may as well drive my Ford Escape, the way it is now. Thanks for your guidance.
  6. Looks like an additional 23,000 Illinois employees are under the gun this time. Cannot blame Caterpillar but it would definetly hurt this towns economy. Hope they get something worked out. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110328/bs_nm/us_caterpillar
  7. I just spotted this on my local bike club forum. http://www.knoxvillebikerally.com They think it's to replace the Honda Hoot which was cancled last year due to the economy down turn.
  8. ken

    New 2007 rsv

    WOW! I wish I had the cash!! I just saw a new 2007 zero miles..RSV blue/black on ebay buy it now $13,845.. Damn the economy.. Item number: 370220152761
  9. according to allanh, as of this morning there is a double room available at the hub. some one better grab it if you want to be where the action is. if anyone cancels a room, could you post it on here so some one else can get it. there will probably be a few cancelations in the future do to the economy or something else changing some ones plans. i will try to keep you posted on cancellatons if i find out about them. bill
  10. I just noticed that there are a bunch of 2ndGens on Ebay right now. Quite a few more than normal. On the other hand 1stGen listings have almost dried up. I guess the economy is taking it's toll for those that are stroking payments. Tough times.... Scary times........
  11. well the economy finally got to me and i had to find a job. latched on to a job in over the road sales. the pay is so so, and i got a company vehicle. here are some pic's of my first day on the job. bill
  12. Booked a trip to myrtle beach. Compliments of U.S. Tax rebate.:mo money::clap2: Just trying to stimulate the economy.
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