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  1. I got an email that you are causing trouble again. The email said that you have nominated me for an award just for putting up with all of the trouble that you cause. I'll have you know that MY middle name is Trouble. AND I don't always share well........well some things anyhow....... First you accuse me of being responsible for all of the wonderful winter weather and lovely snowfalls suitable for a Christmas card that anyone in North America gets , Then you try to steal my name. Now I have to find more, and more creative ways to cause Trouble just to be able to keep my name for myself. If you came into chat more often you would see that even the chat system often recognizes me as the one and only Trouble. Maybe I'll see if I kin make FOG. Ya that'll work for starters.......... I just have to let some of the fog that normally resides between my ears escape out into the world........
  2. Check this out... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnBF6bv4Oe4]Shucking Corn--Clean Ears Everytime - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Two Red Ears A blonde with two red ears went to her doctor. The doctor asked her what had happened to her ears and she answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear." "Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But, what happened to your other ear?" "The jerk called back!"
  4. Need a hand...Front speakers are shot...reading all the old comments I can find it seems the ideal replacement speakers are POLK 107DB400's...Now out of production and replaced with DB401's...Looking at the 401 speaker there are only 2 "Ears" for mounting..will this hold up? Also read a comment on MTX speakers...any help on the model/part number of these speakers? I'm sort of hard of hearing to begin with and have to turn up the volume on the Interstates...Any help? Appreciate..
  5. SilvrT


    Tinnitus (or "ringing in the ears") is sound or noise that no one but the person with the condition can hear. The noise can be constant or come in short bursts, lasting for long periods of time or just briefly. The sound can be loud or soft, can change in pitch and can be heard in either one or both ears. Each person who has tinnitus can probably describe it in a different way. Doctors estimate that over 50 million people in the United States suffer from some type of tinnitus and about one-quarter of them are uncomfortable enough to look for relief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone here suffer from this? What have you done about it?
  6. Oops!! this was sent to me from a friend I just transfer it to here.... My apology to all Chapleau is located 120 miles west of Timmins, Ontario Chapleau excitement! This weekend, we came upon this Cow and Calf on a very small island. As we were taking pictures, the Cow took off in the water towards shore and the calf followed. As we turned the corner of the island, we saw the Cow almost on shore but the calf wasn't even half way to shore yet. All of a sudden, I noticed that the calf wasn't going to make it. As we were heading towards the Calf, it went under a few times. At one point it stopped moving. As we got about 10ft away, it started moving and coming up to surface again. When we got beside it, all I could see was his ears. I grabbed the Calf by the ears to pull it up a bit and then I lifted the Calf right into the boat. The Calf coughed a few times and started breathing. We took a few pics as we rushed to shore to drop it off to Mommy. An experience of life time.
  7. Why is it those meteorologists gotta be throwing that "s***" word around so willy nilly and all so early in the fall already?! If I plug my ears and pretend I never heard it, will it stay away?
  8. How to explain this. - - the windshield bolts to a strip of metal running across the inside of the fairing. This strip of metal is mounted on each end with a plastic ear to the inside of the fairing and at the center with a bolt to a raised mount. Both ears are broken - only thing holding it is the center bolt. It's a '05 so the warranty covers it but, in two weeks is a trip up to VA and back. (Blue Ridge and Skyline) Don't think there's time for the dealer to handle it. What about two small angle brackets in place of the ears. Any reason it wouldn't work??? Don't know how much trouble it will be to grind the ears off and mount the brackets. Any thoughts anyone???
  9. Once again, we've more than made up for our membership fee. Someone on here posted a thread a couple of weeks ago about inserting your headset ear peices actually into the side of the helmet. Told the hubby about it last night and he just called. He just did the retrofit and said it worked great....don't even know they are in there. We take off for a 5k trip in a couple of days and all I could think about was how much my ears were going to hurt as our helmets fit perfect without the earpiece, but tight with them in. Now, thanks to the post, we'll both be comfy!! Tried to find the post, but couldn't so whoever started it thanks!!!!
  10. I am so excited my Granddaughter Ella, who is now 10 months old, finally has a full head of hair. Now she can keep her little ears warm. Voila! YAMA MAMA
  11. I've installed the Polk 401db speakers in my 06 Midnight tonight.. Man, there's a job ya only wanna do once, especially in the trunk!! But was well worth it.. I don't think the volume is any higher than the clarion speakers but the quality is better to my ears. To my ears.. the Polks at volume 20 is like the Clarions at volume 17 or 18-ish.. Not sure.. One of the rear speakers on mine was damaged so I had to replace it.. I find these speakers to have a better quality sound, a deeper and richer tone to them.. Tomorrow I'll find out what they are like on the road..
  12. Question: I just ordered a Garmin C330, GPS --- Need information as to Which Mounting system is the best to go with ?? for the 1st Gen. Any Opinions ??? I'm all Ears for once !!
  13. I recently purchased a set of IMC-HS-G45U-FIVE PIN HELMETLESS HEADSET with lower cords from Sierra Mc Electronics. Here is the problem. When I plug them in there is such a terrible noise that you cant' even get them close to your ears. I'm not sure what I need to do. Any help would be great, thanks
  14. i just found out i got a cma group from orlando area are camping at my camp ground next week . anybody here belong to them ? or do i get to stalk them by my self , my luck it will be a bunch of HD and wing riders , but i can still talk their ears off and than out run them and upto the meet and eat , may be i'll be talked out before i get up there , that ain't gona happen :rotfl:
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