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  1. Like some of you might now I was looking into buying some Second Gen carbs that were listed on eBay by Pinwall Cycles. Well I got them for 304 US$ with shipping in USA and am one happy guy. They are already on their way to Earl Harell (skydoc_1). Then Earl sent me a mail Saturday morning and told me he had found some V-Max cams for my bike and was on his way over to Harrisburg to have a look at them. These cams are from a 1989 Vmax and only have 80 miles on them!!! Thats right, only 80 miles! The guy who had them rebuilt the motor, ran it 80 miles, sold the block and heads and had the cams left over.To cut a long story short Earl got all four of them for 200 US$ and now in general we only have the following things missing before we start the project: - (2) Intake boots - Yamaha part number 4XY-13586-10-00 - (2) Intake boots - Yamaha part number 4XY-13596-10-00 -(4) Intake boot clamps - Yamaha part number 4XY-13575-00-00 -(4) airbox boots - Yamaha part number 4XY-14453-00-00 -(4) airbox boot clamps - Yamaha part number 90460-58015-00 - (16) Spring valve inner - Yamaha part number 36Y-12113-00-00 -(16) Spring valve outer - Yamaha part number 36Y-12114-00-00 -(4) fabricated adapter plates (Good old Earl-skydoc_1)) and the Dyna ignition module as well as bolts washersh and stuff. So, if any of you guys and girls have any of the above sitting in your garage and would be willing to part with them then I would surely be interested in buying. I´ll keep you posted as things move along. Friendly regards from Iceland / Norway. Jonas http://www.yamahaofwarren.com/common/images/blank.gif
  2. I know this is not a vid of a motorcycle, but it sure is cool! Maybe this will be the Next Gen. from Yamaha in a three wheeler, Yea, Right! [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD]The AeroMobil 3.0 Flying Car Has Arrived [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Enjoy, Earl
  3. My ridding buddy just made the deal. He is trading his 08 HD Ultra in on a new Venture. The dealer had to get it from another dealer and it should be ready for pick Saturday. I sure hope he is happy with it. Earl
  4. I found this very interesting: Enjoy, Earl
  5. Been trying to contact Earl with no luck. Just wandering if everything is OK. Mike Allen
  6. I've decided to fix the Broom, so I'm looking for stock parts for a 99 RSV that you may have in your garage. I need handlebars, windshield right front fork, .........and other assorted goodies. Last Sunday, for some unknown reason, I grabbed the front brake going into a left turn. Locked it up, skidded accross the road and landed upside down. Go figure, the weekend before I drove 500 miles to Gettysburg and back without incident, this happened 25 miles from home. Just had routine maintenance done by Earl, aka SkyDoc, and he did a great job! There wasn't one leak or drip when it was upside down or even after being righted! Hope it will be on the road in time for Oberlin, so I can get those pretty pinstripes back. http://s1133.photobucket.com/albums/m583/MaryJo44/Broom%20crash/?albumview=slideshow&track=share_email_album_view_click
  7. Skydoc_17: I just had Double Hernia Surgery last week, so I don't know for sure if I can ride the 87'VR over, but my brother has offered to drive me over. Take care of yourself Earl
  8. may the circle be unbroken
  9. I am scheduled to have my right hip replaced Thursday. Venture Family keep me in your prayers. Earl
  10. My brother and I put this custom go cart together for my 13 year old Nephew for Christmas, he said, "Gee Thanks Uncle Earl, but I really wanted an XBOX"! Go Figure! Anyone want a screamin' BumbleBee Go Cart for Christmas? I'm so mad I'd sell it for half what it is worth! Earl
  11. Merry Christmas From Jean and Earl. ENJOY! http://www.flickspire.com/m/Share_This/changeforadollar?lsid=161f9da9b7692b6
  12. Deka gelcell delivered $99 I tried to start the Venture and nothing, not hardly a click. After a quick search I found that Skydoc 17 (Earl) sold batteries. All the reports said that the Deka was a good choice so I called and Earl had it in the mail on Monday. Wednesday it was in the bike and I was enjoying a short ride - would have been a longer ride if I didn't have this doggone flu. Thanks Earl
  13. ......... fine Swiss watch! Short version of a long story. Last fall I bought a 89 VR and took it to Earl and told him to do whatever it needed to make it run like new. Well, he kept the bike over the winter and spent many, many hours going thru the bike from top to bottom and front to back. He did everything but remove the engine from the frame. He sent me a two page list of all the things he did to the bike. In April, I picked up the bike and decided to have it painted because I had to replace the front fairings, as they were damaged on the left side. The bike was blue and the fairings were black (thank you to Doug Nordin for the fairings). So, off to the paint shop for three weeks. Well, now I have it done and took a ride on it to Bongobob's 4th of July BBQ. I have to thank Earl for all the hours he put in over the winter, working on the bike. The bike runs so smooth, I can't believe it has the same motor in it. Thank you, Earl. You have no idea how happy I am with your work. I am now going to have it pin stripped and then will be finished with it. Also, a big thank you to Rick Butler. Your seat mod is so comfortable, I can now ride for hours. Everyone should have your seat mod done. Below is a pic of the bike after it was painted. PS....to Earl: I already have a list of things to do to the bike next winter! Clutch mod and SS lines to start.
  14. Following is a "very condensed" version of my experience with Earl (skydoc_17) and his 2nd gen clutch upgrade kit. After installing the kit, I was not happy with a specific aspect of the results. Sorry, I hesitate to go into details at this time other than to say the kit does work. In any event, Earl has provided me with an acceptable workaround that should solve my specific issue. By this I just wanted everyone to know how very helpful Earl has been, and willing to ensure my full satisfaction, even though I really wasn't asking anything specific from him. I explained the issue, told him what I did to correct it and he went the extra mile (actually more) and offered a better solution. Thank you so much Earl, there are so many who could learn what the meaning of Customer Service is from you. Also I want to thank Squeeze for his input and expertise in this matter. What an amazing group of people we have here. :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
  15. I did a fork rebuild on my '84 and polished the fork tubes while I had it torn down. Earl came up with his Block Off Plates for the anti-dives while I was in the middle of all this so I picked up a set. I wanted the ugly butt anti-dives gone. So today I had it all finished up and back on the bike. Got to admit, it slicked the forks up real nice. Thanks Earl for the time and effort you spent on these.
  16. Earl (SkyDoc) had been trying to sell me those "special calipers" for my bike, well I finally purchased his complete brake system and I must say fellows, it does make a difference and even though I questioned was it worth it before I bought the calipers and steel lines, I can tell you it is. My braking is soooooo much more smooth and yes, it will throw you into the windshield. Not trying to push this for SkyDoc, just passing along my experience.
  17. Hoping you were going to be able to give us an update on your dealings with Earl. So far, it looks like most of the damage was on the Outter Banks. RandyA
  18. That's Hurricane Earl. I hope this thing doesn't have a direct hit here. Worst part is they aren't calling for this to be less then a cat 4 when it gets close. Local news was out at Rodanthe and the folks that are vacationing are saying they aren't leaving. Kinda stupid. Once the storm gets here hwy 12 will be gone, after that they are stuck. That's really no place to stay when something like this comes through. Guess they never saw any of the news during any of our other hurricanes or nor'easters. I'm not a big fan of these things, the winds scare me. Too many trees near us. During Isabel we couldn't get out till the fire dept chain sawed it's way in to us. Plus this thing is gonna be here at night. I hate that even more you can't see anything that's happening, not that I want to see it. Well hope everyone stays safe during this. Good news is Fiona looks like she'll stay away. Of course then the next one may be forming by then. Margaret
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170517128098&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Just browsing E-Bay again. I was going to order from Earl soon but what ya think of this one. You can answer too Earl, I know I will get a good honest answer and you know a little more than I about these things. Another one is All State Batteries here in my back yard claimes they have a Glass- Mat now for around a hundred bucks and I know a guy that gets a discount there. "Ugly's" battery a wally-world special has never acted as it should. I know cables would do wonders for her. Brown sugar has a Allstate that is very strong. How old is it Skid? I think couple of yrs.
  20. Hey Earl, how are things progressing? Hope all is going well for you.
  21. Anyone know if the clutch spring kit for 2nd Gen are still available from Earl? If not what's the next best option?
  22. Skydoc17 where are you? Is he OK?? He has not read a private message in the last 9 days??? Moderator: When was his last Log On? I hope every thing is AOK with Earl??? Concerned...... Charlie
  23. I rode to Vass this saturday to see Steve and meet Earl from Pa. He's bumming around and fixing bikes for food and lodging until he has to go back to work or his bride tells him to come home. I didn't think my bike run that bad but Earl synced the carbs and put in two plugs and now I have a new bike. Earl has been invited to my house for steaks and lodging if he will put in the two front plugs; I think he's coming. Anyway, thanks Steve and Earl.
  24. I road up to SteveD's house on Saturday and met him and Earl & John for the first time. Was a pleasure to meet them, Earl put in my new diaphragms and repaired my slides, needle mod & synchronized carbs. ( an I helped) Steve looked over my bike with a fine tuned flashlight, now I know my frame was welded and in good shape, He showed me my slides were not moving right 2 not at all. (glad I bought the diaphragms in the group buy) The roads were wet so I didn't roll on the throttle to much but the bike is running a lot smother, my mirrors don't shake as much and starts easier. I hope to go for a ride soon to test the improvements. I have to go to Beaufort County SC to work with the Sheriff's Office for 3 days so it will be a few days. Thank You so very much Steve & Earl ps, Another example of what fine people we have at VentureRider.Org
  25. Today I spent a most pleasurable day with SkyDoc doing some work on the bike. It was worth it just to spend time with it, to say nothing of putting in new diaphragms. I think I could even do it now! If you have any 1st gen issues, he would love to hear from you Thanks, Earl for a great day. Things ran just fine on the way back home. Any time I can get 160 miles on a tank of gas I think it is pretty good.
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