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  1. Preacher, another member here, and I had a fantastic ride yesterday on what some people call "The Arkansas Dragon." I didn't count the curves - got dizzy enough without trying that but I can tell you the grin factor was way up the chart. To get to the good section, find your way to Melbourne on SR69 (North of Batesville, East of Mountain View) then turn West on SR9. The curves from that point on are posted at 20-35mph and there are three beautiful vistas with paved pull-off points. Going in this direction, you end up in Syllamore just North of Mountain View and there just happens to be two GREAT catfish restuarants that also serve Rainbow Trout, steaks etc. To find the route from the West going East, just take SR5 North from Mountain View until you find SR9 East at the four way stop at Syllamore. Ride Safely Lynn http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1075674&id=639519006
  2. The guy this morning on I-696 east heading to the eastside of Detroit on the first gen.....was it someone from this forum?
  3. With the mega storm affecting a lot of the riders on this forum, especially those directly in the path of Sandy, and the extreme cold front that is coming in from the northwest of you, to mix with the rain and wind of Sandy...I just want to wish you all a safe harbor, and hope that everyone comes out of this okay. Please do your best to secure your family and home, and we will all understand if you need to be away from the 'puter for days. Once this has passed, please let us know if you are okay, but more importantly, please let us know if you need any help...anything at all. While I may be on the West Coast now, I have resources that can reach to the East Coast, and can be available to assist those in need on this forum. Just let me know. I wish all of you the best, and hope the best for you and your families.
  4. The wife and I got back Friday after visiting Hocking Hills area. Some real nice riding around there and a lot to get off the bike and see on foot. We left Thursday morning and headed North east and road the scenic ByWays. When the road drops off ahead of you where you can't see it any more until you are on the down side of the hill, can take your breath away. Some great riding in Ohio on the east side. Great roads. We got 850 miles put on our trip. Thanks Ohio.
  5. paysaw

    Iron Butt

    I did my Iron Butt Ride yesterday. Left here in Mississauga and went west to Sarnia.West to Flint MI. North to Sault Ontario. East to Sudbury, east to North Bay.Then south back to Mississauga.Not a great time of 21 Hours as I had many social stops.I met some interesting people along the way including a school mate I had not seen in 38 years. I will post pics later.It was a great day and a great adventure. Ray:322:
  6. Hi there. A buddy and I are leaving Long Island for a week ride. Original plan was to head south, Dragon, Skyline, Blue Ridge, etc but felt the south in August would be way too hot. So now we are thinking North. Been over most of upstate NY, Mt Greystone, MA, Mt Washington NH, Nova Scotia. I'm struggling for a good set of destinations and routes anywhere in Maine promarily nut also northern new Hampshire, vermont, eastern Canada. Kinda thinking about a loop up the east coast, up the US/ Canada border, coming back down NY to long island. I was also thinking of heading west to Michigan, central Canada, back thru ny. Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated Andrew
  7. looking to purchase 1st gen venture near east tn. ty
  8. For those who are interested in going on the Finger Lakes ride when you are at the international, here is the schedule. You do not have to sign up. just be ready to ride. There will be more info at the rally. Ride capt. will be NYJERRY 9:30,Starting out at Pioneer we will head south on RT16 to RT39 east, Take 39 east to the intersection of RT19 Then go straight thru the intersection on Griffith RD. Follow Griffith to RT436 east, thru the towns of Portageville and Nunda on in to Dansville. We will then take RT63 east to RT 21 north and go thru North Cohocton and Naples. Following RT21 to West Lake rd ( county RD16 ) and take that in to Rt20 east in to Canandaigua. We will take a right on to South Main St and have lunch of your choice of dinning places there. After lunch we will meet up at the pre determined location and continual the ride west on RT5&20 Then we shell take RT20A to Conesus lake and turn left on to East lake rd and follow it to the end. Turn right on Sliker hill rd and another right on to West Lake rd (RT256) and go north. Take a right on to Grayshores rd, it turns in to Clunypoint rd then turns in to Pebble beach rd. At the end of Pebble beach rd we will turn Left on to RT20A west. This will turn in to RT39 witch takes us to the Ice cream stop and with any luck the other ride of the day will be there and we can all ride back to Pioneer as a group. You will be back in time for the BBQ. This is one of the most beautiful areas in NY state. Don't miss it.
  9. Passed a 2000 Millennium model about 1:30 PM , he was headed west on County road 442 while I was headed east. Anybody here? If you ae local I would like to meet you maybe for a ride.
  10. Saturday 10 Dec 201 about 1:30 PM I passed a Venture, I believe it was a 99, going west on County Road 42 in Lake County just outside of Altoona. I was heading east on my Blue/Black 07. Was it anyone on here?
  11. And on June 15th, we’ll be leaving on the ultimate road trip. The plan at this time is to head east across Oregon, angle northeast across Idaho to Yellowstone Park. After a tour of the Park, we’ll continue east through Wyoming to Mt. Rushmore. From there, we’ll head south to Colorado Springs for the Pike’s Peak Hill Climb. Then it will be on to the Grand Canyon for a trip on the Skywalk and a helicopter flight over the Canyon. On to Vegas, where we take in a show or two, northwards to Reno, and then back to our home in Springfield OR. We’ve scheduled a full month for the journey. If there’s anyone out there who would be on, or close to, our route who would like to meet for coffee, a meal, or just a quick visit (while we rest up for the next segment of the journey) give us a shout. And, maybe, if anyone out there would have shop space available for maintenance (or repairs) you could let us know. We can’t be specific about when we’ll be anywhere, but we will have the laptop with us and will check messages and emails at least once a day, maybe more. Depends on when and where we can get internet service. We’ll be sure to post some pictures when we get back. Here is the link to the build project photo album in photobucket if you want to take a gander at how it was accomplished. http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/ __________________
  12. Cody is great riding! Jan had to be back early to work on her and Carol's chili for the cook off so we had a short riding day. Even with that, we were able to ride Beartooth from east to west. Got some great pics: http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/VR%20org%202011%20Rally%20-%20Day%201/ Tomorrow Yellowstone! Oh, and sorry Black Owl Dave
  13. Well the Idaho Delegation and her faithful minion erv are packing to hit the road for Cody mañana. Salmon is pretty close...with in a long day...especially going through Jellystone Park...We plan to be in Cody Sunday.. We decided to head toward Bozeman and go south either on Montana 89 to Mammoth and east to Cody from there or Montana highway 191 south to west Yellowstone then east to Cody...a bit further ride but I hear tell it quite scenic. 89 apparently has a hot spring resort sort of thing called Chico hot springs, there is apparently no camping and waiting to make reservations as long as we have find there are no rooms available. There are quite a few camp areas down 191 but getting a spot would certainly be the luck of the draw....so at even this late moment we are still somewhat undecided about our route. Sure would be swell to happen to hook up with some other Venture riders on their way but figure that ain't gonna happen. Have cell phone and the number to call is: 208-303-0993 no doubt a message would need to be left but we check the phone when ever we take a break...and I imagine we will breaking often. Rocket and Rod asked if we could bring along a keg but we figured that by the time we got it there on bikes it would be so shook up we'd never get to drink anything other n foam. We do plan to check with the local Cody distributor to see what may be available. Nothing like keg Cerveza and Fish Tacos... ahem...ahem... and the old Owls road kill chili along with the Utah's diplomats mighty fine tasting ( or so I've heard) and that is if they plan to make chili...Dave? Any comments? Anyway we sure look forward to meeting folks in Cody and find ourselves excited to actually have an opportunity to visit with Lowell again. Ride Safe and see ya there, Teri n erv
  14. In the first week of September, Um taking a little ride. riding the entire East coast. Maybe we can meet up for a cup of Joe http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=17932+sw+29th+lane,+miramar,+fl+33029&daddr=Altona,+NY+to:Plattsburgh,+NY+to:Roselle,+NJ+to:39.67822,-75.49399+to:38.61832,-75.589+to:Norfolk,+VA+to:Murfreesboro,+NC+to:34.83923,-77.29627+to:Georgetown,+SC+to:Charleston,+SC+to:Miramar,+FL&hl=en&ll=35.155846,-75.761719&spn=7.021938,13.688965&sll=32.463426,-80.678101&sspn=1.81215,3.422241&geocode=FetzjAEdy2k1-ymTJ8Te6qPZiDEqSfRHlc6YXg%3BFTTxrAIdbhqc-ylJQncp6TLKTDEjaBHjMGU1nw%3BFV8PqgIdkDKf-ynXfqXoqDjKTDEVdFPFoeiwtQ%3BFb5NbAIdtN-S-ynx4-ZGiLLDiTFz5GeqomjNlA%3BFQxxXQIdmg2A-ylxpuCk4hzHiTHbDen7gzuZOw%3BFdBETQIdeJp--ylJ5RcM7_C4iTHc7N2QNmNBbg%3BFVFMMgIdT_hz-ylFyiJTOpe6iTEKHnrOfxCZqw%3BFQcRLAIdsZFn-ymJFbgK9NGviTFh4Bc6k-XaXQ%3BFb6aEwIdco1k-ylnlBXqMRmpiTEE0AZi2L9agg%3BFUJK_QEd4A9G-ylhxz-5YCsAiTF97MtmUk_Y6Q%3BFXYh9AEd1lk8-yl3JKjcQnr-iDFr7OGu4Pf6NQ%3BFXZbjAEd4us2-yn34VC_mKbZiDH6vOMh5_mpOw&mra=ls&via=4,5,8&dirflg=t&t=h&z=7
  15. Hope you all enjoy these...today was beautiful in East TN. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyODktMjAxMTA2MDctMTU1OS5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyOTAtMjAxMTA2MDctMTYwMi5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyOTEtMjAxMTA2MDctMTYwMi5qcGc.jpg
  16. THE TRIKE IS FINISHED!!!! And on June 15th, we’ll be leaving on the ultimate road trip. The plan at this time is to head east across Oregon, angle northeast across Idaho to Yellowstone Park. After a tour of the Park, we’ll continue east through Wyoming to Mt. Rushmore. From there, we’ll head south to Colorado Springs for the Pike’s Peak Hill Climb. Then it will be on to the Grand Canyon for a trip on the Skywalk and a helicopter flight over the Canyon. On to Vegas, where we take in a show or two, northwards to Reno, and then back to our home in Springfield OR. We’ve scheduled a full month for the journey. If there’s anyone out there who would be on, or close to, our route who would like to meet for coffee, a meal, or just a quick visit (while we rest up for the next segment of the journey) give us a shout. And, maybe, if anyone out there would have shop space available for maintenance (or repairs) you could let us know. We can’t be specific about when we’ll be anywhere, but we will have the laptop with us and will check messages and emails at least once a day, maybe more. Depends on when and where we can get internet service. We’ll be sure to post some pictures when we get back. Probably, by the end of the weekend, we will be posting the trike build photos.
  17. We have finally decided to head to the Northeast states this summer. We have already hit the western states and most of the Southeast states. We need to pick up the states North of D.C.. We are doing a benefit bike ride in July in Indianapolis, and decided that since we are going to be that far east (from Omaha), we might as well continue on from there. We are going to have to get Pass Cards so we can swing by Niagra Falls. Is there much reason to ride around there on the Canada side or is it better to take the U.S. Side to Maine?We figured to ride to Maine then take the eastern seaboard down to D.C., then head west towards home. I know that I want to stop somewhere to see an old sailing ship, one I can go onto and explore. I have always been fascinated by them. My wife thinks we can do this trip in 2 weeks easily. I just can't see it. Again, we are leaving Omaha, NE stopping in Indianapolis for a day then east to Maine, down to D.C. The westward to home. I say 3 weeks would be tight. What do you think?
  18. Greetings fellow Venturers ! I am sorry to say but I will not be able to attend „Freebirds Maintenance Day“ this year like I planned but the „Icelandic Black Death“ will be served like last two years. Made that promise in 2009 and plan to keep it for as long as I am standing tall. The reason we will not attend is that my wife is not off work untill the 6th. of June and she planned to attend with me. However we have booked tickets for USA and are arriving the 11th. of June in Newark Airport and we are going to spend around 19 days riding and visiting friends. We could say it is kind of a late honeymoon so to speak. We really look forward to this and we have decided not to plan the trip day by day but take it as it comes.The plan is to ride across New York state, Ohio and Pennsylvania and maybe dropping by in Indiana if the time allows. Now what I am going to ask is kind of hard for me but here we go: Is there anybody in the States above that could let us overnight if we are riding through ? We do not need any kind of luxury and we will be bringing our sleeping bags. This would make the trip a little easier on us money vice.We can not plan this by dates since we do not want to put ourselves to the pressure of going point to point on a strict timeplan. Means that we would call ahead (most likely the same day or the day before) and see if anybody is home. If nobody is home or we call at a inconvenient time then we just go to a motell with no problem. Sincerely hope that I am not being to frank or rude asking this, but we are sometimes a little bit to much forward we Icelandairs. Most likely caused by the thin air we breath as well as living on an Island and being able to look up the prime minister in the phonebook and give him a call. :>) There is another request for East New York and East Pennsylvania members in another thread I will write after posting this. I am looking for a very nice couple I met at „Freebirds Maintenance Day“ in 2009 that live in East Pennsylvania. Wrote down their name but lost the note. They offered me to store my bike if needed and I would very much like to get in touch with them. Had planned to take the bike home to Iceland but not having a bike in the States is not an option so I need to get it stored somewhere not to far away from JFK or Newark Airport. Anywhere within about 125 miles would work - but the closer the better. Thanks for reading this and we are looking so much forward to meet as many of you as we can this June. Please feel free to contact us through PM messages in this forum or by email: jonaslill@istak.is Friendly regards from Iceland, Username: StarFan Jonas Th. Lilliendahl and Margret S. Bjornsdottir.
  20. I've decided I'm going to add a 2nd gen to the stable (I've got some plans for the 1st gen, but I'll save that for later). I know there's some nice ones in the classifides on here, but if anybody knows of a nice one under $8k within a few hours of East TN, please let me know. Thanks!
  21. of a good painter that could paint a trunk for my RSTD 08 color blue and black? Will be looking to get this done sometime soon. How much does anyone think this might cost? Lower east michigan area. Joe star4772
  22. Just rented a house in Snowshoe WV for 5 days with a group of people from all over the North East. We get together every year for a trip. There was 14 of us and the weather was great as was the whole trip. http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk180/neiar/NEIAR%20VI%20WV%202010/?albumview=slideshow
  23. Hello Everyone. Just trying to put together a bike trip this Sept. Was planning to going to Billings, then south to Red Lodge and head for Cooke City, and keep going west to exit park and head for Livingston. I expect some very cool temps in the pass, but hope this is a good choice for route? Does someone have better suggestions? We plan to keep heading west and eventually head up to BC and the Nelson area before turning back east to home. Maybe we should do the trip in the reverse direction? Open to all ideas. Would like to do Chief Joseph also but perhaps save that for next year on the way to Cody? Thanks.
  24. On June 1st 2010 my 23 yr old son, Brad, is starting his long planned bicycle ride across Canada. His plan is to take up to 12 weeks and ride across the country to help raise funds and awareness for the Brain Injury Association of Canada and their related support societies . His ride will take him close to 4,700 miles from the west coast to the east coast. So if you are riding to or from the Kootneys and happen to see a young man all alone on the highway pedaling his bicycle east.... please ..... stop and say hello to Brad. thanks info on his ride: http://www.brainstormride.org or send me a message.
  25. Hey Nighthawk II, sure was nice to meet you this afternoon! I'd like to come up to Oneida and ride sometime. Maybe we should try to get all the East Tennessee Venture riders together and do the curves of the Big South Fork!
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