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Found 21 results

  1. I'd like to know how do I know if I have a bad rear shock. When I ride with a passenger it seems to bottom out easily. But I'm 300 lbs. & my wife weighs about 140 lbs. So I realize there is some weight on there. I have one of those hand pumps and I give it a few pumps before we both ride, but it seems we still bottom out easily. When I ride alone it takes a pretty extreme bump to make me bottom out.
  2. You will notice that I added back the "similar threads" feature that we had before the site upgrade. Let me know if this is a feature that you like or don't like. I can easily remove it if most of you find it more obtrusive than helpful.
  3. Hi All, I was perusing on fleabay and found a couple pairs of RSV passenger grab bars. I have an 06 RSTD. Are these something that are easily added to the RSDT if I don't have an RSV trunk? Thanks in advance Dave
  4. I like to look over the WS, not thru it. Given my height this means the stock WS is about 1-1/2 too high. bike is 2008 star venture was looking at it and seems like I could cut away the bottom to lower it and much more easily mask my cuts. did some searching but didn't find any relevant threads. Anyone done this or have advice?
  5. J Bird did an excellent job and I am surprised at how low he charged. Any other rally could have at least doubled the cost easily.
  6. KIC

    92 versus 89

    I have an opportunity to go look at/possibly buy a 92 Venture as a parts bike. Just confirming that parts on a 92 would easily work on an 89 ? They are both still a MKII. Any parts that wouldn't work for any reason ?
  7. A friend of mine, a blue knight, was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix. The doctors operated and advised him that all was well; however, the patrolman kept feeling something pulling at the hairs in his crotch. Worried that it might be a second surgery and the doctors hadn't told him about it, he finally got enough energy to pull his hospital gown up enough so he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable. Taped firmly across his pubic hair and private parts were three wide strips of adhesive tape, the kind that doesn't come off easily --- if at all. Written on the tape in large black letters was the sentence: 'Get well soon . From the nurse in the Jeep you pulled over last week.' Kinda brings tears to your eyes doesn't it.
  8. I am a numbers guy, so I find this way of showing stats so amazing. They show health and income numbers for all countries over the last 200 years and actually made it show something that we can understand easily. http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2010/12/200_years_in_4_minutes.php/ Brian PS PLEASE dont let this get political, i only put the link here because I thought it was neat.
  9. First: I was looking thru the calendar to see what events were planned thru the winter. With dozens of birthdays every month, the events tend to get lost. Any chance the events could be bolded or highlighted or coloured so they stand out? I know there is an icon...but these old eyes don't pick that out as easily. No biggie....just a thought. 2nd....I"m probably just missing it because it seems so obvious a need......Is there a link to show SENT PM's? If there is I can't find it!
  10. Had searched venturerider for this info but couldn't find it. Found what I was looking for on another site. For others to easily find it... follow this link.http://forums.ilounge.com/car-solutions/44404-clarion-cbus-audio-input-installation.html
  11. Does anyone know if it's possible to deactivate the crusie control "bump" switch? In other words, to keep the cruise control from automatically disengaging when hitting a large bump in the road. I realize this is a safety feature, but after installing a sidecar to my 2005 RSV, the extra movement from the hack, as well as the lovely roads here in NJ, cause my cruise control to disengage much more easily than when I was on 2 wheels. I'm hoping someone has an answer as I really miss being able to use cruise on the highway. Thanks in advance for any insight!!! Rob
  12. I just got a new ipod for my Bday and want to mount it to the bike and keep it in a case that can easily be taken off who has what and what works best out there? Thanks guys and ride safe out there please.
  13. Hi guys. When I got my bike last year it had brand new front rotors on it and the brakes were not very good. I asked and was told it would take a few hundred miles for the pads to seat nicely. I put on a couple thousand and am still really disappointed with the front brakes. The back will lock up easily and does too often because I think I am over-compensating for the fronts. The odd thing is I've read that some people find the fronts very touchy. So, what is your experience?
  14. Howdy After being overseas (you do not want to know) I am back to my Royal Star and have been offered a set of Khrome werks with 2000 miles . I have the Harley RK muffs except the bracketts but my friend wants $100 for the Khromes and claims I can remove them for long road trips quite easily. I need loud pipes in the city as several times I've had to dodge cell phone users. Are these Khromes worth it and can they be easily removed to put back on the OEM Good to be back in the arms of Yamaha owners. I rode a HD Fat Boy over seas and what a treat to be back in the Yamaha machine Thanks in advance Max
  15. Well, I finally got it on today, and I was very nervous about this whole process. I went very well, got the old one off easily, the new one went on, not quite as easily as the old one came off, but not too bad. It's a Nexen, 165-80/15 that I had Diamond Back vulcanize a 2 1/4" whitewall on each side. I NEED whitewalls!!!!!!!! NOW, beading it up was another thing, did it probabaly 6 times total, each time adding a little more air,and finally (with lowell's sugestion) a little WD-40, and when it popped, made me jump for sure, but it's on, and balanced. Now waiting for my Harley Davidson, rear, MT-90-16 to come on Tue, and then I'll mount that one backwards on the front. This is a Dunlop 402 MT-90/16 WWW, which is 1 3/4". All I can say is that the first bunch of miles should be very interesting! Steve
  16. Before I start ripping the dash apart, can someone tell me if the dash components can be easily separated? As it stands, I cannot use the whole dash on my project bike.
  17. I just had my tires replaced by the local Yamaha shop (by a tech service guy who wasn't born when my 1987 Venture Royale was made). After riding it home, I put it on the center stand to work on cleaning the wheels and noticed that even when in neutral the rear wheel does not spin easily. Is this abnormal? I had noticed when trying to back the bike into the carport it seemed very difficult. How easily should the rear wheel turn? Is it possible the tech overtightened something? Thanks for any info on this as I have only had this bike less than two weeks. Larry
  18. Sounds like a stupid question I know, but... I've got a spare key & rather than leave it hanging at home while away on 2000 mile trip, thought it might be better to put in on bike somewhere that I can get it if I lose my key while on trip. Just wondering if anyone else does that & if so where "could" it be hidden so it's not seen but can be retrieved easily enough with just a wrench if need be (like under the seat)? Not that anyone would tell everyone else exactly where they store theirs though! Just looking for ideas...thanks...JR
  19. Don, would it be possible to make an allowance that we could add tags on threads in the read only technical section? There are a couple in particular that I would like to be able to find more easily.
  20. I need some advice...I have a guy painting my bike (actually repainting the trunk and saddlebag) and he is trying to strip them down, but the paint won't come off. He paints cars (and does good work) but hasn't dealt with plastic much...how can he strip the clear and paint off (quickly and easily) so he can start shooting paint? He has tries a few different strippers, but they aren't taking the paint off. Looking for some help to move this project along and help him not to send days trying to get the old paint off. Dave
  21. Don - A nice feature might be the ability to export the members list into Excel. That way a member could easily find all members in their area for M&E or group ride. Just a thought!
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