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  1. http://www.youtube.com/embed/-icgySC4e2c This video may have you thinking twice before eating from the Costco food tasters.
  2. Just a heads up for anyone with a diesel engine... It seems what the gov. did to our gasoline, they are doing to our diesel fuel. My injector pump on the 230 Massey freguson started leaking. I took it off and went to Mountaineer Diesel in St Albans WV. Can you guess what was the first words out of his mouth were? You got it... they are putting things in the fuel that are literally eating the inside of the diesel pumps out.... same as what ethanol is doing to all of our carbs... Who is making these decisions anyway? Going to cost me +600 for a rebuild and I'm seeing RED!
  3. thinking about a little ride sat in maggie valley for thunder in the smokies.sat sept 10 thought about leaving black mountain around 7:00 am and eating breakfest at maggie 8:00 am and than go for ride.who know could be fun!!! you know i am the honey bee.
  4. Hey Don I was just in chat room with bj66 when we were both muted and warned that we violated the rules and was in danger of being blocked from the chat room. We were talking about bowfishing and eating what you get . Shooting the bows and the like when it happend. Are there rules we dont know about? David
  5. Once there was a family who was given some venison by a friend. The wife cooked up the deer steaks, and served it to the husband and children. The husband thought it would be fun to have the children guess what it was that they were eating. "Is is beef?" The daughter Katie asked. "Nope." "Is it pork?" the son Willie asked. "Nope." "Heck, we don't know, Dad!" Willie exclaimed. "I'll give you a clue," the Dad said, "It's what your mom sometimes calls me." "Spit it out, Willie!" cried Katie, "We're eating a$$hole !!!
  6. All is well. In by 7:00 out by 1:00. Had to get a "blow out repaired" (Hernia). I feel great, ready to get back to it but Doc says I have to take it easy for two to four weeks. Guess I'll be surfing the web, watching TV, and eating. All the things I do best. Honey, can you take out the garbage. Oh and the RSV could use a little polish too.
  7. But yesterday after leaving the hospital and arriving at work I was confronted with some very bad news. A young truck mechanic I worked with went home early wed. Because he was feeling very ill. Thursday morning his young wife called in and informed our employer that doctors had to remove Nathan's left leg above the knee. The right arm and right leg were also effected, and a lot of tissue was removed, do to flesh eating disease. On top of that he almost died on the operating table. Nathan is one of those rare people who is always helpful and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. He has two very young preschool children and a wonderful wife. I truly would love to see the same shared prayers sent for this young man as was shown for my father and others in need of them.
  8. Whats the Closest Encounter, you ever had with wild life. tell your story... Back in 1986 I was riding with a club from Plattsburgh NY, called the Royal Knights. we were touring through the mountains, and came to a stop under some nice cover casting trees. to relax. from the back of the group, you can here, OH SH**!!! a few screams, OH Hell's !!!, and shot it, ring out. I'm standing their eating a half a sandwich, when I finally see it. and I slowly walk to the otherside of the bike. Of course it stops, and puts its paw on my seat. (3 or 4 year old Male Brown Bear) while sniffing my sandwich.. ( I'm thinking no Friggin way I'm giving up my lunch.. so I keep eating. one of the ladies, walks up behind me a sprays it in the face with mace. The bear takes off running, everyone still, running around there bikes, as it darts our across the main road, and into a large field.. so Linda asks, you wheren't giving up your sandwich were you? Noop.
  9. holy cow, it's only 14 days off. time sure flew this summer. the weather is cooling down here in mo.. looking forward to seeing you all for some great riding and sight seeing. what an awesome area for a meet. we will be eating the final dinner sat. night at applebees in sullivan,mo.. can't wait. bill
  10. So am I gonna see you at the year end meet and eat this year its only 1365 miles for you to ride up? Havent decided where we are gonna have it yet I have to get home so I can try out a few restaurants and then make a decision on where we will be eating. Jeff
  11. As I have mentioned earlier, I am going thru a lifestyle change. On Nov 19, I weighed 242 pounds and this morning I weighed 207. In another 35 pounds I will weigh about what I will be comfortable with, even though it will still be above the gov/insurance recommendations. The best part is the change in my diabetes control. My A1C was about 11 then and now it is 6.6, which means I had an average sugar level between 250 and 300 and now it is much closer to 100. I have now dropped my insulin from 46 units a night to 15 while working with a doctor. The most amazing part about this is how easy it has been. The biggest change is simply stop eating all the sweet junk I was eating, and now I don't crave them at all. To be diabetic, I was really abusing myself with what I was eating and drinking. I am still eating about anything I want and really don't think of being on a diet, as I am not. Just eating slower, chewing my food and eating smaller portions. The key to eating smaller portions is to eat slow enough to get food into your system rather than eat faster and stuff yourself and still be hungry. It is also about how much better I feel when I finish a meal and not feel stuffed and have a bunch of indigestion. The main reason I am bringing this up is I want to encourage other's to consider what I am doing. I don't suggest going thru a divorce as I am doing to get you to start thinking about yourself, but in my case it has been a real refocus of my personal needs. I also want to encourage others that are type II diabetic or going to be to consider what you are doing to yourself. Diabetes has a bunch of related problems that comes with it. RandyA
  12. I will be riding on Jan. 1, with several hundred people to Ezells Catfish House in CHATOM,Al. about 70 miles each way. Good Eating. Meeting at Wall Mart on hwy 158 at exit 13 at 8:30. tew47
  13. Got a call from Neurosurgeon and back surgery scheduled for November 2nd. So getting bike put up and everything else in order best I can to be ready. Will be in hospital 5-10 days and then months of wearing a huge fiberglass brace. Brace makes you feel like a fool it's so big you have to wear it over your clothes with only sweat pants and tee shirt under it. Will have to quit eating to pay all the co-pays. Seems anyone that sticks their head in the door and asks "how you doing" sends you a bill. Enough of this wish me luck.
  14. OK, some BSing, eating, riding, taking the ferry, more eating, hanging out, BBQ buffet and to top it off, the whipped cream pie in the face for St Jude's. Yes, it's in the VR photobucket. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/The%20hub%20tuesday%202009/
  15. We're an eating club with a riding disorder - well I heard about another group with an eating disorder today that could use a little help to get them past the 4th of July. It is a not for profit organization called Pizza for Patriots that is planning to send a cargo plane full of pizzas to our military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. A donation of $10 will cover the cost of pizza for 2 soliders. Phil and I are going to feed several of them - Take a look at their website to see if you can feed a couple of soliders too! http://www.pizzas4patriots.com/ Let's help support this great project.
  16. I just want to thank Big Tom, Spanky and their friends, Don, Darrell and Debra,my brother Al and his son Marc for joining Rawhide and me here in the Finger Lakes for a day of riding and eating and more riding.(and more eating). This was a little preview of what we hope to do this August here in New York and hope plenty decide to come.We had a great day. I learned I need to slow down a little so people can enjoy the sights a bit more.( Damn 1st.gen, just goes too fast). We missed a few member we would have like to have had here but maybe next time guys and gals. PB&J.Phil.
  17. I was talking with my boss today about ST.Jude and told him i wa tring to figure out a way to make a good impact this year since its my first year to be involved. It turns out he know's all about St. Jude he had a friend who's child spent some time there. So he offered to allow me to have some cook out's at work like 1 a month during the spring and summer months. now along with this he has also offered to donate the hamburgers and hot dogs for me to do thisalong with our big grill. I work for an intermodal facility for the railroad those of you who never heard of that it is the import and export side of the rail road so we have truck drivers in and out of the place all day and they like us have eating disorders so im thinking this is going to work pretty well. I also found out today i can get a corprate donation based on the amount of hours i put into this with a max of $400 that will buy a few teddy bears.. just thought iwould share this good news with everyone. Ron
  18. Didn't take too many so it won't take long. Too busy eating the good food. http://s227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/VB%20Meet%20and%20Eat/
  19. jlh3rd


    i'm loading my bike (07 venture) in the back of my truck and heading out to albuquerque with my girlfriend from pa on may 8...then unloading the bike and riding to roswell, carlsbad, white sands, tombstone, up the coronado trail, pie town, and back.........anyone from those areas that can name out of the way places to eat at and see,let me know........i never push on these trips so i never know where we'll be staying or eating.......
  20. Its so cold outside snow and lows tonight in the single digits with more snow coming. I've still got a few hours of late night work left slapping on some polyurethene on some leftover work ,now I am bored and tired but I remembered this and thought I would share it .......A while back when I was tired of working and eating sawdust I quit working and went for a ride. Thats what its all about , Right? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pp2_sLAXfE]YouTube - Old Hardin Road part 2[/ame]
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