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  1. Hey Eck, I bet you thought you'd found everything you'd be useful for at this point in life. Here is one more thing to add to your list.
  2. one of my winter projects this year is an eck style camper. i bought a new doolittle cargo trailer. so far i have wired it with 110 outlets , a porch light, interior outlets and lighting. black friday came at the right time. i have a mini refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, hot plate , and gas grill. this poor mans camping is getting expensive. it is alot cheaper than a toy hauler. the only things i have left, is air conditiong, and an awning. i owe eck some coffee so i need to go to a meet where eck is at. maybe vogel next year. how about it eck? snarley bill
  3. Thank you Eck Last Monday a friend and I arrived in Welch WV at about 6:30 PM, with no motel reservations. My friend had miss placed the motel info and the motels were hid from site. We stopped at a couple gas stations, but didn’t get good direction. I remembered reading Eck’s post on his upcoming trip to Welch. I managed to get a call through to him, which was a miracle with no bars and a low battery charge. Eck gave me the numbers to several motels in the area. We were less than ½ mile from one and it was a nice place. Thanks Eck for the help!!!!!! Earl:clap2:
  4. Looking for my cell phone yesterday and could not find it. Well I was unloading the dishwasher and guess what was in there? I have no clue how it got there but I thought of Eck right away and just had to share.
  5. Black Owl

    So ECK

    Did yah get the call??????? Can we start breathing again?
  6. Found the solution for you Buddy! http://www.jabrdeals.com/?fuseaction=business.groupbuy.publicpage.main&deal_id=11301
  7. Your plight has not gone unnoticed. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/09/finally-can-throw-your-phone-in-toilet/?test=faces
  8. Not the kind of cruising I am used to, we are finally going on a Caribbean cruise, well not exactly the cruise I wanted, which was an Alaskan cruise, but a cruise to test the waters to see if we like it. We are booked on the Carnival Conquest for a 7 day cruise. Many thanks to Eck and the members that contributed to the cause (cruise) at Vogel. It didnt quite cover all of it, but it helped. Thanks again to all, and especially Eck. In doing so he also assured that there will be more Vogel's to come, I don't know what ever gave him the idea that there wouldn't be................:think:. We will be leaving out of New Orleans Feb 12, and when we get back it will be Mardi Gras, we might even extend our vacation by a couple of days for that.
  9. What a beautiful ride we had this weekend! Met up with Riderduke and TC Friday night in Ashville. On Saturday early morning, Eck joined us after working his Friday shift and riding all night from Charleston. We rode the Blue Ridge Mountains, ate at Pisgah Inn with a gorgeous view of the mountains, (loved all the tunnels), rode through Cherokee, had to stop at DQ. We also saw five hot air balloons in air along the ride. Off through Robinsonville on Highway 74 with a ton of bikes and then onto the Cherohala Skyway. Ran into a little rain along the way but dried out soon! From there we went through Blairsville and then into Elliajay for dinner at Colonel Pooles. After dinner, we took off for Stone Mountain. We checked into the hotel at 9:45 p.m.! Eck was ready for a rest as we were as well! Saturday morning we had breakfast at the Metro Cafe in Snellville and then off to Blackjack's to meet up with Terry and Janis, Muffinman and Margaret. Sling and Peggy arrived not too long after. Konnie, Eck's wife met us at Provinos. Then Gray Ghost and his wife and another couple arrived to join us for lunch. It was a great place to eat! We left with Eck and Konnie, Rick and Peggy. We got home last night around 7:45 and just taking it easy today! Here are a few pictures! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2011/Sleeperhawk%20Mechanics%2020110903%20Georgia/
  10. Since it was too hot to ride the bike Sunday, we took the four wheels to see Eck and Konnie! We went to eat at Fleet Landing with a beautiful view. George and Eck spotted some dolphins but I could not get a picture of them! After lunch, we took a scenic route through Charleston. It always amazes me what a beautiful old historic city it is! After a long afternoon of playing pool, we had pizza at Dough Re Mi, a New York City style pizzeria! The pizza was delicious!! We highly recommend this place and look forward to returning! Just a few pictures of our wonderful day with Eck and Konnie! Thank you both for an absolutely beautiful day!
  11. Thanks for the hug, Eck. Missing you! Say hi to Konnie. Missed you guys at our meet this weekend. It turned out great...except you and Konnie weren't there. AND Don says thanks for the kick. He loves you too! LOL
  12. It was such a beautiful day for bike riding so we headed to Charleston to see Eck and Konnie! Eck met us outside of Charleston and along the way we spotted several fighter jets! After a great Chinese lunch (not withstanding the rice paper talk:no-no-no:!), we headed to their club house and the guys had several games of pool while Konnie and I visited! We had to head home and Eck rode out with us for a while. It was so good to see Eck and Konnie and it is a delight to have them closer to us!!! Thank you both for such a wonderful day!!!
  13. I'm home safe:biker:
  14. looks like the new goldwing tech section is starting to roll. anyone on here that has a wing or is thinking about getting one, check it out. the good info is starting to roll in. eck posted some great info. don't know if i could lay my wing down to change the wheel in the rear, but lots of wing owners do. there's a great movie of a guy doing it in the tech section, thanks to eck.
  15. I had a lengthy chat with our good friend Eck on Monday evening. He has not been on the Forum recently because he and Konnie are still in the process of moving and getting things like the phone and cable hooked up. Everything seems to be going well with the job and their new town. I just thought I would let everyone know he is doing well, is glad to be back at work, and that we should be able to welcome him back any day now... TERRY
  16. Here is the link to the pics. Awesome M&E, Thanks to BlackJack and Eck for getting this put together. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%2020090912%20Rome%20GA/
  17. Now it seems that Eck is after Redbeard when Pick's romance did not work out.... But after it is all done and said, Eck and Connie kiss and makeup!!!:clap2: But.... stayed tuned for events at the next Meet and Eat!!!
  18. I never did get a good bike count, but that was the most ventures I've seen @ once .Think it was mentioned as maybe the largest meet and eat turnout to date. Want to thank Eck and Blackjack for taking the time to put this together again this year. Didn't get to meet everyone but did get to see some bikes hope everyone had a safe trip home and Eck hope your trip on to Florida was a safe one. Maybe some of those picture taking folks will share a few photos .
  19. Eck This is the rally I was thinking was occurring in the Maggie Valley area. Sept 24-26 Wings Over The Smokies GWRRA NC District Rally Fletcher, NC Buchtec is supposed to be there, demoing their trailers.
  20. In our local paper today, we had the obituary for a Retired Lt Col. Eckener "Eck" Pandzic who was 81 years old. He was a very decorated soldier. So, now the world may be down to just one. RandyA
  21. Sleeperhawk and Sleeperhawks Mechanic have just dontated an almost new set, like new condition of Baron's Nasty Boys 2 into 4 slipon mufflers with a set of Family Jewels Extreme Slash Cut Tips to be used as raffle or auction prizes at Vogel. http://www.psndealer.com/powersportsdlr/images/ec0372/BA-1000-00.jpghttp://www.baronscustom.com/images/products/20060511152548.jpg . Many thanks to George and Bobbie....... Since I am on the subject of prizes for Vogel I will give a short list of what I have so far. Barons Nasty Boys w/Family Jewels courtesy of Sleeperhawk & Mechanic Morgan CarbTune Pro courtesy of Sean Morgan @ Morgan CarbTune 8 Cans of ProtectAll Cleaner and Polish courtesy of Protectall 3 Hats from Bama PowerSports 2 Venturerider Hats, courtesy of Cliff Fargason 1 Very large box of misc. items from RSVAngel......to be made into grab bag door prizes. 1 Digital tire gauge courtesy of RoadGear T shirts and mag, subscriptions to Road Runner Mag. courtesy of Road Runner Mag. Several St. Jude hats and Pins Various 2nd Gen parts courtesy of Eck ArmorAll Clean and Polish Towels courtesy of Eck Book- Ultimate Street Strategies for Motorcyclist courtesy of Eck. 3 Tire gauges.....non digital courtesy of Eck 2 or 3 Reflective safety vest. 1 Set of Squidley's light brackets for 1st Gen.....Last set available Gift Certificate for a Wagner Grill (2nd Gen) courtesy of Steve Wagner 50/50 Raffle VentureRider Hats courtesy of Cliff Fargason More to come...............
  22. Just wanted to say Thank's to our own ECK, we met today so he could give me some 2nd Gen parts from his totaled bike,to be used as door prizes and he also gave me some very nice items that he stopped and bought, to be used as door prizes..What a guy........... We were early for lunch so we went and visited Bama PowerSports, the local Yamaha & Honda dealer in Oxford, Al. to check out what they had, and before you know it, Eck is stealing my thunder and asking the salesman if they have any shirts, or anything that we can give away as door prizes, and sure enough, the salesman came through for us. Eck is a class act, I had to fight him for the check for lunch, and I thought I might lose, but he gave in before I did, so I got to pay....... Thanks again Eck, enjoyed our time together, wish we could have gone for a ride but time was short for both of us, hope you can make it to Vogel for a spell. Wont be the same with out you showing up and making that GW dance for us like you made that 2nd Gen dance last time........... Many thanks for all the goodies...............
  23. I posted last week that I would like some help syncing my carbs in the Knoxville area. Eck answered first offering to ride 100 miles to meet me half way. And Ken (slick97spirit) who was visiting his brother here from MO. offered to haul his equipment here and do it for me. I just want to offer a public thanks to both of you. Ken did a great job, and had them in sync in just a few minutes. It runs very smooth now, and my wife & I enjoyed meeting him and his lovely wife.
  24. Hello everyone, Here are pictures of the wagoner grill from Eck wreck bike. Bumble Bee Jacksonville, FL 1999 RSV
  25. I just recieved the following 24pcs x 10mm Round Led Light Bulb Wire/Wired(Bright BLUE) Seller name http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gifmegaplace4u from Hong Kong Shipped them the same day I paid for them ($9.20 no shipping charge) Recieved them after 6 days. Tried them before the post and they work fine. Pig tail is 6 to 8" long. Now all I have to do is wire them together and place them. I know a guy who gives good instructions to those of us that are extremly electrically challenged like me, ain't that right Eck? I think I will be pretty happy with them so I thought I would pass it along to those of you who wanted to fool around with some cheap LEDs without spending a fortune. :banana: I thought the price was right. Many different colors to choose from too. Good luck Bubber aka Steve
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